Chapter 467
Chapter 467
On the eve of falling asleep, the thirteenth princess, Feng Tangyao, sat in front of the couch and asked the maid to take off the ornaments on her head. The eleventh one was not so troublesome. She only wore a cloud head and a silver agate on her head, and small circles of gold and blue agate on her earlobes. Earrings, I took them off and put them aside.

Feng Tangyao looked at her, she didn't wear jewelry, but she was smiling at the moment, her beautiful eyes were looking forward, her long hair was spread out, draped over her shoulders like black jade, she was wearing white close-fitting clothes, which matched her skin She was leaning on the bed at the moment, holding a book in her hand and reading it. Under the light of the candlelight, her whole body seemed to be surrounded by haze, she was refined and untouched by the world, she was really beautiful.

A slight jealousy welled up in Feng Tangyao's heart. She dressed up carefully, but Eleventh Sister was so casual, yet she still had a kind of beauty that couldn't be ignored.

She said: "Sister Eleven, your accessories are so simple."

Feng Lingyue put down the book, reached out to touch her hair, and said: "I don't have many accessories. Last time I was punished by my mother, many of them were taken away. Moreover, it is even more inconvenient to have Cuju today, so I just let the Zhili randomly took two of them to wear for me."

After hearing this, Feng Tangyao signaled the maidservants to back down. She walked up to Princess Eleven, held her hand, and said, "Elder Sister Eleven, you are so pitiful." Turned red and burst into tears.

Feng Lingyue's heart trembled, feeling Feng Tangyao's sympathy, she comforted the younger sister, and said, "Sister Thirteen, it's okay, don't feel sad because of me, I'm used to it now, wealth is like floating clouds, power is like Dust, as long as people who care about are around, it's fine."

Feng Tangyao stared into Feng Lingyue's eyes, tears rolled down, and said, "But I still think you are so pitiful."

"..." Feng Lingyue pulled up the corners of her mouth and smiled, saying, "It really doesn't matter."

She doesn't like others to sympathize with her face to face. She is working hard to live, and she feels that everything is still full of hope. Even if there is no hope, she still has herself, and she doesn't need any sympathy.

However, she felt that Feng Tangyao kept calling her poor because she was kind-hearted and didn't know her well, so although she was uncomfortable, she didn't say much.

"Elder Sister Eleven, what do you think of General Tianbao? Does he treat you well?" Feng Tangyao asked seemingly unintentionally, but a feeling of discomfort surged in her heart.

"He became famous at a young age, and everyone said he was a great hero, and he treated me very well." Feng Lingyue said thinking about her feelings towards Xiao He.

"The eleventh sister is really happy." Feng Tangyao heard her say that Xiao He was good to her, and she felt sour in her heart, and remembered that Xiao He bought meat pancakes for Feng Lingyue every time, and she took a look at it. She refused, so she became even more unhappy, and asked again, "You live with me, will he come to see you?"

"No, although we have a marriage contract, we haven't got a formal marriage after all. This is against the rules. Besides, what happened to Lu Jingyao today, the Xiao family is also in a state of distress."

"Oh." Feng Tangyao nodded, but she felt a little disappointed in her heart. Today, she didn't even see Xiao He's face properly. The closest time she was standing was when he was standing under the high platform talking to Elder Sister Eleven. when.

She said that she was afraid, one was because she wanted to take the opportunity to talk to Xiao He, and the other... was another reason.

Feng Lingyue patted her hand, and said softly, "Okay, it's late at night, it's time to sleep."

"En." Feng Tangyao nodded, "I hope that one day I can find someone who makes me very happy, as happy as Sister Eleven."

The only person who gave her happiness was Xiao He.

"Yes, Thirteenth Sister." Feng Lingyue said to her, then got up, extinguished the candle, and prepared to rest.

Both of them were lying on the couch, but Feng Lingyue kept her bright eyes open in the dark, unable to sleep——

happiness?Will she really be happy?
At this time, Feng Tangyao seemed to be tossing and turning, and there was a rubbing sound on the bed.

"Sister Thirteen, what's the matter with you?" Feng Lingyue noticed the same thing and hurriedly asked.

"Sister Eleven, I, I feel a little uncomfortable, I feel uncomfortable..." Feng Tangyao moaned in pain.

Feng Lingyue got up quickly, lit the candle, and saw Feng Tangyao lying on the bed, curled up into a ball, as if she was suffering.

"Sister Thirteen, what's going on with you, I'll call the imperial physician immediately."

"No, no need, Elder Sister Eleven." But Feng Tangyao grabbed her sleeves and said, "Going to see the imperial physician at this time will alarm Father, who is already very tired this year because of Lu Jingyao's affairs. , don’t worry him anymore, my situation is also, not serious.”

"Then what should we do now?" Feng Lingyue asked anxiously, "Is there any way?"

"Elder Elder Sister, you, you let my nanny come in to take care of me, and you and your court lady take the medicine bag on my table and decoct it for me, okay? Don't disturb the others." Feng Tangyao buried her head Into the quilt, it seems very uncomfortable.

"Okay, okay, don't worry, don't be afraid, I'll make medicine for you right now." Princess Eleven hurriedly put on her clothes, and called Feng Tangyao's Mother Chun to serve her.

She and Zhili went to the kitchen to decoct the medicine for Feng Tangyao. During these days in the cold palace, she took care of herself. The queen occasionally got the medicine, and she was the one who decocted it, so the matter of decoction was very important to her. It was really easy, especially with Zhili's help.

About half an hour later, when the medicine was ready, Zhili carried it all the way back to the tent of the thirteenth princess.

Princess Eleven blew the medicine cold, but Feng Tangyao didn't drink it.

However, after only a few sips, Feng Tangyao suddenly covered her neck with her hands and coughed forcefully, looking extremely uncomfortable. She looked at Feng Lingyue with terrified eyes and said, "Sister Eleven, you, you put it in the medicine. what..."

"What..." Feng Lingyue was taken aback for a moment, but didn't come back to her senses, "I, I just took the pharmacy you gave me to cook."

"Oops, the thirteenth princess is in danger, the slaves are going to report to the emperor!"

Nurse Chun here, without waiting for Feng Lingyue to react, ran out in a hurry, shouting loudly while running, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, it's terrible, the princess has an asthma attack!"

Feng Lingyue stood in front of the couch holding the pill, Zhili was so frightened that she trembled all over, and said, "Princess, this servant is so scared."

Here, as soon as the emperor got on the bed, he heard the noise outside. A nanny knelt outside and cried, saying that the thirteenth princess is dying, and she wants the emperor to go and have a look.

The emperor always loved Feng Tangyao the most, upon hearing the news, he got up immediately, and went to the tent of the thirteenth princess before he even had time to put on his outer robe.

Lian Siyue suddenly heard the movement, and sat up suddenly from the bed, and hurriedly asked Qingdai to dress her. The eleventh princess and the thirteenth princess lived in a tent. Now that something happened to the thirteenth princess suddenly, I am afraid that the A princess will be involved, or, this is a conspiracy at all.

"Lengmei, go and find out what the eleventh princess did and who she met after she entered the thirteenth princess' tent," she ordered.

"Yes, Miss."

Even after Siyue finished explaining, she hurried to the tent of the Thirteenth Princess.

As soon as Emperor Zhou Cheng and the others lifted the curtain of the tent, they saw Feng Tangyao fell from the couch to the ground, the porcelain bowl beside her was broken, and the medicinal juice flowed out.

Princess Eleven stood aside a little at a loss, and her court lady Zhili was also trembling with fear.

I saw that the thirteenth princess raised her head with difficulty and said, "Sister Eleven, you, you are so cruel, why, why do you want to kill me."

Saying that, Feng Tangyao's eyes darkened, and she fainted.

"I, I don't know, how did this happen, this medicine is, you asked me to fry it." Feng Lingyue squatted on the ground hurriedly, shouting, "Sister Thirteen, what's wrong with you, Younger Thirteen, wake up Bar."

"Get out of the way!" The emperor walked over in three steps at a time, pulled Feng Lingyue away, and pushed her aside. Putting it on the table, she gasped in pain.

"Princess..." Zhili hurried over.

"Emperor doctor, hurry up, give Tangyao'er a diagnosis and treatment, I'm afraid she has asthma." The emperor hurriedly ordered, and the imperial doctor walked over quickly with a medicine box, and sat in front of the couch to feel Feng Tangyao's pulse.

At this time, Lian Siyue had already heard the sound and walked in. She quickly glanced at the situation in the tent and judged the current situation.

And Xiao He also arrived later, he walked directly to Eleven Princess's side, seeing her panicked face, hurriedly asked in a low voice, "What happened?"

"I..." Princess Eleven shook her head.

At this moment, the emperor turned his head back, glared at Princess Eleven fiercely, and said angrily, "How do you take care of my sister? She is not in good health, don't you know? She is fine all day, and she will change after staying with you for a while." If you are like this, you are really a bastard, if there is something wrong with Tang Yaoer, I will never let you go!"

"..." Xiao He clenched his fists when he heard the Eleventh Princess being reprimanded like this, but the emperor is currently in a rage, and his inappropriate words may hurt Ling Yue'er even more.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..." At this moment, Feng Tangyao's Nurse Chun suddenly knelt down on the ground and cried out, "The Thirteenth Princess was fine at first, but then I don't know what Eleventh Princess said to her, so she and The servant girl said that she felt a little uncomfortable, and then asked the Eleventh Princess and her maid to decoct the medicine, because the Thirteenth Princess said that she was afraid of disturbing the emperor's rest."

"No, I didn't say anything to the thirteenth sister. She said she was not feeling well, so I lit a candle." Eleventh Princess said hastily.

"Princess, why are you lying?" Mother Chun touched the tears on her face.

Lian Siyue looked coldly at Madam Chun calmly, she was pointing out every word that the illness of the thirteenth princess had something to do with the eleventh princess.

It seems that Feng Tangyao probably had a plan long ago.

"You old bastard, don't talk nonsense, how could Ling Yue'er..."

"Xiao He!" The emperor said displeasedly, "I know you are partial to Ling Yue'er, don't rely on me to appreciate you, you just do whatever you want in front of me, this is the nanny in the palace..."

"..." Xiao He knelt down on one knee, and said, "Your Majesty, forgive me, I'm going to make a slip of the tongue."

He really wanted to cut off this nun's tongue with a sword!

"Emperor doctor, how is it?" The emperor was concerned about Feng Tangyao's situation, and temporarily let Xiao He go.

Seeing the imperial doctor's serious face, he said, "Your Majesty, the thirteenth princess suffered from asthma, and the reason for her anti-asthma lies in the bowl of medicine she just drank, which contained dried snow clams and scallops. The third princess only took a sip, otherwise, she would die."

"What?" The emperor said with a look of anger, "Thirteen's medicines are all prepared by the Tai Hospital, and there are dried snow clams and scallops suddenly. Someone is trying to harm her?"

After hearing this, Princess Eleven turned pale and her palms were cold.

"Your Majesty, there are indeed dried snow clams and scallops in the medicine dregs." Chun Nai poured the medicine dregs in the jar on the ground, checked carefully, and sure enough found the dried snow clams and scallops in it that the imperial physician said could induce asthma. scallops.

(End of this chapter)

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