Chapter 485
Chapter 485
Lian Siyue glanced at it lightly, and said, "Miss Fan, Miss Liu, I'm afraid you are mistaken, this is just a beggar with a bad face, how could it be my third sister?"

"Did I read it wrong?" Fan Yu showed a puzzled expression on his face, and when he wanted to look again, the beggar's face was no longer facing her.

"I thought it was the third lady from the Lian family when I heard the voice." Liang Runan said, remembering what happened at the racecourse, she couldn't help but take another look at Lian Siyue.

"How about, let's go over and have a look to see if it's the third lady of our Prime Minister's Mansion."

"No, no need, no need to read." Fan Yu stopped immediately when she heard this, she didn't want to approach such a dirty and smelly beggar, besides, whether this person is even Shiya has nothing to do with her.

"Miss Liang, do you want to take a look?" Lian Siyue looked at Liang Runan again.

"...There is no need for this." Liang Runan actually thought the same as Fan Yu. Who this person is has nothing to do with her. Besides, she has also experienced Lian Siyue's methods, so there is no need to fight her.

Lian Shiya really heard the conversation between Lian Siyue and Fan Yu, the hatred in her eyes burst into anger, but there was no way, she couldn't speak, and she couldn't get close to Lian Siyue, she finally realized that now she The gap between Lian Siyue and Lian Siyue is already one sky and one underground.

"Master, what happened?" At this time, the monks and masters from Jiuhua Temple heard the news.

"Here comes an inexplicable beggar who wants to assassinate the county lord, quickly call the officers and soldiers." Liu Yanyu was timid, even though the "beggar" had been subdued, she still had lingering fears, and said, tightly clutching the handkerchief.

"There are so many good men and women today, so there is no need for officers and soldiers to call, otherwise it will disturb everyone and damage the reputation of Jiuhua Temple. Just ask my maid to bring her to the government." Lian Siyue said.

"The county magistrate is right. Seeing that he is a lunatic, if the matter spreads, it will be bad." Liu Yanyu said.

Therefore, Lian Siyue signaled to let Leng Mei take Lian Shiya away. After a short period of confusion, the ladies of the family started talking and laughing as before.

"That's Lian Shiya..." Liu Xiren approached Lian Siyue's ear when everyone was not paying attention, and asked in a low voice.

Lian Siyue nodded lightly.

There was a hint of shock in Liu Xiren's eyes, and then he smiled and said, "Just because of her ignorant appearance, she is obviously a concubine, but she wants to take away what originally belonged to you. It's not surprising that there will be a day like this."

"Hey, isn't this the princess of Ronghe County?" At this moment, there was a sneering sneer from the side, and everyone saw Xiao Rou, the princess of Heyun County, sitting on a sedan chair carried by four people. The son, the servant and the maid accompanied him, and the formation was very large.

Everyone here is lower than Xiao Rou's, so everyone has to stand up and salute her——

"See the county lord."

"The Princess is here to pray for the wedding, congratulations first, Princess." Fan Yu said with a smile.

"Hmph..." Xiao Rou gave her a cold look, and said, "Fan Yu, your father committed a crime and was fined by my father, and you still have the mood to chat and laugh here. General Fan has a daughter like you, What a family misfortune."

She just hates playing with Lian Siyue, Fan Yu and Lian Siyue are so close, so she will naturally be squeezed by her.

Being reprimanded by Xiao Rou, Fan Yu's face turns red and turns pale.

Xiao Rou said sarcastically, "Birds of a feather flock together." The four words were scolded by several people present.

Xiao Rou looked down at the crowd, and said contemptuously to Lian Siyue, "Lian Siyue, the princess ordered you to come here now, and wait for me to get off the sedan chair. You also know that the princess is inconvenient."

She is the princess of the first grade granted by the emperor, and she is much higher than Lian Siyue's county head. There are so many people here, let Lian Siyue take care of her, she expected that she would not dare to refuse. The bitch has repeatedly opposed His Highness the Fourth Highness, she just wants to seize the opportunity to disgust her, make her uncomfortable, and see her suffer, so Xiao Rou will be happy.

Everyone was stunned, Princess He Yun had so many servants by her side, yet she asked Lian Siyue to wait on her to get off the sedan chair. This was obviously an intentional embarrassment for Lian Siyue. I don't know what Lian Siyue would do?
But seeing Lian Siyue with a calm smile on his face, he walked to Xiao Rou's sedan chair, stretched out his hand to her openly, and said, "It's an honor for Siyue to help the princess get off the sedan chair, please Princess, get off the sedan chair."

Xiao Rou was taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect that even Siyue didn't mind serving her to get off the sedan chair at all, instead, her outstretched hand hesitated——

She raised her eyes and glanced at Lian Siyue, she was smiling, her smile was gentle and flawless, but it made her tremble all over, a chill rose from the bottom of her heart——

Xiao Rou suddenly withdrew her outstretched hand, concealed the unease in her heart, coughed lightly, and said, "Forget it, the princess is afraid that you will deliberately let me fall, so I don't need your help, Su Yin, let's go Well, I'm going to pray for His Royal Highness, and bless him from being framed repeatedly by the villains!"

Xiao Rou meant something, and looked at Lian Siyue one more time, as if telling everyone that the villain she was talking about was Lian Siyue.

"Princess, go well, the road down the mountain is steep, you must be careful." Lian Siyue looked at Xiao Rou and reminded with "concern".

"Don't worry, I've already fallen once, and I won't fall again this time." Xiao Rou said with a smile on her face, "I will walk with the Fourth Highness, and we will walk very steadily."

Lian Siyue watched Xiao Rou's sedan chair go away, she couldn't help shaking her head, she was so pitiful and pathetic, she wondered how Xiao Rou would react if she knew that she almost died under Feng Qianyue's hands?
Leng Mei held Lian Shiya by the collar all the way, threw her out of Jiuhua Temple, looked at her condescendingly, and said coldly:

"Be your beggar well, don't get close to the eldest lady, next time, I will kill you directly!"

Her expressionless face made Lian Shiya flinch in fright, and she asked:
"Who are you? Who sent you to Lian Siyue's side? You are not an ordinary slave."

"I was sent by His Royal Highness Ninth Prince, so don't try to make any plans for Missy. Her Highness Ninth Prince will never let anyone who is interested in Missy Missy go. If you don't believe me, you can try it!" Leng Mei said coldly The ground said to the people on the ground, and then turned and left quickly.

What?His Royal Highness...

Lian Shiya was stunned, she recalled in her mind the time when this "green branch" (cold eyebrow) entered the mansion, this was not long after Lian Siyue just returned from Yaocheng, from that time on, His Highness the Ninth Prince Has it been like a moon in the protection company?

She thought of His Highness Ninth Prince's demeanor and his rising status, and she couldn't help feeling a strong jealousy in her heart. She clenched her fists tightly. Why, why would someone even be so considerate of her like Yue, why? She escorted her, but along the way, she became a beggar in everyone's mouth!

(End of this chapter)

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