First-class daughter

Chapter 503 I Believe Him

Chapter 503 I Believe Him
Chapter 503 I Believe Him
Concubine Xu Xian froze slightly when she heard this, but she still did not change her face, and said, "Lianjue? Ye'er, you are talking about Lianxiang's son-in-law, right? The mother and concubine are not familiar with him, and he was still hunting for a while. On the court, when you were playing with him, you said a few words to him, what's the matter, is he also in Shanhaiguan?"

"Mother Concubine, the child has never said that Lian Jue is in Shanhaiguan, how did Mother Concubine know about it?" Feng Ye said.

Concubine Xu Xian let go of Feng Ye's hand suddenly, and turned around, "Is that so, when you mentioned Shanhaiguan just now, I thought you said he was in Shanhaiguan, it seems that my concubine misheard."

"Mother Concubine!" Feng Ye asked Concubine Xu Xian not to avoid his gaze, "Mother Concubine once sent Zhang Dinghai to chase and kill Lian Jue, right?"

"Mother Concubine doesn't know what you're talking about. That Lianjue has no grievances with Mother Concubine, what is Mother Concubine doing after him?" Facing the persecution of her parents and children, Concubine Xu Xian finally had an unconcealable unease flashing across her face.

"This is exactly where the child is puzzled. The concubine mother and Lian Jue have no grievances or enmity, but why do they repeatedly embarrass him? It was the concubine mother who almost bit Lian Jue and the girl at the Empress Dowager's birthday banquet. This time, What is Mother Concubine going to do to Lian Jue again? Are you going to kill her?"

"Girl?" Concubine Xu Xian was stabbed in the heart when Feng Ye called Lian Siyue, and she said angrily, "Ye'er, how did you promise mother concubine, you said you wouldn't miss Lian Siyue?" , but still use such an intimate address to address her, do you you really not take Mother's concubine's words to heart?"

Feng Ye smiled wryly, and said, "Concubine Mother, if the child doesn't take your words to heart, how can the child not even have the chance to express his determination to her."

"Ye'er, you..."

Feng Ye suppressed a wry smile, and said, "Mother Concubine, tell my child, why are you dealing with Lian Jue? You don't like a girl, and you don't allow your child to get close to her, it's because of Lian Jue, right? But, why?"

"Because..." Concubine Xu Xian recalled the situation that year in her mind. She was suddenly startled, came back to her senses, and said in a cold voice, "Ye'er, you don't need to know too clearly. You just need to understand what the concubine mother did. Everything I do is for your own good, that's fine. In this world, anyone can hurt you, except my concubine."

"If the concubine mother refuses to tell the child, the child will have to find the answer by himself. The child will leave, and the concubine mother will take care." Feng Ye turned around and left Dongxi Palace quickly.

Concubine Xu Xian's feet softened, she sat on the chair, her eyes became heavy, she pinched her fingers into her palms, and murmured:

"The combo must never be kept again."

Feng Ye walked out of the Dongxi Palace all the way, with thoughtful eyes, with his hands behind his back, he walked slowly along the corridor and arrived at the imperial garden.

"Your Highness..." At this time, the following guards shouted softly, he came back to his senses, looked up, and saw Lian Siyue walking from the front, the leader was Zhili from Changchun Palace.

To this day, when I saw him, I still felt the throbbing in my heart, "Are you going to see Eleven?" He stepped forward and asked.

Lian Siyue nodded slightly and said, "Yes, Your Highness the Eighth Prince."

"Can I take a step to speak." Feng Ye inquired.

Lian Siyue looked at Zhili and said, "Just wait for me."

After Zhili and Yinhuai walked away, Feng Ye and Lian Siyue walked forward together. Lian Siyue knew that there were many eyes and ears in the palace, and it was not the same thing to hang out with His Highness the Eighth Prince, so he stopped and said, "Your Highness, In front is Changchun Palace."

Feng Ye walked for a while unknowingly, he said, "It turns out that time flies so fast, that's all, you go in quickly."

Lian Siyue frowned slightly, and said, "Didn't Your Highness want to take a step to speak? Why didn't you say anything?"

"I lied to you." Feng Ye suddenly leaned over and smiled, with that unruly look still in his eyes.

"...His Highness the Eighth!"

"Okay, don't be angry, I will leave the capital for a while, let you walk with me for a while, it's a gift for me to practice, it's not too much." Feng Ye smiled, but there was a flash in his eyes lost.

"His Royal Highness is leaving Beijing?" Lian Siyue was a little surprised.

"Yes, it will take a while." Feng Ye picked up the palace fan in his hand, tapped Lian Siyue's forehead, and said chicly, "I'm leaving."

As soon as he turned around, the smile on his face disappeared suddenly, and his expression became dignified again.

Lian Siyue looked at his back, always felt that his behavior today was a bit unusual.

"County lord, the princess should be in a hurry." Zhili walked over at this moment, pulling back Lian Siyue's thoughts.

The eleventh princess, Feng Lingyue, has been standing at the gate of the palace looking forward to her arrival since she heard that Lian Siyue would come. When she saw that figure, she immediately ran over and took her hand, her eyes full of tears. It was a warm smile, "Lian Siyue, you are finally here!"

"Princess." Lian Siyue nodded slightly, a smile appeared on the corner of her lips.

"Come on, come in with me and show you my deer, you know? I haven't been here for a long time, so I'm very happy for you to come." I can't help the excitement in my heart.

In front of the fence, Lian Siyue saw a young deer eating fresh branches, growing very well, and asked, "Is this the one that Lian Jue gave you? It's grown so tall."

"Yeah, when he gave it to me, he was small in my arms, covered in blood, and dying." Feng Lingyue was very proud of raising a deer, "I've lived for so many years without accomplishing anything. , this little deer is my greatest achievement." She laughed at herself.

"The county lord doesn't know. At that time, the princess was afraid that this little thing would die, so she refused to sleep at night, so she lay on the side of the fence with her eyes open and watched all night." Zhili said from the side.

"You're the only one who talks too much." Princess Eleven said, glancing back at her.

Lian Siyue saw the eleventh princess smiling like a flower, bright and romantic, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart. Who in this palace was cast into the cold palace by the emperor was not frowning and trembling. In the previous life, when she was imprisoned in Zhaotai Palace, she was also disheartened. cold.

However, these eleven princesses are not in pain. Whether they are in honor or in such misery, they are always so happy, innocent and romantic, as if no hardship or tribulation can defeat her.

She took out a letter from her bosom, put it in Feng Lingyue's hand, and said, "Princess, this is a letter from Lian Jue's home from Shanhaiguan."

"He sent a letter?" Feng Lingyue was very excited when she heard it, she quickly took the letter, read it quickly, and after reading the contents, she said happily, "Great, I knew it, Lian Jue It will definitely be possible, he is so powerful, he will definitely accomplish a lot in the army."

She held the letter in front of her chest, read it again and again, her face flushed slightly, as delicate and beautiful as the cherry blossoms on the tree.

"Why does the princess have so much confidence in Jue'er?" Lian Siyue asked with a smile. In this letter, Lian Jue didn't announce the good news, but only talked about life in the army, but in the eyes of the princess, it became Heroic behavior.

"Because he is Lian Jue." Feng Lingyue said without hesitation, "I trust him."

"Je'er must be very happy to know that someone is willing to believe in him." Lian Siyue said.

After hearing what Lian Siyue said, the smile on Feng Lingyue's face paused, and she said, "Is it? I don't think he cares whether I believe him or not."

She lowered her head, the smile on her lips turned into a wry smile.

Seeing her like this, Lian Siyue couldn't help reaching out, gently pulling her into her arms, stroking her hair, and said, "Princess, you are the warmest person I have ever seen, no one will ignore you .”

Holding the letter written by Lian Jue in Feng Lingyue's hand, leaning against Lian Siyue's arms, she slowly closed her eyes, the corners of her eyes gradually filled with moisture, and said silently in her heart:
Lian Jue, whether you care about me or not, whether you remember me or not, I will silently wait for your news and stay in Changchun Palace to pray for you silently.

"Lian Siyue, old rules, don't let Lian Jue know that I read this letter, don't mention me to him, don't let him know that I care about him, this is our agreement." She closed her eyes and said .

Lian Siyue nodded slightly, "I see, princess."

(End of this chapter)

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