First-class daughter

Chapter 484 Just a Beggar

Chapter 484 Just a Beggar
Chapter 484 Just a Beggar
In the afternoon, Aunt Xiao asked Nanny Sun to go out for a walk, and when she confirmed that it was a good time, she immediately walked out quickly, preparing to escape from the west courtyard——

"Where are you going in such a hurry, Aunt Xiao?"

However, just as Aunt Xiao reached the gate of the west courtyard, she was stopped by a sarcastic voice. Aunt Zhao was leaning against the door, shaking her hand inadvertently, and Aunt Xiao squinted her eyes with the glittering gold bracelet dangling on her wrist. ——

"Aunt Zhao, why do you have to make trouble with me for the sake of a young lady, you and I are both aunts, the young lady gave you benefits, but you are nothing more than a slave in her mind, it's really ugly to work so hard. "Aunt Xiao said.

"Ah bah!" Aunt Zhao sneered, and said, "With your current virtue, you still want to do something to sow discord, go back to your room honestly and have a baby, if you can give birth to a healthy baby by then My child, maybe I can save you once."

This Aunt Zhao was subdued by Lian Siyue. How could she be provoked by Aunt Xiao's few words? As a result, Aunt Xiao's face turned red and white, but she had no choice but to go back to her room resentfully. .

Sitting in the dimly lit room, she stretched out her hand to caress her fake belly, with a look of determination in her eyes, and murmured, "Now, I'm afraid I can only rely on you to save Shiya's life."

She still has one person she can use—Nurse Dong, let's take a risk!

"Ouch, ouch..." After a while, a painful groan came from Aunt Xiao's room.

When several aunts heard the sound, they all ran over and looked inside, only to see Aunt Xiao lying on the bed with her hands covering her belly, with a painful look on her face.

Because it was a fake pregnancy, no matter what happened to her, Xiao Xianmin never dared to say that she had a stomachache, for fear of being exposed. But now, there was no way out, and she had to take this risky move.

Nanny Sun squatted in front of her anxiously, turning around anxiously, "Auntie, what's wrong with you?"

"Hurry up, call, call Dong Nanny from Qingquanyuan to come over, hurry up." Aunt Xiao blinked her eyes at Sun Nanny, and continued to moan in pain.

"What's the matter, it's really tiresome, it's not easy." Aunt Zhao pushed all the aunts away, walked in, and said.

"Aunt Zhao, Aunt Xiao is already like this, please be merciful, they are all women." Nanny Sun really wanted to go up and beat Aunt Zhao, but now that she is the head of the West Courtyard, she couldn't offend her, so she had to hold back Said angrily.

Aunt Zhao's complexion changed, and she said, "Then go and call that mother Dong, if anything happens, we in the west courtyard will not bear this responsibility."

Soon, Nanny Dong was called over, and Aunt Xiao ordered Nanny Sun to close the door, and dragged Nanny Dong to talk inside for half an hour before coming out.

Aunt Zhao kept her ears on the door, but she didn't hear anything.

But after Mammy Dong left, Aunt Xiao seemed to have changed, she was much more relaxed, and even smiled twice, Aunt Zhao was even more confused by Monk Zhang Er.

When she ran to respond to the eldest lady, the eldest lady only said one sentence: "The crossbow is extremely powerful, and the arrow can't pierce Lu Jin."

On the second day, a low-key and luxurious sedan chair was carried out from the prime minister's mansion, and Lian Siyue got on the sedan chair with Qing Dai's hand.

Lian Siyue went here because he had made an appointment with Liu Xiren of the Shangshu Mansion to go to Jiuhua Temple. Liu Xiren married Liu Shilang's second son Liu Li after the spring. This time they made an appointment to go to Jiuhua Temple to pray together. .

When we arrived at Jiuhua Temple, Liu Xiren's sedan chair was already waiting at the door——

"Siyue..." Liu Xiren yelled when he saw Lian Siyue. Her face was ruddy, and the corners of her mouth were full of spring.

"Happy." Lian Siyue walked over, and the two walked side by side to the Baohua Hall of Jiuhua Temple, "It seems that you are doing well."

A smile appeared on Liu Xiren's face, and he said, "Liu Li is really kind to me, caring and considerate. When I go out today, I specially sent some maidservants. They will come to the temple to pick me up later."

It is indeed good to be able to do this.

The maidservant and mother-in-law of the two followed closely behind.

"By the way, I saw Xiao Rou's sedan chair just now. It should be here to pray for the wedding between myself and the Fourth Highness. I heard that according to Xiao Rou's intention, it is necessary to make a big fuss. Duke Xiao dotes on this bad daughter. At that time, the wedding of the two of them will definitely shock the whole of Kyoto. Now, people in the whole of Kyoto are talking about their marriage, hey..." Liu Xiren sighed.

"What are you sighing for?" Lian Siyue laughed.

"Your Highness the Fourth Highness is handsome and one of the most beautiful men in Kyoto, but he married Xiao Rou. The reason for this is terrible when you think about it. I really don't know if this is a marriage or a tragedy, and I don't know whether it is the Fourth Highness. It's a pity for him to be happy." Liu Xiren shook his head and said.

Lian Siyue didn't speak, with a faint expression on the corner of her lips, she continued to walk up the mountain with Liu Xiren—

At this time, in the distance, a gray-black figure moved out from behind the tree, and a pair of vicious eyes fell on Lian Siyue's body——

Lian Siyue, I finally caught you.

The two arrived at Baohua Hall, where the Abbot Nine of the temple personally received them, prayed, kowtowed, donated sesame oil money, drew lots, unwrapped lots, and so on. After listening to the interpretation of the signature, I was very happy, and then donated another share of sesame oil money.

"Siyue, you can also draw a lottery. It's all here. Abbot Jiufang will solve the lottery for you in person." Liu Xiren said to Lian Siyue.

Lian Siyue smiled, she doesn't believe in fate, but it doesn't hurt to draw lots, so she said, "Fang Zhang, please."

"What lot will the county chief draw?" Abbot Nine asked politely.

"Marriage lottery, marriage fate." Liu Xiren said without waiting for Lian Siyue to answer, and winked at her while speaking.

Lian Siyue smiled helplessly, "You always seem to be afraid that I won't get married."

"Who said, how can you not get married? Now, the whole capital who wants to marry you is probably lined up from your home to Zhengyangmen. But there are many people who want to marry you, and there are also many people with other purposes. So if you draw a lottery, there will always be a reminder in the sign, so it’s better for you to pay more attention, so as not to fall into someone’s trap.”

It turned out that Liu Xiren had this purpose, which showed that she really cared for Lian Siyue.

"Then please ask the county magistrate to draw lots." The little master brought the lottery bucket over.

Lian Siyue knelt in front of the Buddha statue, holding a stick in both hands, slowly closed her eyes, shaking the stick in her hand, and as it shook, the stick made a sound, and the temple was filled with incense. Extraordinarily solemn and solemn beauty.

"..." After a while, finally, a sign slipped out of the holder, she bent down to pick it up, and handed the sign to Abbot Jiufang.

Abbot Jiufang took the lot and read it carefully, Lian Siyue watched it calmly, while Liu Xiren seemed a little nervous.

After a while, a look of surprise flashed across Abbot Jiu's face, and he raised his eyes to look closely at Lian Siyue.

"Abbot, what's the matter?" Liu Xiren asked, feeling nervous when he saw Abbot Jiu's reaction.

"Abbot, is my marriage not good?" Lian Siyue asked.

"This signed document means that the county lord will have... two marriage contracts." Abbot Jiu said.

"Two engagements?" Liu Xiren was taken aback. They were all women who grew up studying female rings and were influenced by the three obediences and four virtues. Since ancient times, they have never heard of any woman having two engagements——

Women, either go to death with their husbands, and most of them are widows. It is very rare that Lian Xi, the aunt of the Lian family, can go back to her natal home after her death. Lian Xi also suffered a lot of criticism back then , thanks to the protection of my mother, otherwise I would be drowned in saliva.

And now, the signed document actually said that Lian Siyue would have two engagements?If such a deviant thing really happened, it would be unimaginable——

In other words, only miserable women have two marriages.

"Abbot, could it be... a mistake." Liu Xiren glanced at Lian Siyue worriedly, and asked anxiously.

"The signature is clearly written, and it was drawn out by the county lord. After deciphering so many signatures, I can't make a mistake." Abbot Jiufang said with certainty, thinking to himself——

The county lord's fate is really strange. Last time the prime minister gave him her birth date, it was also very strange, but now she actually counted two engagements.

Compared to Liu Xiren's nervousness, Lian Siyue seemed a little indifferent, and said with a smile, "If I don't get married, wouldn't it be a marriage?"

After bidding farewell to Abbot Jiu and walking out of the Baohua Hall, Liu Xiren thought of something, turned around and hurried into the hall again, and said to Abbot Jiu, "Abbot, my friend is still unmarried, please be sure to sign the document." Keep it a secret." If Lian Siyue spread the rumor of two engagements, no one would dare to marry her.

Along the way, they also met young ladies from other aristocratic families who came to ask for a lottery, including Liang Runan, Fan Yu from General Fan's Mansion, and Liu Yanyu. chat.

Lian Siyue saw that Liu Xiren was always a little uneasy, so she whispered, "Don't be too nervous, just sign the document, whether you believe it or not."

"It's just your big heart, as if nothing happened." Liu Xiren gave her a slight look and said.

"Master, Miss Liu, what are you talking about?" Fan Yu asked.

"No, it's nothing, just discussing the signed document just now." Liu Xiren said hastily.

"Lian Siyue! You bitch! You are cruel! You will die! Today, I will do justice for the heavens and kill you!" At this moment, a sharp voice sounded. A black shadow, dirty and smelly, flew towards Lian Siyue with a dagger in his hand.

"Ah!" The young ladies had never seen such a situation before, and all of them turned pale with fright.

"Bang!" However, before the man approached, he stood quietly behind the pillar, Leng Mei, who had hidden his figure, ran out at an extremely fast speed, kicked the man with one foot, and kicked her with the other. Far away, Leng Mei coldly reprimanded in a low voice:

"Things that are beyond their control, dare to approach the eldest lady."

Lian Shiya was kicked down and collapsed on the ground like a rag, raised her head, wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and stared fiercely at Lian Siyue——

She couldn't get close to this bitch at all, Lian Shiya felt extremely ashamed and angry. .

"Bitch, you..." As soon as she opened her mouth, Leng Mei blocked her mouth with a ball of cloth, making her unable to speak.

"Here, is this Lian Shiya, the third lady of your prime minister's mansion? How did she become like this? My God, she is no different from a beggar on the street." After recovering, Fan Yu stared at the dirty The smelly and ugly beggar looked at it and said loudly in surprise.

"Ah, don't tell me, after such a careful look, you really look like Lian Shiya." Liu Yanyu looked around and said.

(End of this chapter)

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