First-class daughter

Chapter 456 Want to clean her up

Chapter 456 Want to clean her up
Chapter 456 Want to clean her up
On the other side are the princes and ministers who did not play Cuju, as well as the young master of your family. They are also eagerly waiting for the start of the Cuju competition.

Emperor Cheng of Zhou loved Cuju since he was a child. After he became emperor, he even regarded Cuju as a way of "governing the country and practicing martial arts". Ju Ke".

It is said that Jiang Keji, the commander of the imperial guards, was once a master of Cuju, so he was transferred to the Hall of Rongyuan by the emperor, and later he was promoted to the position of commander all the way. He would also play Cuju on important Cuju occasions, such as today.

Not only men, women in the Great Zhou Dynasty were also very keen on cuju, and women's cuju once became a must-have item in some gatherings for people to watch.

Therefore, the princesses and noble ladies on these fields can also play Cuju. Today they are also wearing Cuju costumes, and they will also perform Cuju "white fight" later in the meeting.

At this moment, the field is divided into two camps, separated by the goal, and the two sides are on one side. The rule is to shoot "the most wins"——

The two teams are Feng Yu, Feng Ye, and Xiao He headed by Jiang Keji. The four of them wear black robes and white leggings. Lv Jingyao, Xiao Hu, and Feng Rong, headed by Feng Yunzheng, wore white robes and red leggings.

At this time, the competition has not yet officially started, and everyone is still arranging their Cuju clothes and doing some warm-up activities.

"Lian Siyue..." Princess Eleven sat down next to Lian Siyue and shouted.

As soon as Lian Siyue saw her, she stood up and said, "Princess."

Princess Eleven looked around, approached her, and asked in a low voice, "Lian Siyue, have you received any message?"

Lian Siyue knew who she was asking, shook her head, and said, "Not yet."

Princess Eleven showed a look of disappointment on her face.

"If there is, I will tell the princess as soon as possible." Seeing her downcast eyes, Lian Siyue said again.

"Okay!" Eleventh Princess nodded vigorously after hearing this, and then returned to her seat.

Feng Yunzheng stared at the familiar figure on the high platform, a smile slowly appeared on the corner of his lips, Ye Feng handed a red silk belt to Feng Yunzheng's hands with both hands.

Feng Yunzheng tied the red silk on his forehead, and suddenly he looked a little more handsome. When he turned to see Lu Jingyao, the coldness in his eyes suddenly deepened.

"Your Majesty, that's Lian Siyue that Mrs. Xiao said." Lu Jingyao's guard came over to give him a kerchief to wipe his face, approached him quietly, and said in a low voice.

Lu Jingyao looked in the direction the guards were looking at, and his eyes fell on Lian Siyue. He saw that this woman was dressed in plain clothes, her eyes were calm, her face was indifferent, and her temperament was completely different from other women around her. She looked like a cold orchid .

Lu Jingyao narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "Her? Unfortunately, this girl's appearance and temperament are not liked by the king of this county, but the person next to her, I like it very much, like a smart little thing, it must be very nice to take home and raise." interesting."

The guard took a look and said, "Young King, this is the Eleventh Princess Feng Lingyue, born by the Empress, but the Empress is now restricted in her freedom. Although she is a princess, she has no weight, and the Emperor doesn't like her very much. Let's estimate today." It’s just filling up the number of people.”

"Oh? That's really pitiful." Lu Jingyao's eyes fell on Princess Eleven, with a faint expression in his eyes.

"But... she is already engaged to Young Cousin Xiao He." The guard said.

"It turned out to be Xiao He's woman. It's a pity." Lu Jingyao showed a regretful expression on his face, "But I don't have to like it. The person I want to marry must be like a moon."

But at this time, Xiao He flew from the Cuju field all the way to the high platform, his eyes fixed on the small figure above, and that high-spirited and wanton posture attracted the attention of everyone around him.

He ran all the way to the bottom of the high platform, and he didn't care about other people's eyes. Anyway, the eleventh princess had already made a clear marriage proposal to him, and he just wanted to marry her back home when the time was right.

He shouted at Eleventh Princess, "Ling Yueer, Ling Yueer..."

"Princess." Zhili, who was waiting beside her, called softly, and Princess Eleven realized that Xiao He was calling her and waved to her. She didn't want to reply at first, but when she thought about how she had lied to him that day, she felt guilty again, so she decided to He stood up, walked to the front, looked down, and said, "Xiao He, what's wrong?"

Xiao He raised his head, looked at her with a smile on his face, and asked, "Which item do you like in the hands of the emperor, I will win it for you."

"Can you win if you want to?" Eleventh Princess was a little disapproving of his words.

"Of course." Xiao He said very ostentatiously, "The emperor said, just try your best and don't care who your opponent is, so if I work hard, I will definitely win.

Princess Eleven looked at Xiao He's wanton and arrogant face, but couldn't help but think of another bright and sad face——

Lian Jue, if he hadn't left, he would definitely be on the Cuju field today, letting people see his figure like wind and fire.Now I have been walking for several days, and I don't know what happened. Is it safe?
Seeing Princess Eleven suddenly in a daze, Xiao He froze for a moment, the expression on his face froze for a moment, and asked, "Ling Yue'er, what are you thinking?"

The eleventh princess came back to her senses, looked down, and said, "Xiao He, I don't want anything, you can do whatever you want, don't work hard for me."

"Hehe..." Xiao He smiled, "Since I don't want anything, I'll give you whatever I get." Then, he waved to Princess Eleven and ran to the Cuju field. Looking back at her after a few steps, and looking back at her after running a few steps, thinking that Ling Yue'er is watching his Cuju, he is full of strength——

A long time later, when he thinks back on all the days when he worked hard for Ling Yue'er, it is the most beautiful time he can think of.

As for the other thirteenth princess, Feng Tangyao, watching this scene, she felt that her heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys were going to burn with anger, and she was filled with deep jealousy——

Why?Why does Feng Lingyue have nothing and Xiao He still wants her?
Why did Emperor Father never like Feng Lingyue, but Xiao He only liked her?

She is obviously gentle, virtuous, generous and decent, but Feng Lingyue is crazy all day long, but Xiao He doesn't look at her, and now he also excuses that he is busy with work, so he doesn't come to teach her how to practice swords. She blocked him several times on the road, and he They all turned around and left, avoiding seeing them.

She really wanted to kill Feng Lingyue!

"Princess, your tea has been spilled." At this time, a cold voice sounded beside her, and Feng Tangyao trembled all over. When she looked down, she realized that she had squeezed the cup too hard, and the water in the cup had spilled out. , she panicked, a handkerchief was handed over——

"Princess's clothes are wet, wipe them off."

Feng Tangyao hurriedly took Siyue's handkerchief, and said, "Cousin Siyue, thank you."

"It's okay, the princess doesn't want to dirty her clothes." Lian Siyue's eyes lightly passed over her hand, without saying anything, her eyes looked at the Cuju field.

"Start!" Feng Degui gave an order, and the Cuju competition started.

I saw these handsome and tall princes and sons began to gallop around a ball on the Cuju field, and they all looked vigorous.

Zhou Chengdi watched with great interest, clapping his hands for a good ball from time to time, and sighing because some people missed the chance to shoot.

At the beginning, the two teams on the court worked hard and were equal in strength, and there was no victory or defeat for a while.

Xiao Rou didn't care to look at Cuju, her eyes kept falling on Feng Qianyue on the other side, her heart followed him up and down, the Fourth Highness smiled, and the Fourth Highness frowned, all of which caused a burst of excitement in her heart. ripple.

When she saw Feng Qianyue get up, she quickly stood up and whispered to her new maid, Su Yin, "Hurry up, help me over."

In the past, there must have been Feng Qianyue on the Cuju field, but this time, his father did not arrange for him to play. He felt that it was boring, so he got up and walked under the inconspicuous apricot tree behind the high platform, his eyes slightly Squinting, the sun hits his face.

After a while, there was a sound of footsteps behind him, as if he was sure that this person would come, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

Xiao Rou signaled Su Yin to step back, leaning on crutches, she limped up behind Feng Qianyue step by step, and called, "Your Highness."

Feng Qianyue turned her head and saw Xiao Rou, a flash of surprise seemed to flash across her face, then she became a little indifferent, and said, "Why don't you just watch Cuju over there, why are you running out?"

His gaze swept under Xiao Rou's skirt where only one leg could be seen, thinking that this would be his wife in the near future, a strong feeling of disgust surged in his heart.

However, he can't abandon her yet, she is a link between him and Xiao Guogong, and he must hold on to it firmly, and now he must rely on the Xiao family.

"I..." Xiao Rou was a little shy, a blush appeared on her face, she looked at the Fourth Highness, and really felt that he was getting more and more handsome, "I think His Highness seems to have something on his mind, so I will come and take a look."

Feng Qianyue sighed lightly, her eyes looked a little sad, and said, "I really have something on my mind."

"Can you talk to me? I want to share the burden with His Highness." Xiao Rou asked anxiously.

She broke her leg, and she was very inferior in front of Feng Qianyue. Now when she heard that he was troubled, she was anxious to help him. Only when she was sure that she was useful to him, could she feel that she was valuable .

"I'm a majestic prince, but I'm in prison, and my face is completely wiped out. How can I swallow this breath, so I'm just worried." Feng Qianyue's eyes were full of sadness, and he looked at Xiao Rou from the corner of his eyes glance.

After hearing this, Xiao Rou squeezed the veil tightly, and said, "It's all caused by that bitch Lian Siyue! She caused me to have a broken leg, and made His Highness go to jail. I really can't swallow this breath! Your Highness, We must not make it easy for her."

"You want to deal with her?" Feng Qianyue asked.

(End of this chapter)

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