First-class daughter

Chapter 466: The Abacus Failed

Chapter 466: The Abacus Failed
Chapter 466: The Abacus Failed
Xiao Zhenhai began to realize the seriousness of the matter. If Lu Jingyao really did something bad, it would be difficult for the Xiao family to get rid of the relationship.

Since Lu Jingyao came to the capital, he has been living in Xiao's house. He nominally sent Xiao He and Xiao Hu to accompany him, but in fact he was monitoring him in case he did anything harmful to the Xiao family.

Xiao He and Xiao Hu reported to him every day, but they didn't find anything unusual. Why did something happen all of a sudden?
Everyone at the bonfire meeting tensed up, no one knew what would happen, and everyone anxiously waited for the further development of the situation.

The masked man in black drove the carriage and ran all the way to the south at the fastest speed. He ran a long distance in more than two hours, then slowly slowed down and ran for a while, and then the carriage stopped in the middle of the road , then tore off the black mask on his face, and looked at the sleeping man with cold eyes.

At this time, he faintly heard the sound of horseshoes not far away. Obviously, there are a large number of chasing soldiers!
There was a smile on his face that he was finally done. He took out a drawing drawn on parchment from his arms, tore off Lu Jingyao's lapel, stuffed the drawing inside, sneered, and said:
"It's not a good idea for you to hit someone, but even hit the idea of ​​Rong and the county magistrate, how could His Highness let you go?"

Night Breeze faintly saw the torch beating, he slapped Lu Jingyao on the back of the neck with his palm, and then left quickly, hiding perfectly in the night without leaving any traces.

On the carriage, Lu Jingyao felt dizzy and opened his eyes amidst a feeling of discomfort.

"Lu Jingyao, you are so brave, you ran away suddenly, what do you want to do?" At this time, he heard a yell from the carriage, and he heard the sound of horseshoes around him, and the light from the torch shone on his face through the curtain A moment of confusion appeared on his face.

He sat up suddenly, only to realize that he was now in a carriage, and his guard was lying beside him, slowly waking up.

How is this going?

How could he be in the carriage?He recalled everything that happened at the station just now in his mind——

The net fell from the sky, someone knocked him out!
"Lu Jingyao!"

Lu Jingyao was stunned, and suddenly opened the curtain of the carriage, only to see that the carriage he was sitting in was tightly surrounded, the guards held up their torches high up, illuminating the dark night, and the archers at the front, back, left, and right pointed their arrows at him. he.

And the people sitting on the two steeds in the center, one is the Eighth Prince Feng Ye, and the other is the Ninth Prince Feng Yunzheng——

How is this going?

"Eighth Highness, Ninth Highness, you..."

"Lu Jingyao, you ran south for more than 200 miles at night, and the emperor suspected that you had something wrong, so he sent me to arrest you." Feng Ye looked down at Lu Jingyao and said.

"Misdeeds?" Lu Jingyao was startled. Although he did have mischievous intentions, he hadn't shown them or put them into action. Originally, he was going to use his uncle Xiao Zhenhai to obtain the formation map. "Two Your Highness, there must be a misunderstanding on this matter, please allow me to explain to the Emperor and the two Highnesses."

"Search!" Feng Yunzheng looked at Lu Jingyao coldly, and gave the order decisively.

"Yes!" The guard walked to Lu Jingyao's side with a spear.

Lu Jingyao looked at the guard with stern eyes, and refused, "I am the eldest grandson of King Anping, the eldest son of Lu Maoshi's eldest son, Jiayu County King, and your two highnesses have no right to search me."

Feng Ye smiled, his face was full of rebelliousness, he folded his arms around his chest, and said, "It's funny, to use the name of my grandfather and father to suppress everyone in front of the emperor's son, Ninth Brother, do you want us to introduce him to you as well?" Introduce us."

"Heh." Feng Yunzheng chuckled, his eyes were icy cold, and said, "Since people want to introduce it like this, Brother Eighth Prince, let's introduce it too."

"No, I, that's not what I meant. Don't misunderstand your Highnesses. There is a misunderstanding about what happened today..." Lu Jingyao realized that he was in the capital, and the two princes in front of him were the two most powerful princes in front of the emperor. , and he is just the grandson of a prince.

"Stop talking nonsense, if you want to prove it's a misunderstanding, you should undergo a body search first!" Feng Ye suppressed his smile and said coldly.

"..." Lu Jingyao couldn't say anything more, so he had to let the guards search him, and this search naturally found a blueprint on his body, he was taken aback, when did he have such a blueprint on his body.

"Your Highness Eighth, Your Highness Ninth." The guard presented the blueprint, and Feng Ye was shocked when he saw it——

"Brother Nine Emperors, it's a military formation map!"

What?Military layout?This is what he dreamed of, but it is on his body. Someone put it on him while he was unconscious?
"It really is a military formation map. It turns out that he fled to take this formation map away. It seems that King Anping has a heart of disobedience." Feng Yunzheng said indifferently.

Feng Ye was stunned for a moment, hearing Feng Yunzheng's tone, he slowly raised his head to look at him, seeing the determined arc of his mouth, Feng Ye seemed to understand something.

He concealed the doubts in his eyes, faced the crowd, and said, "Jiayu County King Lu Jingyao absconded with a military formation map, immediately arrested him and tied him before the emperor."

"I'm wronged, I'm wronged! Your Highnesses, I never knew why this formation map was on me. I never thought about wanting this thing. Today I was knocked out and brought here!" Lu Jingyao realized Realizing the seriousness of the matter, he hurriedly complained.

"If you have anything to say, speak before the emperor!" Feng Yunzheng gave an order, and Lu Jingyao was tied up by Wuhuada and escorted to Emperor Zhou Cheng.

On the way back—

Feng Ye caught up with Feng Yunzheng's horse, and the two walked side by side, he said, "Brother Jiuhuang is a brilliant move."

Feng Yunzheng looked calm and calm, and said, "I don't know what Brother Bawang is talking about. Lu Jingyao absconded by stealing the formation plan, and you and I were ordered to chase him back. As for the result, it can only be determined by the father." The emperor will judge."

"But in this way, it will be difficult for Lu Jingyao not to say that he wants to win the girl from our capital, even if he wants to go back to Pingzhou." Feng Ye had already thought of Lu Jingyao's ending.

"..." Feng Yunzheng smiled and said nothing, in the night, he looked even more unfathomable, with a strong force for planning.

"Brother Jiuhuang is working so hard for the girl, I will cooperate with all my strength, so that Lu Jingyao will never be able to turn around!" Feng Ye said, clenched the rein in his hand.

Feng Yunzheng finally turned around, glanced at Feng Ye, and said, "Then thank you Brother Eighth Prince for taking care of Yue'er."

Feng Ye's heart sank, he was pretending to be a girl.

Lu Jingyao was escorted in front of Emperor Zhou Cheng, and after taking out the military formation map, Emperor Zhou Cheng was furious.

Then, Emperor Zhou Cheng began to investigate Lu Jingyao's behavior in the capital. Feng Ye and Feng Yunzheng proved that Lu Jingyao deliberately stole the formation map, and several evidences proved that Lu Jingyao had a heart of disobedience.

Even the blacksmith in the armory shop said that Lu Jingyao had asked several times about the manufacture of royal weapons.

Xiao Zhenhai, Xiao He, and Xiao Hu tried their best to prove in front of the emperor that they knew nothing about this matter.

In the end, the emperor ordered that Lu Jingyao's title be cut off immediately, and he was not allowed to leave the capital for three years. He said he was not allowed to leave, but he was actually imprisoned for three years, and his every move was monitored by the imperial guards.

In this way, Lu Jingyao is not qualified to ask the emperor to marry him. As expected, Lu Jingyao did not ask for a woman who came to the capital to marry him, and Xiao Zhenhai and Mrs. Xiao's wishful thinking also came to nothing.

The emperor ordered Lu Jingyao to be taken away, and announced that he would return to the palace early tomorrow morning, and all the people would stay in tents tonight.

The matter finally came to an end, and Lu Jingyao would never come to harass Lian Siyue again, she felt really relieved.

As for the thirteenth princess, she went to tell the emperor that even Zhaoyi hadn't come, she would be afraid to sleep in a separate tent, so she asked if she could share a tent with elder sister eleven, and the emperor agreed.

Therefore, the eleventh princess responded to the request of the thirteenth princess and asked Zhili to move all the sheets to the tent of the thirteenth princess.

(End of this chapter)

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