Chapter 483
Chapter 483
Although Lian Shiya felt that she was still the noble, elegant, dignified and virtuous third lady who was loved by everyone, she had no place to stay that night, so she had to secretly sleep with a group of stinky beggars. It is safer when you are with beggars.

In the middle of the night, a beggar suddenly shouted loudly:

"Come here, there is a thief, the thief stole the money bag I begged for!"

The other beggars were awakened by the life cry, and they got up one after another. Looking around, they saw a limping figure running into the alley.

"It's her, the one with the bad face!" Someone shouted.

"Chasing! How dare you steal the copper coins we have worked so hard to get!" With such a shout, all the beggars fell asleep and ran towards the figure one after another.

When Lian Shiya heard the sound of chasing from behind, she turned her head suddenly, and saw a large group of beggars chasing her like a swarm of wasps. Can't run fast!He was caught within a short distance.

The beggar who lost the money snatched the bag from Lian Shiya's hand, "Dare to steal money, brothers, don't let her go."

"This person said that she was a young lady during the day and looked down on us as beggars, and now she is stealing money. It seems that she is deliberately pretending to sneak into our team and steal money!" Someone said.

"No, no, listen to me..." With so many people attacking her, even Shiya finally started to get scared, her face was pale, and she stepped back step by step——

"Hit her!" At this time, the beggar whose money was stolen yelled, and Lian Shiya was kicked to the ground immediately. All the beggars rushed up, punched and kicked her, and left one by one after venting their anger. .

"Bah! A beggar is a beggar, and he still dreams of being a lady. Would a lady steal money from a beggar? What a joke!"

I don't know who kicked her, and scolded.

Lian Shiya was beaten so hard, her nose was bruised and her face was swollen, her fingers bled from being stepped on, and she lay on the ground as if she was dead——

At last she had tasted the meanest thing in life.

After a long time, she finally crawled to the side of the street and lay down, with pain all over her body, but the fire of hatred in her heart was burning hotter and hotter——

It was dawn.

"Go away, go away!" At this time, all the guards ran over with guns in their hands, and the people around them backed down one after another. Even Shiya moved to the side of the road and looked at the sedan chair from a distance.

I saw that a luxurious sedan chair stopped, and the curtain of the sedan chair was lifted, and a man in a dark purple robe walked down from the sedan chair expressionlessly. His handsome face and a pair of deep eyes were impressive. I was a little startled.

When Lian Shiya saw this person's face clearly, her eyes lit up——

"Fourth Highness..." When Feng Qianyue walked towards the Juxian Tower surrounded by guards, Lian Shiya finally came to her senses, she staggered in a hurry, regardless of the pain in her body ran over--

"Fourth Highness, Fourth Highness, wait, it's me, it's me!"

However, she ran over so madly that she immediately alarmed the guards beside Feng Qianyue. They stopped her and shouted:
"In front of the county king, don't be presumptuous!"

Lian Shiya became anxious immediately, and said, "I am the third miss of the Lian family, Lian Shiya, you go and tell the Fourth Highness that the Fourth Highness will meet me, and he will definitely meet me."

The two guards had also heard of Lian Shiya's name, but she was as beautiful as a fairy, and the one in front of her was as ugly as a ghost, how could she be the famous third lady.

The guard drew out his sword with a swish, and said, "Get out! Take another step forward and kill immediately!"

Lian Shiya took a few steps back in fright. Seeing that Feng Qianyue's back was about to disappear in the Juxian Building, she rushed in her heart and shouted with all her might:

"Fourth Highness, I am Shiya, Fourth Highness, Fourth Highness, turn around!"

Feng Qianyue was about to step into the door when he faintly heard someone calling him. He turned around and saw a beggar-like woman calling him loudly.

He frowned and said, "Who is this person?"

Yingkong stepped forward, "Your Highness, it seems to be the third lady of the Lian family, but it doesn't look like it."

Lian Shiya?A figure flashed in Feng Qianyue's eyes, a smirk appeared on the corner of his lips, and he said, "Lian Siyue is ruthless enough."

"Fourth Highness, Fourth Highness!" Lian Shiya was still shouting.

With displeasure on Feng Qianyue's face, he said, "I was yelled by a beggar on the street, and spreading the word will ruin my reputation, so tell her to shut up."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Winning the order, he nodded and said.

Feng Qianyue didn't stay any longer, and walked inside.

When Lian Shiya saw this, the expression on her face froze, her heart fell into the ice cellar, it was chilly——

Does the Fourth Highness not recognize him?

"If you still want to live, I advise you to keep your mouth shut, and it is best not to be your Highness." At this time, Ying Kong came over and said coldly.

"Win Kong, it's me, I'm..."

"No matter who you are, His Highness doesn't want to know. If you hesitate any longer, swords have eyes..." Ying Kong's eyes were cold, and his tone was unquestionable.

Lian Shiya watched the guards leave, she stood alone on the street, surrounded by the crowd, only heard someone say:

"Could it be that this beggar lost his mind and went crazy? His Highness Fourth is about to marry Princess He Yun, and he even called His Highness Fourth in public."

What, His Royal Highness is going to marry Xiao Rou soon?
This, how is this possible?Isn't Xiao Rou not yet at the age of marriage?

"You're talking nonsense! It's impossible for His Royal Highness to get married so soon." Lian Shiya reprimanded.

"How can it be impossible? These days, I am going to Yuejun Palace to buy all kinds of wedding things."

No, not possible!
In Lian Shiya's mind, the day when Feng Qianyue stood in front of him in the Prime Minister's Mansion, her tall body exuded a strong aura of a man, she never forgot that feeling, and imagined that one day she would be able to confide in him. , I didn't expect——

He is going to marry Xiao Rou so soon!

It must be that little bitch Xiao Rou who used his uncle's power to force His Royal Highness to submit, it must be like this!The Fourth Highness doesn't know how much she hates her!
As Lian Shiya walked back, hatred surged in her heart——

"Bitch, all are sluts! Xiao Rou, even Siyue, are all sluts! I curse you, I curse you!" She cursed cursingly as she walked, wishing she could strangle him to death.

Xiangfu, West Courtyard.

Aunt Xiao had a nightmare last night. When she woke up in the morning, she said to Nanny Sun:

"Mom, think of a way. I'm going to the barn to see Ya'er. She has never suffered or tired. How could she endure such an environment?"

Nanny Sun hesitated, and said, "But what if the eldest miss finds out, she is too scary, she took you back to the Prime Minister's mansion from the other courtyard, just to prevent you from seeing the third miss, if you are caught by her Knowing that you went out to find her secretly, you must have angered her."

"Grandma Sun!" Aunt Xiao said angrily after hearing this, "Are you still the one-faced grandma of the Xiao family? Why are you so afraid!"

Nanny Sun glanced at Aunt Xiao and said, "Aren't you afraid?"

In fact, Nanny Sun wished to go back to the Prime Minister's Mansion as soon as possible. She wanted to go and see Mother Lian, but as a slave in the West Courtyard, she couldn't even see a few wives on weekdays, let alone the old lady in this deep house. Several times, but in the end I had to give up and live with Aunt Xiao in aggrieved life here, guarding against that difficult Aunt Zhao humiliating without any scruples.

She finally realized that because of what Aunt Xiao had said, she had underestimated the eldest lady of the Xiangfu too much.

"I..." Aunt Xiao suddenly ran out of words. She was sitting on the edge of the bed, stroking her fake belly with her hands. She is already more than six months old. She has been carefully protecting this secret, and no one has discovered her. The Secret of False Pregnancy.

"No!" She stood up abruptly, and said, "I'm going to see her. No matter what, I have to go out and see how she can survive in such a terrible place like a barn."

(End of this chapter)

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