Chapter 460
Chapter 460
"Miss, Miss!"

"Miss, what's the matter with you?"

Here, Qingdai also hurriedly ran to Lian Siyue's side, and knelt beside her with Leng Mei, crying and shouting.

"Yue'er, what's wrong with you?" Lian Yanqing also ran down from the high platform, "Imperial physician, imperial physician..." The imperial physician just squatted down beside Liang Runan, and was immediately pulled by Lian Siyue's collar by Lian Yanqing. "Quickly show my daughter why she fainted suddenly."

"Father, my eyes are gone." On the other side, Liang Runan screamed in fright.

In the end, the imperial physician had no choice but to ask the servants to set up a tent on the sidelines of the Cuju field, arrange Lian Siyue and Liang Runan in it, and treat them both at the same time.

The temporary tent was too small, and the rest of the people were waiting anxiously outside. The emperor sent Feng Degui over to inquire about the situation.

In the tent, Lian Siyue was lying next to Liang Runan, Liang Runan put down his hands, and the imperial doctor found a gash from her forehead to the corner of her eyes, only a little away from her eyeballs.

"Doctor, my face is poisonous, my face will rot, you, you wash it off for me quickly." Liang Runan panicked in fright.

"Poisonous?" The imperial physician was taken aback, "What poison?"

"I, I don't know what kind of poison it is?" Liang Runan's heart was pounding, regretful in his heart.

Lian Siyue watched coldly, when the imperial physician went out and ordered the servants to bring warm water, she looked at Liang Runan and said:
"You didn't get the medicine powder on your face. When I picked up the ball for the first time just now, I wiped off the medicine powder and rubbed it on the ground a few times. So, your face was just scratched by a sharp object, and your face won't be rotten. Whether it will leave a scar or not depends on whether there is a good medicine applied."

"..." Liang Runan turned his head abruptly, looking at Lian Siyue as if seeing a ghost, only to see that she was not weak and pale as before, and was looking at her indifferently, is she okay?Is it pretend?
Are you pretending to be uncomfortable from beginning to end?

Her heart seemed to be stabbed by something, "You, you know?"

"Heh..." Lian Siyue sneered lightly, and said, "How could I not see Xiao Rou's little trick, but I never thought that Liang Runan, the majestic lady of Liang Guofu, is praised by the emperor and concubines. , to be led by the nose by such a bad-hearted girl."

Liang Runan's face turned red when he heard this, and he bit his lower lip tightly.

"She must have told you that it was I who broke her leg. She must have also told that Aunt Xiao and Third Sister in our mansion were driven away by me." Lian Siyue glanced outside the tent, the imperial physician Still instructing the servants to prepare warm water, handkerchiefs and other things, he continued.

Liang Runan's heart trembled slightly, and Lian Siyue hit the mark.

"Then did she say that when she colluded with Concubine Xuan to kill me, I fought back in order to protect myself, but Concubine Xuan turned against her and kicked her off her horse, so she was bitten by a tiger? Aunt, was my father divorced because I killed my aunt? Although I am a aunt, the matter between my aunt and my sister can only be decided by my grandmother and father. Our family has rules, how can I be fooled?" Lian Si Yue secretly observed Liang Runan's face, and said, "Xiao Rou has spoken to countless people about these words, but she never thought that it would take effect when she came to Ms. Liang's place. I was really surprised by your title as a talented woman."

Liang Runan clenched her lower lip, held the hem of her skirt with her hands, and remained silent. She never expected that even Siyue could see her and Xiao Rou's every move so thoroughly.

At this time, the imperial doctor opened the curtain, and came in with the maid carrying hot water.

Lian Siyue stopped talking, closed her eyes slightly, the servant girl wiped her hands and face, the imperial doctor took her pulse for a while, but she didn't find anything unusual, and finally said——

"The county owner may have been frightened by that ball, but it's fine. Just rest for a while and drink the sedative."

"Thank you, the imperial physician." Lian Siyue nodded politely.

On Liang Runan's side, she had calmed down and stopped crying. The imperial doctor wiped off the blood on her face, put on plaster, and then bandaged her with a white cloth.

"Miss Liang, there is no poison on your face, it's just that you were hit by a ball and opened a hole. Take good care of it and you will recover." The imperial physician said after finishing the bandage.

What the imperial physician said was almost the same as what Lian Siyue said, Liang Runan was silently relieved.

"Take a good rest, I'm going to explain the situation to the emperor." The imperial doctor withdrew.

"Since the county lord has seen through the joint efforts of me and Xiao Rou to harm you, why do you show mercy to me? If you don't wipe off the medicine powder, my face will rot." Liang Runan looked at Lian Siyue and said what was in his heart. doubts.

"Because it's for Liang Guogong's face." Lian Siyue said.

"...Father..." Liang Runan's heart trembled.

"Liang Guofu is a loyal family. The old grandpa Liang followed the former emperor in the southern and northern wars, made great contributions to the Great Zhou Dynasty, and finally died in the battle. The second grandpa Liang has been stationed in Shanhaiguan for many years. With his own strength, he prevented the enemy from entering the pass. Ms. Liang's Liang Guogong is even more famous for his incorruptibility, and he is a good official loved by the people.

If Ms. Liang's face is ruined, I definitely have the ability to expose the conspiracy between you and Xiao Rou to let the emperor and the world know. At that time, Ms. Liang's reputation will be ruined, and her face will also be ruined. To Liang Guofu, to Liang Guogong It is really a painful blow. The Liang family's good reputation for many years will be ruined because of Miss Liang's fascination for a while.

I admire Liang Guogong as a man, and I can't bear him not to be safe at the end of the day, so I gave him face once and saved Ms. Liang this time. " Lian Siyue said, but Liang Runan began to cry——

"I'm sorry for grandfather and father..."

"You are right, you are so stupid, I am really sorry for the loyalty of the Liang family, and at the same time, you are sorry for me, if it is not because I know Xiao Rou's tricks too well, and I have seen through her tricks in advance, the person who got hurt today It's me." Lian Siyue looked at Liang Runan's tearful eyes and said.

Liang Runan sat up and said, "Thank you county magistrate for saving your life, thank you county magistrate for considering the Liang family, as the daughter of Liang Guofu, I should not be so confused."

With Siyue's words just now, she was startled into a cold sweat. Her grandfather and father valued fame so much. If she made a mistake, it would undoubtedly be a huge blow to them.

"I never give chances to those who assassinate me. Because Ms. Liang has a good grandfather and father, this is the only chance I give Ms. Liang. If there is another chance to assassinate me next time, I will never Be soft, Ms. Liang can do it for herself." Lian Siyue sat up, poured the medicine that the maid put beside her into the soil behind her, her voice was cold and cold, clearly two years younger than her, but there was a trace of indescribable The power made Liang Runan feel a strong oppression.

Liang Runan suddenly had a new understanding of Lian Siyue, she began to doubt what Xiao Rou said, could such a calm and reasonable woman be a person who obsesses over men?

"County Lord..." Liang Runan called out.

"What's the matter?" Lian Siyue asked, but Liang Runan shook his head again and said——

"It's okay, thank you."

Soon, news came from the emperor that they set up camp on the spot tonight, and held a bonfire dinner. Lian Siyue and Liang Runan lay in the tent for more than an hour. When they walked out, the tent had already been set up——

The efficiency of the guards is indeed very high.

"County Lord, are you feeling better?" Just as Lian Siyue walked out, Lu Jingyao, who had been waiting for a long time, came over and greeted him.

Lian Siyue had no abnormal expression on her face, nodded slightly, and said, "I was just frightened, thank you Jiayu County King for your concern."

"The king of this county heard about the heroic incident of the county lord when he came to the capital. He didn't expect to be frightened by a ball. It seems that women are women, and there are always things to be afraid of, hehehe." Lu Jingyao said with a smile.

Lian Siyue frowned slightly, heroic incident?Could it be that she is cruel and merciless?

Seeing her frowning, Lu Jingyao had ordered the guards to bring a box and handed it to her, saying:

"Since the county lord is frightened, he needs to take care of it. This millennium life must be accepted by the county lord."

(End of this chapter)

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