First-class daughter

Chapter 457 I want you to be happy

Chapter 457 I want you to be happy
Chapter 457 I want you to be happy
Xiao Rou raised her head, with a look of ardent longing on her face, "Your Highness, I am your future princess, you are my God, if you collapse, what future do I have. So, even if you don't For the sake of Your Highness, I have to clean her up, otherwise, she thinks that the Great Zhou Dynasty will not be able to hold her."

"It's just that Lian Siyue is full of tricks. She has fought against her several times, and she has gained advantage every time. If we step forward, I'm afraid we will be implicated again." Feng Qianyue said with foresight and foresight.

Xiao Rou nodded, "Your Highness's words are reasonable, we have to teach her a lesson, but it is best for someone to act for us, but where can we find such a person?"

"Jiuhuangdi loves Lian Siyue, you just need to see who loves Jiuhuangdi." Feng Qianyue's voice sounded light and shallow, as if he mentioned it inadvertently.

When Xiao Rou heard it, she suddenly realized, her eyes lit up, and she said, "I understand! Jealousy is the most terrible sharp blade, I just need to see who has this sharp blade in his hand."

Feng Qianyue looked at Xiao Rou's back as she limped away, and the faint smile on her face suddenly froze——

He has always been a master in the field of love, he is best at grasping women's minds, and then use them to make them serve him. In the past, Concubine Xuan by the emperor's side, and Fangyou by Concubine Liang's side were all like this. Only Lian Zhaoyi Huizhi was an accident.

And Xiao Rou is a moth in his palm, it is her destiny to fight the fire for him.

Feng Qianyue concealed the little bit of guilt deep in her heart, her face became colder, and her heart became harder——

"Feng Qianyue, don't forget how you got here, you don't need to show mercy to anyone... You don't have any turning back now, you just need to walk forward step by step on the bones of thousands of people..."

He said to himself in his heart.

Su Yin supported Xiao Rou back to the high platform, the game on the Cuju field was still going on, and now the team headed by Feng Yunzheng had already taken the lead.

At this time, a ball was kicked high into the sky by Xiao He, and everyone was eager to try it. The ball finally landed in front of Feng Ye. There was an evil smile on Feng Ye's face, and he used a beautiful "mandarin duck abduction" to throw the ball into the air. The ball was kicked back to Xiao He.

"Okay!" This beautiful mandarin duck immediately stunned everyone in the audience, and everyone let out a burst of exclamation.

"Wonderful! It's really wonderful! Ye'er's mandarin duck abduction is really wonderful. He is worthy of being a person who has led soldiers and fought in battle. It's wonderful, very wonderful!" Emperor Zhou Cheng stood up with his hands clapped, and said in a loud voice, "Feng Degui, Reward the Eighth Prince with the golden boots I prepared."

Concubine Xu Xian was very happy when she heard this, she hurriedly got up and said, "It's all because the emperor taught you well."

"The emperor rewards His Royal Highness with a pair of golden boots!" Feng Degui ran into the field, shouting in a shrill voice.

Feng Ye took the golden boots and returned to the horse. He held up the golden boots in his hands and stood on top of the tall horse, accepting the praise of everyone.

But his gaze involuntarily looked in the direction of Lian Siyue, looking neither far nor near——

The girl has grown up a bit, and she is even more moving from the ground up, with a sense of elegance that is out of the world.

However, such a girl does not belong to her.

It's not because he didn't go after her, but because she stopped her from going forward when he just took a step, so he had to retreat.

It is said that Lu Jingyao intends to marry her, and she will definitely not want to go. Should he take this opportunity to ask his father for a marriage in advance?
He gritted his teeth, turned around, and continued to kick the ball.

Concubine Xu Xian who was sitting next to the emperor noticed Feng Ye's eyes, her heart skipped a beat, and the smile on her face faded——

Too bad, it seems that Ye'er has not really forgotten Lian Siyue.


Concubine Xu Xian's gaze became serious, what should Ye'er do to give up?Her gaze involuntarily fell on Lu Jingyao who was doing Cuju. If the king of Jiayu County married Lian Siyue away, then she would be able to sit back and relax.

I just don't know, what will happen?
At this moment, when everyone was applauding the excellent plan of His Highness Eighth Prince, Liang Runan of Liang Guofu's eyes fell on another person——

The man was graceful, although he was doing such an intense exercise like cuju, but his whole body movements were flowing like clouds and flowing water, retracting and releasing freely, even sudden bursts were not chaotic.

Seeing Liang Runan's gaze, Xiao Rou smiled slightly. Earlier, I heard from the noble ladies in the capital that Liang Runan once presented his collection of poems to His Highness the Ninth Highness on the day of the Empress Dowager's birthday banquet, but His Highness Nine did not accept it. Later, she Had no choice but to leave in despair.

As a well-known talented woman in Kyoto, Liang Runan's poems were frequently circulated, and even the former prince Taifu praised her in public for her talent.

However, the collection of poems was not sent out. I heard that Liang Runan stayed behind closed doors for a long time because of this.

At this time, the Cuju competition in the first half was over, this time Feng Ye's team won by two goals.

The emperor announced a suspension of rest.

Lian Yanqing hastily sent word to call Lian Siyue over——

"Why is father looking for his daughter?" Lu Jingyao over there just happened to look over here.

"It turns out that you are the one that the King of Jiayu wants to marry." Lian Yanqing cast a glance over there, turned around, and said in a low voice.

"Then what will father do this time?"

Lian Yanqing was taken aback, Lian Siyue didn't have any fear when she heard the news?Not even a trace of nervous expression, he paused, said:

"I don't want you to marry in the past. This must be a scheme of the Xiao family and the Lu family. If you go in the past, you may not be bullied by the Lu family." Lian Siyue is the daughter of his prime minister, He is so smart, and even easily obtained the title of a first-rank county head. It is not simple in every way. Such a daughter can't even beg for it. How could he marry her to Pingzhou?

Lian Siyue is not surprised at Lian Yanqing's choice, because she is now a valuable person to the Xiangfu.

"At the moment, it seems that we can only get out of this predicament if the Ninth Prince comes down to ask you to marry me." Lian Yanqing said with a thoughtful expression, his gaze slowly sweeping over Lian Siyue's face.

Lian Siyue chuckled lightly, and said, "Father, you were the one who kicked His Highness Ninth Prince out of the prime minister's residence back then."

Lian Yanqing said with embarrassment on his face, "It's not like you don't know the situation at that time, the emperor..."

"Then why does father think that His Highness the Ninth Prince is the kind of person who will go away when he is called?" Lian Siyue said coldly, "Besides, even father knows that Lu Jingyao wants to marry me, but you Let His Highness Jiu go to the emperor to ask for a marriage at this time, what do you want the emperor to think of His Highness Jiu?"

"..." Lian Yanqing paused, yes, this is His Highness Ninth Prince, not someone else, would His Highness Ninth Prince take risks in front of the Emperor in order to keep Yue'er from going to Pingzhou?
He frowned deeply, and said, "For the current plan, we have to take the worst strategy." As he spoke, he took out a porcelain bottle from his sleeve.

"What is this?" Lian Siyue asked.

"This is the medicine that I asked Dr. Lu to prescribe. As long as you take it, you will look like a sick person. When the time comes, the emperor bestows a marriage, so we can evade it." Lian Yanqing said.

Lian Siyue took the porcelain bottle, with a faint sarcasm on the corner of his lips, and even brought the medicine. It seems that his father really made two-handed preparations. He just said that His Royal Highness Jiu wanted to marry him, but he actually wanted to spy on him. After her relationship with His Highness Jiu was rejected by her, he immediately took out the medicine. ——

Anyway, he will never let the Xiangfu suffer.

"Father, have you ever thought about it? If my daughter postponed this marriage because of her illness, if it is passed on by word of mouth, wouldn't I be passed down as a person who is not in good health and cannot marry?" Lian Siyue kindly "reminded "road.

Sure enough, Lian Yanqing was stunned when he heard this, yes, he wanted to keep this daughter because she was useful, but if someone called her a sick child, who would dare to have her in the future?
Lian Yanqing saw that Lian Siyue was still so calm and determined, and thought to herself, could it be that she should have already figured out a way to protect herself quietly.

Lian Siyue looked at the porcelain bottle, but put the bottle back into Lian Yanqing's hand, and said, "Father, I don't need to gamble with my body to reject Lu Jingyao."

"Then what can you do?" Lian Yanqing asked.

"At that time, as long as my father stands by my side unswervingly." Although, this father is always calculating and calculating, and he has been thinking about himself all his life.

However, she is his legitimate daughter, and now that even Shiya has been abolished, and the other sisters are not very popular, he already has to rely on her as his legitimate daughter, so the battle between their father and daughter is still the same. Very consistent, which didn't bother her at all.

"Don't worry, I will never let you marry into the Lu family, you don't have to care what Lian Xiang says." After Lian Yanqing left, Feng Yunzheng walked over, stood beside her, and said.

"I have nothing to worry about. It's just that I don't want to be cheap. Those who disgust me have been manipulated by others in the previous life. I already hate this feeling. Now they still want to use me and manipulate my fate. It's just courting death." Lian Siyue With a light snort, he said.

"You just have fun with Eleven and the others, I will arrange it." Feng Yunzheng blinked, and said mischievously, "Bao Qing is satisfied."

"No!" Lian Siyue was as stubborn as a child, raised her head and said to him, "I want to come together too, I like the feeling of doing it myself."

"Hehehe..." Feng Yunzheng smiled softly and said, "Okay, are you happy?"

He was really obedient to her.

On the high platform, a pair of fists were clenched secretly, and those eyes were looking at this side tightly. Seeing the spring-like smile on Feng Yunzheng's face, Liang Runan's heart was full of displeasure.

"Do you know who gave the jade pendant on His Highness the Ninth Prince's waist?" At this time, a voice rang in her ear.

Liang Runan was stunned for a moment, then he turned his head abruptly, and saw Xiao Rou was beside her, Liang Runan turned around quickly, lest someone would see what was on his mind.

She said, "I have seen this jade pendant at a close distance. It is hand-polished, and the color is not bad, but the polishing is very ordinary. It does not match his identity and temperament. It must be a gift from a very important person, so it is like this Carry it with you, is it Concubine Liang?"

"No." Xiao Rou shook her head and said, "You guessed half right, it was given by an important person, but this important person is her!" Xiao Rou looked at Lian Siyue who was getting up to leave the high platform .

Liang Runan turned her head and saw Lian Siyue, her heart tightened suddenly, "Is it from Lian Siyue?"

Xiao Rou nodded and said, "Yes."

Looking at Lian Siyue's figure, Liang Runan slowly frowned——

"Actually, I heard from several highnesses that Lian Siyue has been obsessed with His Highness the Ninth Highness, and His Highness Ninth Prince is very passive, so he has no choice but to give in. Hmph, you have heard of it, right? It looks noble, but it is actually a lowly thing. Do you remember her scandal in Yaocheng before? She was obviously the young master of the Su family in Yaocheng, but she bit back, saying that it was my aunt and cousin who framed her. She washed clean, but my aunt and cousin were wronged for nothing."

(End of this chapter)

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