Chapter 481
Chapter 481
"Brother Si Wang is going to get married soon. She must have something to do. Let's ask after she finishes. She's still young, so take it easy." Feng Yunzheng thought of Lian Siyue, with a faint smile on his lips. "What about you, don't you also have your own heart?" Feng Yunzheng asked suddenly, with a smile that was both warm and playful.

In the previous life, he and the two guards, Night Breeze and Leng Mei, had never been so close in their hearts. In the last life, these two were loyal to him, sacrificed their lives for him, and tried to protect him with their last breath. .

Therefore, in this life, sometimes he and them are not like guards and masters, but more like——


"Your Highness!" Ye Feng's cheeky cheeks blushed when Feng Yunzheng talked about the central matter, and then he said solemnly, "Your Highness is the only one in my heart, and there will be no one else. Please rest assured, Your Highness."

"Lengmei is a good girl, but because of her bleak background, her heart is closed tightly and she doesn't accept anyone approaching her." Feng Yunzheng patted Night Breeze on the shoulder, speaking earnestly.

"..." Night Breeze put away his cynical look in a rare way, as if a needle had been pricked in his heart.

a few days later.

"Miss, Miss, you have a letter from the young master!" In the afternoon, Lian Siyue just fell asleep and was flipping through a book, when she heard Sijiu's cheerful voice outside, she stood up abruptly and said, "Come in and show me."

"Yes, miss." With a beaming face, Sijiu handed the letterhead from Lian Jue to Lian Siyue.

Lian Siyue hastily unfolded it, and it really was Lian Jue's handwriting. He said in the letter that he had arrived at Shanhaiguan and met his fourth uncle Lian Yanfu. People knew his true identity, and fourth uncle Lian Yanfu also pretended not to know him, and called him "Ajue" like everyone else. He is still an ordinary soldier, sleeping with other soldiers every day, Eating together, training together, adapting well, he said that this is an excellent opportunity, he wants to take this opportunity to understand the true thoughts of the lower-level soldiers——

At the end of the letter, he also said that when we meet again, the spring will be warm and the flowers will bloom, and we will be better for each other.

The letter didn't say who it was written to, but one could tell at a glance that it was addressed to Lian Siyue. No matter the tone and wording, it was very similar to when Lian Jue and Lian Siyue spoke in the past.

A gratified smile appeared on Lian Siyue's face, she read the letter three times, and said, "Je'er has really grown up."

Forty-ninth, Qingdai and a few nuns were listening to Lian Siyue reading the contents of the letter, tears welling up in the corners of their eyes, Lian Jue was kind-hearted and always treated his servants well, so the servants also really liked this only one in their hearts. The young master, especially Sijiu, wiped away tears when he heard it——

"The young master is safe, Sijiu is finally relieved."

He in the previous life, at this time, has already turned into a pitiful faceless beggar, begging along the street every day with broken arms and legs, and crawling to the door of the Prime Minister's mansion from time to time, but she missed him many times and never extended a helping hand , and even ran away in fear in front of him.

But in this life, his life has deviated from the trajectory of the previous life and entered a new field. His path will become wider and wider, and he will become a man who is truly upright and able to protect himself. up.

"That's great, Jue'er, my sister is waiting for better news from you." Xu Shi was infected, and even Siyue, who had always been indifferent in front of the servants, had tears in her eyes.

"Miss, will you reply?" Sijiu wiped away tears and asked with a hint of expectation.

Lian Siyue's heart trembled slightly, she looked at the letter and said, "No need."

"Yes, Sijiu knows." Sijiu was very disappointed when he heard Lian Siyue's answer, because he knew that the young master must be looking forward to the missy's reply——

The young master's letter said the barracks were very good, but who knows, the barracks is the most difficult place. He once said to the fourth master that Shanhaiguan is very cold and the environment is very difficult at this time of year. She is very delicate, how can she adapt to such a harsh environment all of a sudden.What's more, he is just an ordinary soldier, and he doesn't know how difficult this kind of life must be.

If the eldest lady is willing to write him a letter, he will definitely gain a lot of strength, and these difficult days will become easier——

It's a pity that the eldest lady still refuses.

"Miss, Miss San escaped during the night, and the two servants from the barn are waiting outside for Miss to speak." At this time, the slaves outside hurried in and said in a hurry, "The old lady said, Everything is left to the young lady to decide."

When Lian Siyue heard the news, she paused holding Lian Jue's letter, and said, "Don't look for it, let her go first, see where she plans to go, get some silver taels, and reward those two. Individuals, let them continue to watch in the barn."

"Yes, miss, I will do it now." The servant girl took two pieces of silver from Qing Dai and walked out.

Lian Siyue got up, and said to the maid beside her, "Get ready and go to Qing'an Yuan."

After Dong Shen's recuperation, Lian's mother's body has recovered more than half, and her spirit has improved a lot. She is very worried about Lian Jue every day, and Lian Siyue wants to talk to her about Lian Jue's situation, so that she can relax .

As a result, Lian's mother shed tears after hearing what Lian Siyue said in the letter. Dao Lian's family is only such a legitimate son, but she has to suffer this kind of suffering. Lian Siyue comforted her a lot before she calmed down. down.

On the way back from Qing'an Courtyard, suddenly a servant girl ran out from the side in a hurry and accidentally bumped into Lian Siyue's body.

Nanny Tai hurriedly stepped forward to block it, and scolded, "Blind servant, you are reckless, you bumped into the eldest lady, be careful with your skin!"

The little girl raised her head and saw Lian Siyue, she hurriedly knelt on the ground, "Miss, please forgive me, this servant didn't see clearly."

"Who are you? Which yard do you belong to? What are you doing in such a panic in broad daylight?" Lian Siyue asked.

"My servant Tiandong... yes, it's in Aunt Su's room. Aunt Su suffered from a headache again. This servant was in a hurry to find a doctor, so I offended Missy. Please forgive me, Missy." The little maid hurriedly explained.

Aunt Yao?Even Siyue recalled this person in her mind, and she had dealt with her several times after returning home, but there were not many.

This Concubine Su is a woman from the south of the Yangtze River. She is gentle and intelligent. She used to be the most favored concubine of her father, even surpassing Concubine Xiao for a time.

She gave birth to two daughters, one is Sixth Miss Lian Xueqiao, and the other is Fifth Miss Lian Xianzi.

Lian Xianzi's appearance and talent were far superior to Lian Shiya's back then. Although she was a concubine, she was very much liked by the old lady and Lian Yanqing, but it was a pity that she died of a strange disease when she was nine years old. He got contagious smallpox and died in the backyard.

(End of this chapter)

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