First-class daughter

Chapter 488 Reached a consensus

Chapter 488 Agreed

Chapter 488 Agreed

When Lian Shiya heard this, her heart was hit hard, and a trace of longing suddenly appeared on her face——

Marrying the Fourth Highness is obviously her best destination at present, and most importantly, the Fourth Highness is the person she admires.

However, she suddenly thought, the person in front of her is Lian Siyue, who is more vicious than snakes and scorpions, how could she kindly plot for her?

She looked at Lian Siyue vigilantly, and asked, "Lian Siyue, what's on your mind, you can never use me."

"If I use you to get you what you want, wouldn't it be a good deal?" Lian Siyue looked at Lian Shiya's flickering eyes and said.

Lian Shiya thought in her heart that she had already been kicked out of the Lian family, her grandmother and father would no longer want her, and now that her own mother could not protect herself, if the fake pregnancy in her belly was exposed one day, there would be no bones left. Living in a barn, eating, drinking and sleeping with the herd of livestock all day long, it was dirty and smelly, and life was worse than death.

If she didn't plan for herself again, from now on, she would be completely finished. Even if Siyue really used her with ill intentions, it would always be better than the current situation.

"What do you want to do?" Lian Shiya asked.

"Boss Mo is a master of disguise. I specially spent a lot of money to invite her here to change your appearance for you." star plot)

"Disguise?" Lian Shiya covered her scarred half of her face and said, "Are you going to change my appearance to my original appearance?"

"No." Lian Siyue shook her head, "If you are disguised as Lian Shiya, there will be no way for you to marry the Fourth Highness."

"Then...what are you going to do?" Lian Shiya was both apprehensive and expectant in her heart. Although she knew that Lian Siyue must have bad intentions, the temptation she offered was too great for her to resist.

Seeing that Lian Shiya had been shaken, Lian Siyue knew that her approach had finally worked——

At first, she first ruined Lian Shiya's face, then sent her to the barn, then deliberately created an opportunity for her to escape, suffered all kinds of humiliation outside, then led her to Jiuhua Temple, and then returned to the barn.

The purpose of this step by step is to completely destroy all of Lian Shiya's will, so that she can't wait to rush forward when she sees a little bit of hope and sweetness.

But the person who finally dealt with this was Feng Qianyue.

She has been patiently waiting for such a day to bring together the two people who caused her the worst misery in the previous life, to see if they will still "love each other" like in the previous life!
She has been planning for this day for a long time, and now, the opportunity is finally coming——

"You just need to listen to me, you don't need to know too much." Lian Siyue stared at her coldly and said, "Besides, you are not qualified to ask."

"..." Lian Shiya was left speechless. It is true that besides letting Lian Siyue manipulate and arrange her, the only way she can go is to go back to the barn——

Therefore, she can only choose to be obedient.

The wedding of the Fourth Highness Feng Qianyue finally came.

On the first day of the wedding, it was the day of giving the dowry. At three o'clock in the morning, Xiao Rou's three older brothers, Xiao Shan, Xiao He, and Xiao Hu, led a long procession from Xiao Guo's Mansion to Zhengyang Street. On the way, headed to Yuejun Palace, the dowry almost covered the whole street, which was enough to show the strength of Xiao Guofu, and it could also be seen that Xiao Guogong attached great importance to this only beloved daughter.

Feng Qianyue led the people in the palace to greet him at the door, the three sons of the Xiao family saluted him three times, and the servants of the palace brought tea to the three of them.

When the dowry was moved into the palace, the entire front hall was piled up, and if it couldn't be piled up, the steward led the servants of the Xiao family and put it into the counting room, and the whole palace was full of joy.

With a smile on the surface, Feng Qianyue listened to the chief executive sent by the Xiao family recite the content and weight of the dowry aloud, but she was filled with deep disgust for Xiao Zhenhai's behavior in her heart——

He was very clear about Xiao Zhenhai's purpose, and used these dowries to remind him, to warn him that Xiao Rou was his beloved daughter, and he, Feng Qianyue, must treat Xiao Rou kindly and cherish her.

At noon, Xiao Rou, the princess of Heyun County, had to enter the palace to present gifts to the emperor and empress. Empress Duanwen didn't care about the harem, so she didn't show up. She was sent to Changchun Palace by the eunuch according to the etiquette, but it was just for fun. As soon as Xiao Rou left, all the gifts were taken away again.

After Xiao Rou left the palace, according to the etiquette, Feng Qianyue would also wear python robes and auspicious clothes to salute in front of the emperor and empress in turn. If the child was born by a concubine, he would also worship his own mother, but because the biological mother of the Fourth Highness is dead For many years, this step was omitted.

At this moment, in the Rongyuan Hall, Feng Qianyue wore a purple python robe, knelt in front of Emperor Zhou Cheng, bowed to him three times, and then listened to the sacred teaching——

However, Emperor Zhou Cheng didn't say anything to Feng Qianyue, but kept looking at him, lost in some kind of contemplation——

It is true that this son's appearance is very similar to him, and even his personality is the most similar among all the princes, but he has a humble background, which is still not his favorite.

Feng Qianyue knew that Emperor Zhou Cheng was sizing him up, so he tried his best to show incomparable respect and humility in his expression, voice, and every subtle movement.

After a long time, he finally spoke and said, "Si son, from now on, you are a family man, I hope you..."

"Yes, my son respectfully abides by the teachings of the emperor, and never dares to forget."

"Okay, there's no need to go to the empress, let's go to the empress dowager." Zhou Chengdi said.

"Yes, my son obeys the order." Feng Qianyue solemnly kowtowed three times, then straightened up, but saw tears on his face.

Emperor Zhou Cheng was slightly taken aback.

A look of disappointment flashed across Feng Qianyue's eyes, and said, "Now my son is going to get married, thinking of my father, I feel emotional, my father, my son has made many mistakes in the past, my father forgives my son My son, I am grateful for your fate."

As she said that, Feng Qianyue raised her hand, wiped away the tears on her face, kowtowed three times solemnly, and then walked out with sudden strides.

Zhou Chengdi looked at his back, the python robe fluttered, and he suddenly moved in his heart, calling out, "Four sons..."

Feng Qianyue paused slightly, then turned around, "Father?"

Emperor Zhou Cheng slowly withdrew his hand and said, "It's all right, let's go."

"Yes." Feng Qianyue turned around, the modesty on the corners of her lips turned cold.

A figure of a woman vaguely appeared in Emperor Zhou Cheng's mind, but her face was no longer clear. In his life, he had experienced too many women and children, but like the fourth son, a lowly maidservant could go as far as In front of him, he is the only one who can still discuss matters in court and has once shouldered important responsibilities.

Did he just want to prove himself to him, or did he have other plans?Emperor Zhou Cheng began to fall into deep thoughts.

The next day, the Fourth Highness Feng Qianyue, the wedding day finally came.

(End of this chapter)

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