First-class daughter

Chapter 487 I have a way

Chapter 487 I have a way
Chapter 487 I have a way
Xianheyuan, in the middle of the night, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse, and everything is silent, only occasionally one or two insects are heard.

"No, don't, Le Yan, Le Yan!" Lian Siyue sat up abruptly from the bed, clutching the quilt tightly with her hands, her chest heaving violently and panting, the drops of water on her face could not tell whether it was sweat or Tears.

"Miss! Miss, what's the matter with you?" Leng Mei and Qing Dai hurried in when they heard the movement, held the lamp and saw that Lian Siyue's face was pale.

"Did Miss have nightmares again?" Leng Mei went to fetch water, Qing Dai hurriedly twisted the veil, wiped away the tears and sweat from her face, and asked softly.

Qing Dai thinks about it carefully, in fact, the eldest miss has not had nightmares for a long time, unlike the time when she just returned to Xiangfu, she had nightmares every day and night, woke up from nightmares many times, and then never again Unable to fall asleep, I stared at the bed curtain with my big eyes open until dawn, and the quilt was soaked in sweat.

And sometimes, when she was clearly asleep, her eyes were filled with tears, which looked very painful.

Qing Dai didn't know what the eldest lady had experienced, but she was in such pain, those experiences must have been very tragic.

"Miss, excuse me for talking too much, you often call Le Yan in your dreams, who is she? Is she very unfortunate, where is she now? Miss always dreams of her, do you want to go and see her, help Help her?" Qing Dai asked.

This unintentional sentence touched Lian Siyue's heart deeply unintentionally. Her heart was as hard as iron, but she had a weakness because of Le Yan.

"I can help anyone, but I can't help her, but she is the most important person to me." As she spoke, her heart felt a tight pain again, which was so painful that it could not be comforted. People from the previous life, what should she do?

"..." Qing Dai couldn't understand what Lian Siyue was saying, but she felt that there was a soft and fragile side in the heart of the always cold and tough lady.

"It's all because of him! Everything is because of him! This bitch! I must send him to hell!" Lian Siyue tightly grasped the quilt under her body, her fingertips turned white, and her eyes showed strong hatred!
Feng Qianyue, I will never let you go, I will never let you go!
After a while, Lian Siyue slowly regained her composure, she got off the bed, Qing Dai quickly took the cloak and put it on her body, "Miss, be careful not to catch a cold."

Lian Siyue walked to the desk and sat down, wearing the magenta cloak, writing something on the paper with a pen, the candlelight shone on her slightly pale face, and a hazy shadow fell on the desk, following her The movement in the hand shakes slightly.

She sat in front of the desk like this until dawn, she kept her lips slightly pursed, and there was an icy chill in her eyes, as if she wanted to devour what she had written!
When she left the table and Qing Dai went to clean up the table case, she found that the eldest lady had written so much, and there were only three words from beginning to end: Feng Qianyue.

Qing Dai was taken aback, Feng Qianyue?Isn't this the name of the Fourth Highness?How did the eldest miss write the name of the fourth highness all night?

Moreover, this handwriting does not look like a woman's handwriting at all. The words are sharp and sharp, with a powerful momentum rushing towards the face, which makes people feel shocked and then a little out of breath.

"Miss..." At this time, the voice of Huang Cen, the eldest maid of Qing'an Courtyard, was heard outside, and Qing Dai quickly tore up the paper with Feng Qianyue's name on it, crumpled it up and threw it away.

It turned out that Huang Cen came to invite Lian Siyue to Qing'an Courtyard, and together they discussed how to give gifts for the wedding of His Royal Highness.

The prince is too married, and the one who is married is the daughter of Xiao Guofu. Naturally, he needs to be very particular about gift giving. Just what to give and how much to give, they discussed for a whole morning, and the gift list was deleted and deleted for three full days. With more pages left, Lian's mother emphasized that the ceremony must be delivered in place, and that the Xiangfu's face should not be lost.

It's so ironic to prepare a congratulatory gift for Feng Qianyue's big wedding so hard.

Lian's mother lingered like the moon and had lunch together at Qing'an Yuan before letting her go

When he walked outside, Leng Mei stepped forward and reported, "Miss, I have already taken you to the Jingxi Clothing Store. Boss Mo is waiting for you to go over."

"Prepare the sedan chair." Lian Siyue ordered.

The sedan chair went all the way to the shop, and Lian Siyue went directly to a closed door on the second floor, where the proprietress Mo Liniang was waiting respectfully at the door.

Pushing open the door, I saw Lian Shiya sitting inside, she was looking around, she had already changed out of the dirty and smelly beggar-like clothes, and now she was wearing the dark green satin dress of an ordinary maid, with stone blue cotton , the person looks clean, but the scar on the left side of the face looks ugly and glaring.

As soon as she saw Lian Siyue, she saw the luxurious clothes she was wearing, Lian Shiya's eyes showed a hint of jealousy, she immediately stood up, walked over a few steps, and asked, "Lian Siyue, what are you going to do? First you gave me a red wedding dress, and then brought me here, what kind of medicine are you selling in your gourd? Can you tell me clearly."

Lian Siyue glanced at her indifferently, and said, "This is better than the barn, don't you want to sit here more?"

"..." Lian Shiya was suddenly resentful, a little speechless, this place is indeed much better than that barn.

After a while, Mo Liniang asked the waiter in the store to bring over a gorgeous and luxurious red wedding dress, and Lian Shiya took a look——

This wedding dress is exactly the same as the one Lian Siyue gave her, what's going on?

"Miss, this is the wedding dress that Xiao Guofu will wear when he and Princess Yun are together. It has been completed and is going to be sent to Xiao Guofu tomorrow morning. The princess has already sent people to look at it twice."

"As expected of Xiao Guofu's handwriting, whether it's materials or workmanship, they are all top-notch." Lian Siyue touched the wedding dress with her hands, and there was a touch of sarcasm on the corner of her lips——

This Xiao Zhenhai is using gold to make up for Xiao Rou's lack of legs, but, based on her understanding of Feng Qianyue, the more Xiao Zhenhai does this, the more disgusted Feng Qianyue will be, and the more resistant she will be to Xiao Rou——

It's just that even Xiao Zhenhai couldn't figure out his way of making appearances.

Mo Liniang glanced at Lian Shiya, and said, "Princess He Yun specially emphasized that this is his wedding with His Highness the Fourth Highness, so the wedding dress must be as luxurious as possible. First of all, the amount of gold silk is used. The richer the better, even the red hijab we made for her is a solid gold thread, she said, whether it is a wedding dress, hijab, or wedding shoes, it must be the best, and she wants to give the best of herself to Fourth Highness, so we made this wedding dress according to her request."

Lian Shiya listened on the sidelines, her heart filled with intense jealousy, she couldn't help biting her lower lip, and clenched her hands into fists——

That bitch Xiao Rou, who had clearly agreed that she would last like a moon, refused to tell the truth at the critical moment, and took the opportunity to give herself to the Fourth Highness!

She now suspects that it was Xiao Rou's trick at all, pretending to be like a moon, but in fact, she used Lian Shiya's hand to thrust herself into the Fourth Highness!
Bitch!Why can she get married in a beautiful way, but she was driven to the barn by her family.

None of her small movements and gazes escaped Lian Siyue's eyes, Lian Siyue sneered in her heart, and said, "Sanmei, you and Boss Mo are responsible for sending the wedding dress, wedding shoes, and red hijab together. Give it to Xiao Rou."

"I'll give it to you?" Lian Shiya was taken aback, "Lian Siyue, did you make a mistake, you brought me here to humiliate me? Xiao Rou's wedding dress, why should I give it to her!" The more she talked, the more angry she became. Didn't Xiao Rou, who lacked a leg, rely on her uncle's influence to marry the Fourth Highness?
Let her give the wedding dress?She couldn't wait to take a pair of scissors and cut all the wedding dress into pieces.

"Don't you like the Fourth Highness? You like to fight so much, so why did you just give up the person you like to Xiao Rou this time?" Lian Siyue asked suddenly.

Lian Shiya was taken aback when she heard this, her face turned red, and her eyes narrowed slightly, "What do you mean? You came to humiliate me with the wedding dress first, and now you say that on purpose to embarrass me? You clearly know that this is impossible thing."

"Who says it's impossible?" Lian Siyue raised her lips slightly and said, "I have a way to make you marry him."

(End of this chapter)

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