First-class daughter

Chapter 461 I'm Not Reconciled

Chapter 461 I'm Not Reconciled
Chapter 461 I'm Not Reconciled
Lian Siyue glanced at the box, but didn't reach out to pick it up, and said, "I don't know the king of Jiayu County before, this thousand-year-old ginseng is top grade, Siyue dare not accept it, please ask the king of Jiayu County to take it back and give it to him Give it to someone."

"It seems that I was wrong. I haven't expressed my intentions to the county lord, which frightened the county lord." Lu Jingyao took two steps back and cupped his hands.


"When I was in Pingzhou, I heard that the county magistrate is a hero among women. Now that I am lucky enough to see her and I am impressed by the county magistrate's demeanor, I plan to ask the emperor to marry the county magistrate, so I first present this thousand-year-old ginseng as a token of my respect. Sincerity, when the emperor grants the marriage, the princess and I will be considered acquaintances, otherwise the princess will be abrupt." Lu Jingyao said with a slight smile.

He doesn't really like a woman like Lian Siyue who is too cold and unpredictable, but she is suitable for the Lu family. She leaves the capital and is good for the Xiao family. That's enough. He doesn't mind marrying her. Do you like women? Anyway, once you enter the Lu family, you will be born as a member of the Lu family and die as a ghost of the Lu family.

Therefore, it was effortless for him to say these words of admiration to Lian Siyue.

Hehe, Lu Jingyao is arrogant enough, I don't know why he thinks she will agree to marry him?
But now, there is no need to speak too clearly with him.

Lian Siyue smiled lightly, put the box back into Lu Jingyao's hand, and said, "Your Majesty, hasn't the emperor granted you a marriage yet? If I accept this ginseng, it will spread to the point that you and I will make a private decision, and we will be honored to you and me." It’s damaged, so let’s take the ginseng back.”

Saying that, Lian Siyue nodded to him and walked past him.

"The county lord..." Lu Jingyao looked at her back and said, "No matter what, you and I will always be husband and wife. The county lord must not think otherwise."

Lian Siyue smiled slightly, "Then I'll wait."

"Miss." Qing Dai hurried over and took her hand.

Lu Jingyao looked at her back and thought, she is a rare sober woman.

"Jun Wang, what does Ronghe County Lord mean?" the guard asked beside him.

A smile appeared on Lu Jingyao's face, he put the ginseng into the hands of the guards, and said, "No matter what she means, this king is determined to marry her anyway, as for her..."

He looked at Eleventh Princess who was running towards Lian Siyue and pulled her to talk, "Forget it, life will not be perfect in everything, there are gains and losses."

"Are you okay, how is Liang Runan?" Feng Lingyue looked into the tent and asked.

"The face is injured, it will heal in a few days after applying medicine." Lian Siyue said.

"Huh, it's cheap for her. If you hadn't said to give Liang Guogong a face, I wouldn't have spared her and let her taste the bad face." Feng Lingyue hated Liang Runan's behavior very much.

"Princess, if I say that I am lenient to Liang Runan, it is not entirely because of Liang Guogong, will you be very disappointed?" Lian Siyue stopped and looked at Feng Lingyue, a little "worried" about her "insidious" scare When it came to her, she, who never cared what anyone thought of her, began to care what the princess thought.

Feng Lingyue stopped in her tracks, her big bright eyes flashed, she shook her head seriously, and said, "I won't be disappointed, I believe you have your own considerations.

Lian Jue told me before, he said that you are actually very bitter in your heart, so he loves you very much, and he will definitely stand by your side unswervingly.

So, even Siyue, don't worry, I will stand firmly by your side. "

She was so sincere that even the corners of Siyue's eyes were a little wet, she said, "Princess, are we really good friends?"

Feng Lingyue smiled, "Of course, you are my only good friend."

Even Siyue laughed——

good friend?After being reborn, she had only one thought: revenge!revenge!revenge!She had been betrayed and abandoned many times in her previous life. After her rebirth, she didn't trust anyone, and she doubted human nature.

I never thought of being able to have a "good friend" again as a luxury, but Princess Eleven is like Lian Jue, they seem to be specially favored by the gods, they are like the light of her life, illuminating the dark corner of her, Let her slowly feel warmth and trust.

"Princess, don't worry, I arranged for people to protect Lian Jue all the way to Shanhaiguan, and they will leave only after they see him meet my fourth uncle." Lian Siyue whispered to Feng Lingyue.

"Great!" Feng Lingyue was very happy when she heard this, and said, "I can rest assured that there is someone you arrange."

"He is always my younger brother, and I will protect him for the rest of my life." Lian Siyue sighed slightly when she thought of Lian Jue.

"Don't hate Lian Jue, okay?" Feng Lingyue looked at Lian Siyue, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes, "His heart is really bitter, I don't think he would like to see you hate him, he would It hurts very much, it will be very sad, because, because you are the person he cares about most."

As long as she thinks of Lian Jue, Feng Lingyue's heart feels sad and happy at the same time.

Lian Siyue sighed softly, and said, "I never hated Lian Jue, he is my best brother. But what about you, princess, last time for him, for me, you really made yourself Xiao He The future wife, have you thought about what to do in the future?"

Feng Lingyue's eyes dimmed a bit, but she immediately showed a relieved smile, and said, "Everyone has his own destiny, and marriage is determined by nature. If I am destined to marry Xiao He, then I... can't escape this fate."

Lian Siyue looked at her quietly, and the wind blew, blowing their hair.

"County Master, our lady invites you to come in." At this time, Liang Runan's maid came over, bowed, and said.

"What is she looking for you for?" Feng Lingyue immediately became more vigilant.

"It's okay, I'll come as soon as I go." Lian Siyue reassured the Eleventh Princess, and then walked into the tent by herself, with a smile that seemed real but not real, and fake and not fake.

Xiao Rou found an opportunity, stumbled up to Feng Qianyue, and said nervously, "What to do, Fourth Highness, lost, failed, the injured person is Liang Runan, even Siyue is fine, I don't know if the ball is bewitched by an evil spirit Well, why did you hit it?"

She was very annoyed at not being able to help Feng Qianyue, for fear that Feng Qianyue would be angry.

However, Feng Qianyue was not angry at all, but instead comforted her, saying, "It's okay, don't worry, enjoy the bonfire banquet tonight, I heard that the mutton tonight is delicious, remember to eat more."

Xiao Rou was taken aback, "Your Highness, don't you blame me?"

Feng Qianyue walked in front of her, holding her shoulders with both hands, staring into her eyes, "You have tried your best, of course not, don't think too much."

"Your Highness..." Feeling the warmth of Feng Qianyue's palm, Xiao Rou's heart beat wildly, her eyes became hot, and her face was flushed.

"Go." Feng Qianyue said softly.

"Okay." Xiao Rou reluctantly left his side.

"Princess, my young lady invites you to go to the tent." Liang Runan's maid went to Xiao Rou's tent and said.

Taking advantage of the night, Xiao Rou went down to Liang Runan's tent with Su Yin's support. As soon as she entered, she saw Liang Runan lying sickly on a low couch with gauze wrapped around her face.

Xiao Rou suddenly felt a little guilty, and asked, "How is your face, what did the imperial doctor say?"

Liang Runan said expressionlessly, "I'm afraid it will leave scars. I didn't expect Lian Siyue to have such a big life. The ball actually kicked back and forth and hit my face. I lost to her with such high skills." hands." She looked indignant.

"I was escaped again." Xiao Rou sighed.

"I'm not reconciled!" Liang Runan stroked his face wrapped in white cloth, clenched his fists, and said through clenched teeth, "Princess, please find a way to help me one more time. I must get His Highness the Ninth Prince."

Xiao Rou didn't expect that Liang Runan would not be reconciled, so she asked, "Are you serious? Is there a way?"

The bright moon is in the sky, and the galaxy is brilliant.

A huge bonfire was lit in the center of the racecourse, making a sizzling sound, and the field exuded the aroma of roasted whole sheep and whole cows.

People gathered around the bonfire and were in high spirits.Talk about drinking.

Although there were two small episodes during the day, it still did not affect Zhou Chengdi's mood. He rewarded those who performed well in today's Cuju competition.

As for the matter of Liang Runan being injured by the ball, because Lian Siyue suppressed it on purpose, he didn't go into it further, so it was treated as an accident.

(End of this chapter)

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