First-class daughter

Chapter 468 Miss you to death

Chapter 468 Miss you to death
Chapter 468 Miss you to death
The medicine was decocted outside, but the medicine dregs in the medicine jar were deliberately brought back into the tent, which was clearly for the emperor to see, and Lian Siyue became more certain that Feng Tangyao was framing the Eleventh Princess.

Moreover, she actually used such a dangerous method.

These dried snow clams and scallops, only one can induce asthma, she actually used two of them in danger, and wanted to frame Princess Eleven, and the reason——

Lian Siyue took a look at Xiao He, remembering the abnormal reaction of the Thirteenth Princess when Xiao He was talking to the Eleventh Princess on the Cuju field, she suddenly understood.

Now, how can we help Princess Eleven escape from suspicion?
At this time, Feng Yunzheng also quietly walked into the tent, standing behind Lian Siyue, and when Lian Siyue turned his head, he nodded to her, motioning her not to speak.

When the emperor saw the harmful things in the medicine dregs, he immediately flew into a rage, glared at Feng Lingyue fiercely, and said, "So you, like your queen mother, harbor evil intentions, are vicious and vicious, and even acted viciously towards your own sister!" Heart."

When Eleventh Princess heard this, she hurriedly knelt down on her knees and cried, "Father, I didn't, I really didn't harm Thirteenth Sister, please believe me, Father, I never thought of harming her, it's true, Royal Father."

"Hmph!" The emperor snorted coldly, looked at the crying people on the ground with a cold face, and said cruelly——

"Do you think that Tangyao'er is gone, and you can take her place in my heart? I tell you, it will never be possible. I have never liked your daughter. From the day you were born, I have seen You feel uncomfortable."

"..." Princess Eleven raised her head abruptly, her heart seemed to be pierced by ten thousand sharp needles at the same time, she looked at the emperor in disbelief, tears fell, her voice trembled, and she looked at him with pleading eyes, " Father, father, you are lying to me, right, you actually like me a little bit, you just said that because you were angry, right..."

How could you say such cruel words, father, my heart really hurts, it hurts so much.

"What I regret most is that when your mother committed a crime that day, I didn't execute you and her together!" However, facing Eleven's pleading eyes, Emperor Zhou Cheng remained unmoved and said a more cruel sentence. .

The Eleventh Princess went limp and sat slumped on the ground with a desperate wry smile on her lips.

"Your Majesty!" Xiao He suddenly knelt down on both knees, "Please!"

"Xiao He, if you talk too much, I will terminate your engagement immediately!" The emperor scolded angrily, and immediately ordered, "Immediately arrest the eleventh princess, Feng Lingyue, and take her back to the dungeon. Make a decision!"

"Yes!" The guards walked in and looked at the ashen-faced Princess Eleven who had no tears. She looked like a spirit bird with broken wings, covered in scars and blood, and they couldn't help but hesitate.

"Your Majesty, please let Mo Future escort the princess back to the palace." Xiao He said hastily.

"Xiao He!" At this time, Xiao Zhenhai, who heard the sound, hurried in, raised his foot, kicked Xiao He's shoulder, kicked him to the ground forcefully, and said, "Naughty animal! This is the emperor!" How can you make irresponsible remarks about your family affairs!"

Kneeling in front of Emperor Zhou Cheng again, he said, "Your Majesty, I will take this evil beast back and give him a good beating!"

Emperor Zhou Cheng raised his hand, Xiao Zhenhai signaled Xiao Hu to hold Xiao He and drag him outside——

"Father!" Xiao He looked at Xiao Zhenhai pleadingly, Xiao Zhenhai narrowed his eyes slightly, and said harshly, "If you talk too much, it will have no effect except to anger the Emperor!"

Xiao He was taken away, and Feng Lingyue was finally handcuffed and fettered by guards, and locked in a prison car.

This time, the emperor didn't care about the face of the royal family at all.

The eleventh princess didn't seem to feel anything, her face was pale, she sat in the prison car blankly, her back was leaning on the prison car, her face was expressionless, but it seemed so heartbreaking.

After a while, the rumor that the eleventh princess killed the thirteenth princess became known to everyone in the racecourse.

Zhili knelt on the ground trembling with fright, but dared not say a word, Lian Siyue nodded to Lengmei, Lengmei understood, walked to Zhili's side, and said something to her.

She raised her head abruptly, and saw County Mistress Ronghe and His Highness the Ninth Highness standing opposite her. These two people were looking at her, and she suddenly seemed to see hope.

In Lian Siyue's tent, Zhili knelt on the ground, Lian Siyue signaled Qingdai to help her up, sat on a chair, and asked:

"Zhili, now you tell me everything that happened, from the time when the eleventh princess received the emperor's order to accompany her in the thirteenth princess's tent, don't miss a single bit."

"Yes, magistrate, that's how it is. Originally, the eleventh princess had her own tent, but the thirteenth princess said that Lian Zhaoyi was not there, and she was afraid to live alone, so she asked the eleventh princess to go over..."

Zhili explained what happened in detail.

Lian Siyue listened, frowned, nodded, and said, "It seems that the thirteenth princess wants to harm the eleventh princess, and it has been planned for a long time. Last time at my father's birthday banquet, I heard that she begged the emperor to let the eleventh princess come out." Palace, now that I think about it, she originally wanted to attack Princess Eleven that time, but there were so many things that happened that day that she didn't have the chance to do so."

"County lord, please, the princess is really pitiful, please, find a way to save her, no one in the palace will help her, if the county lord doesn't help, the princess will really, really ..." Zhili said, thinking of the situation of the eleventh princess, she couldn't help crying sadly.

"Don't worry, I won't leave Princess Eleven alone." Lian Siyue said.

"But, Princess Thirteen is your cousin after all, and her concubine mother is your aunt, you..." Zhili said with some concern.

A faint expression appeared on Lian Siyue's face, if Zhili knew that she had already dealt a cruel blow to her aunt, she would not have such worries.

"Sister Zhili, don't worry, our eldest lady is a person who keeps her word. Since she said she would help Princess Eleven, she will definitely help to the end." Knowing Zhili's worries, Qing Dai explained to her .

"Yes, County Master, this servant understands, and I will thank you on behalf of Princess Eleven." Zhili solemnly kowtowed to Lian Siyue.

After Zhili left.

Lian Siyue sat in front of the candlelight, at this moment, it was already late at night, but she didn't feel sleepy, and she was thinking about what happened today that Zhili said in her mind.

Both Leng Mei and Qing Dai tacitly didn't urge her to rest, they stayed quietly in the tent all the time.

After a long time, Lian Siyue asked, "Where is Princess Eleven's prison car now?"

"Miss, it's on the horse farm. The emperor sent soldiers to guard it. No one is allowed to approach." Leng Mei took a step forward and replied.

"Bring me that fox fur cloak, I'll go and have a look." Lian Siyue got up and ordered.


Lian Siyue wore a cloak and walked all the way to the racecourse. Sure enough, there were soldiers holding hands. On the huge racecourse, a prison cart was parked there. Princess Eleven was sitting in the prison cart alone. The starry sky, that small figure, looks thinner and more fragile in the night.

She just approached, Jiang Keji walked over and said:
"Master, please stay, the emperor ordered that no one is allowed to visit."

Lian Siyue raised her eyes, gave Jiang Keji a cold look, took off the fox fur cloak on her body, and said, "I know it's the emperor's order, so I don't intend to disobey it, and now I'm just giving this cloak to the princess to keep out the cold. I wonder if Commander Jiang can be accommodating?"

Jiang Keji turned his head and glanced at the Eleven Princesses. When she was captured by the emperor just now, she didn't even wear a robe, only a thin inner lining and a moon-white tunic. Now it's late at night and the weather is already It's cold.

"..." Jiang Keji didn't speak, and reached for the cloak.

"Master Commander!" The guard on the side hurriedly said, this is against the rules.

"Take the cloak and put it on the princess!" Jiang Keji glanced at the guard and ordered coldly.

The guard paused, and had no choice but to take the cloak and give it to Princess Eleven——

(End of this chapter)

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