Chapter 500
Chapter 500
"Yeah, I see that you are very dignified and handsome. If you don't tell me, we will really think which prince you are." Another soldier who was similar to his age said while banging on the wooden stake vigorously. .

These two people, the first named Zhang Jiao and the second named Huang Yan, lived in the same tent with him.

The little soldier who was called Ah Jue smiled, with a bit of shyness in his smile, and said, "I am not a son, let alone a prince. I am just like you, and I belong to ordinary people."

A few people talked a few words from time to time, gradually speeding up the movements of their men, and finally it took about an hour to set up all fifty tents.

Ah Jue put down the tools, clapped his hands, looked at the tents, nodded with satisfaction, and said, "It's done."

"The meal is served, the meal is served!" At this time, the soldiers of the Huotou camp carried steaming buckets one by one, yelling that the meal was served, and the soldiers rushed over to line up to get the meal.

"Ah Jue, come on, we're going to eat, and we'll go there too." Zhang Jiao called him, and they lined up to get the meal together.

Like the others, he took two steamed buns and mutton soup and sat on the ground with his back against the stake, eating bite by bite. He ate a bit faster, but compared to the voracious soldiers next to him, his eating was not as good as it was. It looks extremely elegant.

While eating, he felt a convulsion in his stomach, his handsome brows were slightly frowned, and he couldn't help but raise his hands to cover his stomach.

"Ajue, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?" Huang Yan asked hurriedly when he saw the painful expression flashing across his face.

"It's okay, I'm in a hurry to eat." He pursed his lips and smiled slightly, his stomach convulsed again. He lowered his head and took a sip of the mutton soup. The fishy smell of the mutton soup also made him a little uncomfortable. He lowered his head, Swallowed hard.

"Ajue, are you not used to these rough foods?" Zhang Jiao asked with concern.

"No, I'm used to it, but the meat is a bit bigger." He said, taking another sip of mutton soup with a calm face.

"A Jue, the Generalissimo has an order to let you go to his tent immediately." At this time, a guard in gray armor came over and said loudly.

"Yes, my lord, I'll go right away." He drank the remaining mouthfuls of mutton soup and gave the remaining steamed buns to Zhang Jiao. Marshal Lian Yanfu's tent.

As soon as he walked in, he saw Generalissimo Lian Yanfu sitting in front of the desk and flipping through a letter. He was wrapped in copper-colored armor, and his handsome face showed a bit of vicissitudes because he was stationed in Shanhaiguan all the year round.

"Ajue pays homage to the Generalissimo of the Army and Horses." He nodded and said.

Nalian Yanfu raised his eyes and saw the person in front of him. He signaled the guards in the tent to retreat, and then said, "Jie'er, your father has sent a letter. He misses you very much. It is enough for you to experience it in the army." , let me find a reason to send you back to Kyoto, what do you think."

A helpless smile appeared on Lian Jue's face, and he said, "I have grown up long ago, but my father is always too worried. I made up my mind to come to the army, and I definitely won't go back easily."

"It's not your father's fault. It's just because you are the only legitimate son of the Lian family that he can't let go. He is always worried about your safety. Take a look." Lian Yanfu stood up, handed the letter in Lian Jue's hands, road.

Lian Jue lowered his head and looked at the contents of the letter. Apart from being worried, it was nothing more than explaining how Fourth Uncle would take care of him and protect him.

At this time, the Huotou camp brought food in for the Generalissimo to enjoy. After the people had retreated, Lian Yanfu pointed to the plate of chicken and said——

"Jue'er, you grew up in the Prime Minister's Mansion, and you are very particular about what you eat. Now that you eat these coarse grains day by day, it feels so uncomfortable. Today, my fourth uncle specially asked Huotouying to make a plate of chicken for you. Tooth-making festival, this chicken is charred on the outside and tender on the inside, although it is not as good as the chef of Xiangfu, but compared to those steamed buns and mutton soup, it is delicious."

Lian Jue glanced at the plate of chicken. The chicken exuded a burst of fragrance, which was indeed very attractive.

However, instead of moving his chopsticks, he cupped his hands and said, "Fourth Uncle, I'm not Lian Jue, the son-in-law of the Prime Minister's Mansion, but an ordinary soldier named Ah Jue. I have no military achievements or titles. It would be unfair to the other soldiers to eat this delicious chicken in my uncle's tent, I can't eat this chicken, and fourth uncle doesn't need to listen to my father and take special care of me."

After hearing this, Lian Yanfu gave a slight pause to the hand holding the chopsticks to pick up the food, raised his head, and looked at Lian Jue.

"Fourth Uncle, I really didn't come here to play, nor did I come home after training, I want to really start from a small soldier, and get to know the life and thoughts of the lower-ranking soldiers down-to-earth.

It seems that I hope that one day I can become a great general who will make the enemy fearful, and be loved by the people and the soldiers of the three armies. Everyone will respect me when they hear the words "Lian Jue".So, fourth uncle, Jue'er begs you, don't think of me as your nephew Lian Jue, and don't think of me as the son of the Xiangfu. I am me, an ordinary soldier named A Jue in Shanhaiguan. "

These words caused waves in Lian Yanfu's heart. He put down the chopsticks in his hand, stood up, patted Lian Jue's shoulder vigorously, with a look of relief in his eyes, and said——

"Jue'er, fourth uncle is very pleased to hear what you said! Lian's family has a child like you, it is really an ancestor's virtue. Fourth uncle is proud of you. Fourth uncle promises you that he will never treat you differently in the future. You I will help you hide it from my father! Fourth Uncle is waiting, waiting for the day when Jueer, you have made great achievements, stood upright in front of the soldiers of the three armies, and returned to the capital majestically. And cheer."

A smile appeared on Lian Yanfu's face.

Lian Jue's heart was stirred up into a pool of ripples, yes, back to the capital in a majestic way, let... make that person feel proud of the word 'Lian Jue'.

"Thank you fourth uncle!" Lian Jue nodded and said.

"Go, this heavy snow may last for a few more days, so be careful." Lian Yanfu waved his hand and said.

"Yes, Marshal."

Lian Jue withdrew.

There was the sound of cold wind blowing in the air, the snow stopped, Lian Jue walked out of the tent, the weather was very cold, he gathered his clothes, he saw some people received letters from home, some people's faces were filled with Smiles, some frowns, and others shed tears silently.

Lian Jue looked at it, and couldn't help feeling a little bit disappointed——

He was in Shanhaiguan, and he never received the letter he wanted to receive. In the letter from his father, there was no word about his sister, and he didn't know what was going on with her now.

Sister, do you know that Jue'er is here and misses you all the time. Jue'er has never forgotten what you said to Jue'er.

However, Jue'er can no longer stay by your side and become your trouble and obstacle.

Jue'er only wants to become strong enough to protect you and herself one day.

Sister, please wait for me, wait for me to go back.

The snowy light reflected on his picturesque face, and the loss at the corners of his lips gradually turned into a faint smile.

He squatted on the ground with one knee, broke a branch, and drew a circle on the snow——

This is the moon, the full moon.

"Ajue, Ajue..." At this moment, a voice came from behind.

Lian Jue looked back, and saw Zhang Jiao, a soldier in his tent, running over quickly with a letter from home in his hand, and said, "A Jue, my sister has sent a letter, but I don't know the words on it. Can you read the letter for me?"

"Okay, let me read it for you." Lian Jue dropped the branch in his hand, took Zhang Jiao's letter, and Zhang Jiao waited nervously and expectantly.

This letter is not all words, and some of them who can't write are replaced by symbols, but even formulas can be understood.

After reading the letter, Zhang Jiao had a frowning face. It turned out that his elder sister said in the letter that his father went to the mountains to collect medicine and broke his leg. He had been lying in bed for two months, and his mother was ill again. I can only rely on my sister to support me alone.

(End of this chapter)

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