Chapter 504
Chapter 504
Shanhaiguan, at nightfall.

Xiaobing Ajue was tied to a pillar for violating military discipline, and was not given food or drink. He just begged for mercy and didn't cry out. He stood upright in the wind and snow, and his beautiful face gradually showed the vicissitudes of the wind and snow. .

However, he kept thinking about a question in his mind: how did the tiger suddenly break into the army?
The guards in his tent saw that he was punished like this, and they were all very anxious, but this is a military punishment, and no one can help.

On the second day, Generalissimo Lian Yanfu came out to inspect, accompanied by Wang Qin, the left vanguard, and the soldiers all bowed when they saw the generalissimo.

Lian Yanfu glanced at the man tied to the pillar, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and said, "This kid is really resistant."

"Marshal, the general has investigated according to your order. As the generalissimo expected, the appearance of the tiger was not accidental. I found sheep's blood and sheep's hooves at the place where the tiger appeared yesterday. The general feels that someone did it deliberately. He brought the tiger here." Wang Qin said, standing aside.

Lian Yanfu nodded, and said, "I have been stationed in Shanhaiguan for four years, and I have never seen such a situation. This is indeed very strange, so I need you to investigate it carefully."

Wang Qin glanced at the man tied to the pillar, and said in a low voice, "Marshal, do you think it's for Young Master Jue?"

Lian Yanfu's gaze became far-reaching, and he said, "If he came here for Jue'er, then who did he offend?"

"Could it be that someone knows the identity of Young Master Jue, and out of jealousy, they simply do one thing and keep doing the other?" Wang Qin guessed.

Lian Yanfu pondered for a moment, shook his head, and said, "No, I don't think it's that simple. It's not easy to attract tigers to attack the barracks. It seems that it has been planned for a long time. Wang Qin, quickly find that horn, After careful questioning, how did he find the fierce tiger that day, and all the details must be clear."

"Yes!" Wang Qin clasped his fists.

"If someone really wants to deal with Jue'er, they might do it again tomorrow night. Tomorrow is the third day. Jue'er's physical strength and endurance are almost at the limit. It is the easiest time to attack. Send someone to watch secretly. Don't make any mistakes." Lian Yanfu ordered again.

"Yes, Marshal, the last general will make arrangements." Wang Qin turned and left.

Lian Yanfu's gaze landed on Lian Jue after wandering for a week.

On the third day, it suddenly snowed heavily again.

Lian Jue finally felt that his spirit was slowly slackening, his throat was thirsty, and the skin of his lips was also dry. He slowly closed his eyes and leaned against the pillar.

In the middle of the night, he finally couldn't bear it anymore, tilted his head, and passed out heavily.

Only the night watchman stood on the edge of the city wall.

At this time, in a certain tent, a furtive figure got up secretly while the person in the same tent was asleep. He took the bow and arrow, quietly got out of the tent, bent down, and walked to another room. Next to the tent, under cover, point the bow and arrow at the man tied to the post.

He gritted his teeth, a struggle appeared on his face, and he put down the bow and arrow again. He held the bow tightly, as if he was enduring a huge torment in his heart.

After a while, he felt a shock in his heart, thinking of his parents and sisters in that family, he finally raised his bow and arrow, clenched his teeth, aimed at Lian Jue's body, let go of his hand, the arrow flew out, and said softly:
"Ajue, I'm sorry!"

But at this moment, Lian Jue suddenly opened his eyes, and the hands that were tied behind his back suddenly regained their freedom. He was carrying the wooden stake on his back, and quickly and flexibly rotated——

"Crack!" The arrow abruptly hit the stake.

"Ah..." Seeing this, the archer knew he had been fooled, so he quickly dropped the bow in his hand and ran away.

"Stop!" However, as soon as he turned around, several sharp swords surrounded him, and when he looked up, his legs went limp in fright—

"Great, Generalissimo."

Lian Yanfu's face was gloomy, and he ordered, "Bring him and Ah Jue into my commander's tent."

Over there, some guards ran over and helped Lian Jue into the tent of the Generalissimo.

When Lian Jue saw the person kneeling on the ground, a look of disbelief flashed across his face, "Zhang Jiao? Why are you? Why did you kill me? Who ordered it?"

That Zhang Jiao suddenly crawled at Lian Jue's feet, and said, "A Jue, I'm the one who can't forgive you, and now Zhang Jiao can only apologize with death!"

As he spoke, Zhang Jiao stood up abruptly and bumped into the corner of Lian Yanfu's table.

"If you want to die, tell me clearly!" Wang Qin quickly kicked Zhang Jiao's shoulder, causing his body to hit the ground hard, with a painful expression on his face.

"Boldly open your horns and say, who ordered you!" Lian Yanfu slammed the table, stood up, and shouted sharply.

"I, I... Ah Jue, I'm sorry!" Zhang Jiao suddenly opened his mouth and bit his tongue.

"No, he's going to bite his tongue and kill himself!" Lian Jue stepped forward, quickly grabbed his throat with his hands, forcing him to open his mouth.

"I would rather die twice than confess. It seems that you have something to keep in the other party's hands, or is your family being blackmailed?" Lian Yanfu asked.

"Generalissimo!" Zhang Jiao suddenly knelt down, "Damn the little one, the little one's parents and sisters have been arrested, the little one really has nothing to do, so, I'm sorry, Ajue!" He As he spoke, he shed tears of remorse and contradiction.

"Marshal, don't ask any more." At this moment, Lian Jue said suddenly.

Seeing his expression, Lian Yanfu seemed to have something to say, so he ordered Wang Qin to detain Zhang Jiao, leaving Lian Jue alone in the tent, and asked:
"Ajue, do you know something?"

Lian Jue's face was cold, he nodded, and said, "I didn't expect that she didn't give up and chased her to Shanhaiguan."

"Who?" Lian Yanfu stood up abruptly and asked.

"Winter Xi Palace, Concubine Xu Xian." Lian Jue said firmly.

"Concubine Xu Xian?" Lian Yanfu asked suspiciously, "The Dongxi Palace and my Lian family have never had any grudges, why did you come here to chase you down?"

"Because..." Lian Jue raised his head, because he was the prince, he left the palace back then, and he was inseparable from Concubine Xu Xian. Now that he is still alive, he is afraid that what happened back then will be exposed and wants to kill him. No future troubles!
"Because of what, tell me, Jue'er, this matter is no small matter!" Lian Yanfu hurriedly said when he saw that he was suddenly unresponsive.

"My sister and I accidentally offended her when we were in the palace, causing her to be punished by the emperor. She had already laid hands on me once when she was in the capital. I think the sky is high and the emperor is far away. I am in this barracks. It's better for her to attack, so she must have sent people here." Naturally, Lian Jue couldn't tell Lian Yanfu the truth, so he made up a half-truth and half-fake reason.

"So that's how it is..." Lian Yanfu believed it, nodded, and said, "Concubine Xu Xian is such a grudge."

"Marshal! Zhang Jiao is dead!" At this moment, an urgent voice came from outside the account.

(End of this chapter)

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