Chapter 486
Chapter 486
She finally snorted disdainfully and said:

"Lian Siyue, you bastard, on the surface you look aloof and no one can get close to you. It turns out that you are a bastard. You have long been with His Highness the Ninth Highness. You are really using your body to please her. Disgusting, you are so despicable! Ninth Prince, Lian Siyue, you bitches, I, Lian Shiya, will curse you day and night, you will die in the future, if you get married in the future, Lian Siyue will not be able to have children, Haha, hahaha!"

Lian Shiya got tired of scolding, and no one responded, so she had no choice but to support her broken body, and left Jiuhua Temple resentfully.

As soon as he returned to the market, he was treated like a stinky beggar, scolded by adults, chased by children with stones, and had nowhere to stay. It was even more impossible to get close to the prime minister's mansion and Xiao Guo's mansion.

Helpless, and finally had no choice but to go back to the barn in despair.

When Lian Siyue returned to the Prime Minister's Mansion, the Yuejun Prince's Mansion sent an invitation card for the big wedding. The invitation card was sent by Feng Qianyue himself. Lian Yanqing took the post and said congratulations to the Fourth Highness, congratulations to the Fourth Highness, the minister must bring his family Go there to celebrate the wedding of His Highness the Fourth Highness and Princess Heyun.

When Feng Qianyue left the mansion, he deliberately walked very slowly, looking around.

So, I met Lian Siyue under the daisy tree full of small yellow flowers in the back garden. She stood there with a white face, picturesque eyebrows, bright and moving, like a lotus flower in early summer, not stained with dust. , the whole body exudes a sense of immortality and refinement——

She is more and more beautiful, the beauty is domineering, and the beauty is shocking, but coupled with her always calm and breezy appearance, this beauty is much more gentle, she always has a unique charm, this is Not to be found in any other woman—

It was also what he worked so hard to get.

He looked at her for a long time, his eyes were like sharp knives, and said, "Lian Siyue, I'm getting married, you know."

"Congratulations Your Highness, I will be there to congratulate and present a generous gift." Lian Siyue nodded slightly and said.

"I was thinking just now, I really want to dig out your heart and see what color it is." Feng Qianyue said with a sneer.

"It must be black." Lian Siyue replied calmly and solemnly.

"Heh..." Feng Qianyue smiled evilly, and a deep meaning flashed in his eyes, "Lian Siyue, once I marry Xiao Rou, I will be inseparable from the Xiao family, and there will be no grievances between you and me. There is no more room, I will become one with the Xiao family, you should be very clear about what this means."

"It couldn't be clearer, Your Highness Fourth." Lian Siyue said, but he was thinking in his heart, it would be better if you pack them together, and save me going to fight one by one.

"Lian Siyue, you are so clever, but you can't see through my heart after all. I love you in my heart and want to get you, so I have repeatedly made enemies with Brother Nine Emperors. If you are willing to smile at me one more time, the love between you and me Why do you have to go to this point." Feng Qianyue seemed to have suffered a huge injury, with deep pity in his eyes, staring at Lian Siyue.

Lian Siyue chuckled, with an undisguised sarcasm in his eyes, and said:

"Fourth Highness, if you use the same method once and it doesn't work, you shouldn't use it a second time, otherwise, it will appear that your moves are boring and boring.

Perhaps, you have played too many games of playing with women's feelings, and you have played too many times as affectionate men, so you have forgotten that you have used this trick on me?

Then I don't mind saying it again, don't play affection with me, I find it extremely disgusting.Xiao Rou eats this set, and even Shi Ya eats this one. If you put a hairpin on her head, she will never forget it for a long time. Your Highness, why don't you go find her again. "

Lian Siyue is really disgusting, she shows off her affection to everyone, in her last life, she didn't know how many women he lured to work for him, pave the way for him, and fly moths for him Huo, but she, an idiot, didn't know anything, and became one of them, and the one with the most tragic fate.

This is still the case in this life, and it has intensified. Without a bottom line,

"Lian Shiya? This poor person, haven't you already made her miserable and ugly, mixed with beggars in the capital, and been scolded and insulted by others?
Lian Siyue, your viciousness is really beyond my expectation, no matter how much you fight, it's just a back room affair, no matter how Shi Ya hurts you, won't you be fine?You have brought her to such a state, tsk tsk, it is sad that she has a sister like you. "

"So, what His Highness means is that if she harmed me, as long as I'm safe and sound, I shouldn't fight back?" Hehe, Lian Siyue was really shocked by his conception.

"You are so powerful, where can she harm you? On the contrary, whichever time it is not her bad luck, you are always safe and sound."

"It seems that His Royal Highness is really a philanthropic person. If you have compassion for my third sister, you might as well do it yourself and take good care of her. After all, she will never forget you, but I pity your new wife Xiao It's just soft." Lian Siyue didn't want to waste any more time with Feng Qianyue when she said this, so she coldly gave him two words "easy to go" and left his side. She didn't know what his expression was. not give a damn about.

After returning to Xianheyuan, Lian Siyue leaned on the low couch and closed her eyes to sleep——

After a while, Qing Dai came to report and said, "Eldest Miss, Fourth Highness has already left, and Third Miss has returned to the barn after being out for two days, and now she is cleaning the pigsty honestly, because those two servants and her As I said, in the future, you will only have something to eat when you work.”

After hearing this, Lian Siyue slowly opened his eyes and asked, "What time is it?"

"Back to Miss, the time has just passed." Qing Dai bowed and arrived.

"Get ready. Go to the livestock shed. Before you go, stop at the Jingxi Clothes Store. I'm going in to get some clothes."

When Lian Shiya saw Lian Siyue again in the barn, she shrank in fright and asked, "You, what are you doing here now? You want to kill me?"

"Qingdai, bring the clothes to Miss San." Lian Siyue ordered without answering her.

A fiery red wedding dress appeared in front of Lian Siyue. The fabric was top layer and the workmanship was exquisite. Lian Shiya looked at this wedding dress and her heart moved. She suddenly looked up at Lian Siyue and asked:
"Lian Siyue, what kind of medicine do you sell in your gourd? You know that Princess An has said that I cannot wear red, but you give me this. Are you humiliating me?"

"Humiliate you? I don't have the time." Lian Siyue said indifferently.

"then you……"

"Take it, it will be useful soon, but don't get it dirty, or you will regret it later." A meaningful flash of light flashed in Lian Ruyue's eyes, which seemed to be true but not true. Lian Shiya saw the fake smile, and felt a chill in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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