First-class daughter

Chapter 499 Unexpectedly

Chapter 499 Unexpectedly
Chapter 499 Unexpectedly
So, they grabbed Lian Shiya together and slapped Lian Shiya more than ten times in a row, making Lian Shiya dizzy.The corners of the mouth were bleeding.

However, Xiao Rou was still angry, and wanted Lian Shiya to kneel on the ground to admit her mistake again and again, and finally asked her to stay in her yard to clean the yard, while she sat lazily on the low couch and kowtowed melon seeds.

The housekeeper taught the concubine's room like this on the first day when the new princess came in. Afraid of any problems, he went to the study to report to Feng Qianyue, but Feng Qianyue only said indifferently: "Let them go, don't make trouble outside Just ruin the king's reputation."

Immediately afterwards, people from the Xiao family also came to the door.

Yesterday, Xiao Zhenhai sent someone to investigate the robbery of the wedding party, and today he came to the Yue Palace early in the morning.

Xiao Zhenhai first led his three sons into Feng Qianyue's study room, and after prostrating, he took out the token of Yue Wangfu from his waist, placed it in front of Feng Qianyue, went straight in, and said:

"Your Highness, people from my Xiao Guofu found this on the man in black when they were investigating the robbery of the wedding party yesterday. I wonder how Your Highness will explain this matter?"

Feng Qianyue raised her head from the desk, glanced at the token lightly, then held it in her hand, and said, "Such a clumsy scheme, does father-in-law believe it?"

Xiao Zhenhai stared intently at Feng Qianyue, then suddenly laughed, and said, "Of course I won't believe it, I just showed His Highness this token, just to remind His Highness to be more careful in the future, and don't let traitors I took advantage of the loophole, otherwise it would be clear if it was passed on to the emperor."

Feng Qianyue also smiled, and said, "Thank you father-in-law for reminding me, I will definitely pay more attention to it, now that I have a family, I have to be more cautious in everything."

"Then I don't know how His Royal Highness plans to arrange Shiya?" Xiao Shan asked beside him.

An imperceptible coldness flashed across Feng Qianyue's eyes, Xiao Shan, what kind of person dares to question him?

He said, "The wedding is over, and I told the outside world that the concubine was unwell, so I asked the sisters in the family to worship on her behalf, so that I can say it in front of the world. As for Lian Shiya, she is not what the king wants, just a concubine. It's not worth caring about."

After hearing this, Xiao Zhenhai admired Feng Qianyue's attitude, and said, "Your Highness is right, if someone wants to take the opportunity to destroy your marriage with me, if we have a rift because of this, it will be as the traitor intended. "

"Father-in-law can understand in this way, I am very pleased." Feng Qianyue said with a slight smile.

"Then, did your highness think of any way to win the emperor's trust recently?
Right now, the emperor is not feeling well, this is a good time, the other princes are also trying their best to win the favor of the emperor, His Highness must not be left behind. "Xiao Zhenhai said, now, they are Weng son-in-law, and their interests are completely integrated.

"Father-in-law should know which imperial physician is the one who diagnosed the emperor this time?" Feng Qianyue said.

"It's always Yao imperial physician."

"Father-in-law and Imperial Physician Yao used to have a friendship. Imperial Physician Yao will definitely listen to father-in-law's suggestion." Feng Qianyue said with a slight smile on his lips.

Xiao Zhenhai's eyes flickered slightly, "Your Highness already has a good plan?"

"Give it a go." Feng Qianyue said slowly.

After leaving Feng Qianyue's study, Xiao Zhenhai said in a cold voice, "Lian Shiya and others broke Ya'er's marriage contract with His Highness the Fourth Highness this time, so we must not let her go just like that! Go and call her over, I will interrogate her properly."

"Yes." Xiao Hu immediately brought Lian Shiya to Xiao Zhenhai.

Lian Shiya tremblingly called "uncle" before she dared to raise her head.

When Xiao Zhenhai saw her face, he was taken aback, "Why do you look like this?"

"Uncle, do you know how much Ya'er has been wronged these days?" Lian Shiya bent her knees and knelt on the ground, explaining how Lian Shiya cut her hair, cut her face, and sent her to the He talked about the matter of the barn with embellishments, and finally said, "Then even Siyue said it, even if uncle came out in person, it's useless."

"This woman's viciousness is rare in the world."

"Actually, this time, this time, even Siyue forced me to have Ya'er and the Fourth Highness come to worship. I am weak and have no choice. In order to save my life, I had no choice but to do this. Even Siyue did this to humiliate uncle you.

Uncle, please, let me go, I have nothing else to ask for, I have a clean house to live in the Yue Palace, as long as I have enough to eat. "Yesterday, Lian Shiya refused to say that it was Lian Siyue who gave her advice, because she was afraid that she would be thrown out on the spot.

But now, she has become the fourth prince's concubine, so she is not afraid of being kicked out, so she puts all the sins on Lian Siyue, so that Xiao Zhenhai can go to Lian Siyue to settle the score.

"Lian Siyue, if the old man doesn't tear your corpse into thousands of pieces, I will write this Xiao character upside down!" Xiao Zhenhai flicked his sleeves, and quickly walked out of the Yue Palace.

Lian Shiya let out a breath, her body went limp, and she slumped on the ground.

Out of the gate of Yuewang Mansion.

Xiao He, who had been silent all this time, opened his mouth and said:
"Father, according to my son, we still need to be on guard against the Fourth Highness. Although he has done everything well for the wedding, my son always feels that he treats my little sister..."

Xiao Zhenhai's face became a little ugly, he clenched the saber in his hand, and said, "Don't worry, His Highness the Fourth Highness doesn't dare to make mistakes in front of his father.

The Eighth Highness has Xu Guogong, the Ninth Highness has Su Taifu, and the Fourth Highness has nothing. If he leaves the Xiao family, what will he use to compete with the Eighth Highness and the Ninth Highness? Hmph, if he dares to do something that will harm the interests of the Xiao family When things come to an end, my father will demand that he repay a thousand times! "

"The Great Wall spans thousands of miles across the dragon's head, and you can go upstairs with your eyes. The wind blows, the sun and clouds rush together, and the huge waves empty and the snow rises." This is the majesty and magnificence of Shanhaiguan.

The fourth master of the Lian family, Lian Yanfu, the right servant of the Ministry of War, was appointed by the emperor as the Marshal of the Army and Horses, and has been stationed in Shanhaiguan for four years.

Right now, it is the coldest time in Shanhaiguan, and it has been snowing for half a month. At a glance, it is covered with white snow. At this time, it is also the most difficult time for the soldiers at the bottom.

At this moment, all the soldiers are practicing on the school field.

"The Generalissimo has ordered that the snowstorm tonight will be stronger than last night, so we need to add [-] more tents on the spot." At this time, Wang Qin, the left vanguard next to the Generalissimo, walked among the soldiers who were practicing, and said loudly.

Everyone stopped their exercises,

That Wang Qin looked around in the crowd, and finally, his eyes fell on one of the young soldiers, pointed at him, and said, "You, come out, you are responsible for setting up the tent."

"Yes!" The young soldier came out.

I saw that this person was wearing the same red narrow robe with a round collar, a folded kerchief on his head, and black leather boots like other soldiers. There was a bit of vicissitudes brought about by the wind and snow on his face, but he couldn't hide the expression on his face. handsome

Wang Qinduo took a look at him and said, "Go, bring three people with you."

"Yes, my lord." The soldier then picked three people, took tools together, and went to set up a tent.

His movements are very neat——

"Ajue, I didn't expect you to be able to endure hardships so much. When you first came, we also privately said that this skinny and tender meat looks like a son-in-law, and he will run away in a few days. I didn't expect you Being able to endure hardship like this really impresses us." One of the older soldiers with a dark complexion said.

(End of this chapter)

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