Chapter 482
Chapter 482
Since then, Aunt Su has been in a slump and often has a sad face. When she came out of the pain of losing her daughter, she had already lost Lian Yanqing's favor.

"You go, let Aunt Su recover well." Lian Siyue said lightly.

"Thank you Miss!" Tian Dong hurriedly got up and ran to the east.

"Mommy Tai, go to Aunt Su's side, she must be in urgent need of money now, so give me half a year's interest." Lian Siyue watched Tian Dong's figure hurrying away, and ordered.

"Yes, miss, I'll do it right away." Nanny Tai said.

At night, blackness covers the earth.

Lian Shiya hid behind a pile of rotten straw for more than two hours, and when she was sure that no one was chasing her, she slowly limped out from behind the haystack.

Probably because he had been in the stinking environment of the barn for too long, the smell of rotten straw had already disgusted him.

She looked at the livestock barn in the distance, with malice in her eyes, spat on the ground, and said, "Lian Siyue, you want to sit back and relax, it's not so cheap, as long as I can breathe Shiya, I will disgust you, Never make it easier for you."

As she spoke, she dragged her lame leg and walked forward along the path.

At this moment, the clothes on her body have already been smeared gray and black by the dirt and feces, and the original color can't be seen at all. The hair that was originally a skinny man has slowly grown out, but it is long and short, and a strand Strands stuck together, hard and thick.

Only half of the face that was originally like a flower and a moon, full of country and city, was intact, while the other side was half scarred, which was very terrifying.

"Lian Siyue, you bitch, rotten person, you wait! You have hurt me so badly, you wait for me! You will go to hell, your tongue will be pulled out, and your throat will be cut out A sharp knife pierces, you, you..."

Lian Shiya held her breath in her heart, she cursed all the way as she walked, she walked, she didn't know how far she had walked, and finally she was too tired to walk, so she sat on the side of the road and fell asleep on the ground .

Who would have thought that this ugly and smelly beggar-like person was the Third Miss of the Lian family who was once called Sai Guanyin and was well-known in Kyoto?
That night, Lian Shiya lay on the side of the road and had a long, long dream. She actually dreamed that Lian Siyue became the concubine of His Highness Feng Qianyue, but later, Lian Siyue's face was disfigured. , His Highness the Fourth Highness despised her very much, so he showed his favor to her. In the end, she snatched His Highness Fourth Highness from Lian Shiya's hands——

They also cut off Lian Siyue's hands and feet, cut off her ears, nose, and mouth, picked out her eyeballs and fed her to the dogs, and finally threw her in the livestock shed, letting her sleep and eat with the livestock. Animals were trampled to death.

Lian Shiya smiled happily in her dream——

"Good dream, good dream, this is really an excellent dream, Lian Siyue, you deserve to die like this!"

"Smelly beggar, it stinks to death, hurry up and get out!" When she was smiling happily, there was a pain in her body, and someone was swearing at her ear.

She opened her eyes suddenly, and saw several people standing in front of her, beating her with brooms in their hands, and calling her unlucky. When she opened the shop early in the morning, she was stopped by a stinky beggar.

"Ah, ghost!"

"Oh my god, it's so ugly! How can there be such an ugly person?"

When Lian Shiya raised her head and glared at the people who beat her, when they saw her, they screamed in fright, as if they saw a ghost.

Even Shiya hasn't looked in the mirror yet, she knows that her face has been ruined, but she doesn't know how ugly it is. When she saw the reaction of the people around her, she was so angry that she cursed at them——

"Ugly? You untouchables, ugly people, dare to call me ugly, do you know who I am?"

"Fuck!" One of the fat women put her hands on her hips and spit on Lian Shiya, "It turns out that she is not only ugly, but also crazy. It is really bad luck to drive her away. If business is not good today, That bastard must have done it."

"Get out, get out!"

"Hurry up, I'll break your leg!"

Lian Shiya originally wanted to fight with these people, but when she saw the number of people on the other side and heard that her legs were going to be broken, she was so frightened that she limped away, turned her head and said while running:

"You bastards, you will regret what you did today. When I see the light of day again, besides killing Lian Siyue, the first thing I want to do is to kill you blind dogs. Wait for the county lord!"

"County Lord? What are you, you dare to be called County Lord, get out, if you don't get out and kill you, feed it to the dogs!"

After Lian Shiya escaped from the barn, she realized that everything was different from what she had imagined——

Because she was too smelly and dirty, everyone scolded her as a stinky beggar and told her to get away, and some children chased her all the way with stones and threw her away. Slowly, he was hit on the forehead several times, bleeding from the hit.

After a whole day, she didn't eat anything, her chest stuck to her back with hunger, and finally she snatched half a steamed bun from a little doll, hid in a corner and ate it hungrily.

After eating this steamed bun, her hatred for Lian Siyue became even stronger in her heart!I can't wait to kill her immediately!
However, how would she go back to the prime minister's mansion?

Grandmother and father made it clear that they didn't want her as the third lady, and wanted to seek refuge with mother, but mother was taken back to the prime minister's mansion——

Now, there is only one Xiao family left, but, with her current appearance, let alone entering Xiao Guofu, even if she walks on the road, she will be beaten to death.

After being chased and beaten like this for a day, she was exhausted, but there was no place to rest, so she finally found a place to sit down.

"Hi, you're new here." As soon as she sat down, she heard a rough voice.

She frowned, looked at a ragged stinky beggar sitting opposite, with a broken bowl in front of her, she snorted coldly, and said, "I'm not a stinky beggar!"

The man smiled sarcastically and said, "It was like this at the beginning, after all, no one is born a beggar."

Lian Shiya got angry, stood up suddenly, and said, "I said, I'm not a beggar, don't confuse me with you."

"Bah!" The man stood up, spat at her, and changed his seat with the broken bowl.

Lian Shiya stared at him viciously, the rotten scar on her face made her look extraordinarily hideous.

"Clang clang." At this time, a voice sounded in front of her, she looked down and saw that it was a copper plate, she suddenly raised her head, only to see a person shook his head at her with a look of sympathy.

She picked up the copper plate, chased after it, and cursed, "I told you I'm not a beggar, who wants your stinky money, I'm not a beggar! I'm not a beggar!"

Why?Why does everyone who sees her think she is a beggar, she is not at all!no!
(End of this chapter)

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