First-class daughter

Chapter 462 Killing Xiao Rou

Chapter 462 Killing Xiao Rou

Chapter 462 Killing Xiao Rou

"I didn't expect that you would let go of others sometimes. This is really not your style." When Feng Qianyue passed by Lian Siyue, she stopped and said with her hands behind her back.

Lian Siyue didn't look back at the people behind her, and said, "So, Your Highness should be grateful to Liang Guogong, I just don't want a good person to be implicated by a wicked person, otherwise, what Xiao Rou did today is enough to make her break another leg Well, it will be His Highness's loss at that time, won't it?"

"Hmph." Feng Qianyue hummed softly, and walked to the opposite side of the bonfire. Through the bonfire, he narrowed his eyes and looked at Lian Siyue——

He suddenly raised the wine glass in front of him and downed it in one gulp, drinking three glasses in a row.

Everyone was full of interest, but Feng Qianyue felt depressed in every possible way. After drinking a few glasses of wine, he left the campfire scene and went outside to get some air. When he walked outside his tent, he suddenly heard someone shout:

"Your Highness, Your Highness."

Feng Qianyue looked around and found Xiao Rou standing behind his tent leaning on a cane. He frowned slightly and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Miss Liang is looking for Your Highness." Xiao Rou said.

Then, Liang Runan with a white cloth wrapped around his head came over, bowed to Feng Qianyue, saluted, and said, "Your Highness, I want to cooperate with you."

"Cooperation?" Feng Qianyue looked at Liang Runan appraisingly.

"I want to be with His Royal Highness Ninth Prince, but the most hateful thing is that His Highness Ninth Prince's favorite person is Lian Siyue, so I want to ask His Royal Highness Fourth to help me alone. If I am with His Royal Highness Ninth Prince, Lian Siyue and Lian Siyue The family will no longer have the backing of His Highness the Ninth Highness, so we can avenge the prison of the Fourth Highness."

Xiao Rou hurriedly explained, "I told Ms. Liang that Lian Siyue was responsible for His Highness being punished by the Emperor."

"How are you going to ask me to help?" Feng Qianyue looked at the woman in front of him, a look of contempt flashed in his eyes, he didn't know the severity, and unexpectedly came to negotiate terms with Feng Qianyue.

"The Fourth Highness only needs to trick the Ninth Highness into the tent. I will go in after the Ninth Highness enters. As long as I share the same room with the Ninth Highness, the lonely man and widow, the rest will be easy. After I go in, the Princess So I came in to catch us, and then I cried to the emperor, for the sake of both, the emperor will marry me and His Highness the Ninth Prince." Liang Runan said his plan.

Feng Qianyue remembered that she and Xiao Rou were brought together by Lian Siyue in this way!
And this may not be without Feng Yunzheng's participation.

If you can let him taste what it's like to spend a lifetime with someone he doesn't like, that's really a joyful thing.Moreover, the power of the Liang Guofu is obviously not as powerful as the Prime Minister's Mansion. From the Lianxiang Mansion to the Liang Guofu, the power behind Feng Yunzheng will also weaken.

If the scheme is successful, it will kill two birds with one stone.

No, it's Sande. In this way, even Siyue can't even think about having anything to do with Feng Yunzheng, so he can only go with Lu Jingyao.

Lian Siyue, in this life, let's watch each other go to hell.

"Your Highness, don't worry, Runan really likes His Highness Nine." Xiao Rou said.

"The medicine powder on that ball was originally poisonous, but the king heard the report from the imperial physician and the emperor, and didn't mention the poison. Looking at your situation now, it's true that the medicine powder wasn't on it. Didn't Lian Siyue say anything to you?" Feng Qianyue asked calmly.

An uncomfortable look appeared on Liang Runan's face, she pursed her lips, and said, "Lian Siyue said that she knew there was a problem with the ball, but because of the affection of my grandmother and father, she made an exception."

It's the same as what Lian Siyue said.

"Since she has already opened up to you, why do you want to take advantage of others?" Feng Qianyue asked again.

"One yard counts for one yard. She opened up to me today, but it doesn't mean that I will give up the love in my heart. I can find other ways to repay her. Besides, even Siyue and His Highness Jiu have nothing to do with each other. Married, let alone unmarried, I am not considered sabotage. Your Highness, don't you think so?" Liang Runan said to Feng Qianyue as if covering up the trace of guilt in his heart.

"It's ruthless." Feng Qianyue said meaningfully.

"Your Highness, what do you think?" Xiao Rou said impatiently, "I think Runan's idea is good."

Feng Qianyue looked at Xiao Rou, her gaze shifted from her face to her lap. This is his princess in the future, the person he wants to accompany every day, day and night.

No, he can't let his life become so frivolous.

At that moment, a thought even flashed in Feng Qianyue's mind: just use the trick and push Xiao Rou away from Feng Yunzheng!
But, no, in this case, the Xiao family's backer will be lost!


Another thought jumped out of her mind, and his eyes flashed——

"Your Highness..." Seeing that he was silent, Xiao Rou pursued her question.

"Okay, let's do it this way." Feng Qianyue nodded, with a strange look in her eyes, and said, "Miss Liang, go back to her tent first. I've been here for a long time, so as not to attract attention."

"Okay, Your Highness, that's it." Liang Runan nodded, turned and went back to his tent.

"Your Highness, then I'll hide there too." Xiao Rou leaned on her crutches and was about to move to the other side.

"Wait." However, Feng Qianyue stopped her.

"Is there anything else? Your Highness." Xiao Rou's heart would beat faster as soon as she saw his handsome face.

Feng Qianyue approached her, "To be on the safe side, you hide in my tent in advance, I will lead Feng Yunzheng into the tent, and when Miss Liang enters, you will shout loudly, saying that he is frivolous Miss Liang."

"So..." Xiao Rou thought for a while, since Feng Qianyue asked her to do it, there was reason for him, so she nodded and said, "Okay, I will follow His Highness's arrangement."

"You hide here, it's not easy to be found." Feng Qianyue asked Xiao Rou to hide behind the low couch in the tent, and moved a chair to just block it.

"Your Highness, I have hidden it, you can go quickly." Xiao Rou hid inside and said in a low voice.

Feng Qianyue walked out of the tent, strange to the back of the tent, the tent was made of cloth with only one floor apart, standing here, he clearly knew where Xiao Rou was standing——


He had a vicious idea just now! ——

He wants to take this opportunity to kill Xiao Rou!To get rid of her, but without losing the support of the Xiao family.

Looking at that place, his eyes were full of coldness!
He originally suspected Liang Runan, but as long as Xiao Rou is killed and passed on to Feng Yunzheng, it doesn't matter whether Liang Runan is sincere or not, and it doesn't matter whether Liang Runan will make a pair with Feng Yunzheng up.

Taking advantage of the night, he turned back to the outside of the bonfire banquet, grabbed an eunuch, and said, "You go to His Highness Ninth Prince, and tell him that the king has something important to do with him, and ask him to come to the king's tent."

"Yes." The eunuch replied.

"Wait, just talk about something related to Miss Lian's family." Feng Qianyue added.

(End of this chapter)

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