First-class daughter

Chapter 505 I Don't Want To Go

Chapter 505 I Don't Want To Go
Chapter 505 I Don't Want To Go
"What?" Lian Yanfu opened the tent abruptly and walked out, Lian Jue followed quickly, only to see Zhang Jiao lying on the ground, black blood dripping from the corner of his lips.

The doctor made a diagnosis and said, "Marshal, this person died of poisoning."

This horn had already been poisoned, and it must have passed away when the time came——

"Thinking about it, I planned to kill people to silence them, so as not to leave a clue." Lian Yanfu said coldly.

"Marshal, hold him back." Lian Jue looked at the bruised man on the ground and said.

"No, Ah Jue, since he has committed a serious crime, he must be punished regardless of whether he has serious reasons or not. There must be no soft-heartedness. In the army, any mercy is superfluous.

Therefore, even if this horn is dead, it cannot be easily let go. The head must be cut off and hung on the city wall as a warning to others. "

Lian Yanfu immediately issued an order to cut off Zhang Jiao's head, and hang it bloody at the intersection that every soldier must pass through, in order to frighten the three armies.

Lian Jue stood not far from the intersection, silently looking at Zhang Jiao's head, clenched his fists secretly.

Emperor Cheng of Zhou hadn't recovered from his last illness, and he occasionally missed the early court. Everyone in the court was worried about the emperor's dragon body.

Once the "Tweet Order" proposed by His Royal Highness Feng Yunzheng was released, it aroused huge repercussions among the feudal lords. In the end, the emperor thought twice and decided to send Feng Yunzheng to San Francisco to urge the implementation of the Tweet Order.

When Emperor Zhou Cheng issued the imperial edict, he walked up to Feng Yunzheng in person, bent down to help him up, and said, "Zheng'er, it will take at least a year or a half, and more than two or three years. To prevent San Francisco from being dissatisfied and taking the opportunity to make things difficult for you, the so-called long way to go depends on you."

Feng Yunzheng received the imperial edict, without any extra expression on his face, he only responded, "I obey the edict."

Walking out of the Rongyuan Hall, Feng Yunzheng glanced at the imperial decree in his hand, and the official Song Qingyang stepped forward, bowed and said, "I would like to congratulate His Royal Highness the Ninth Highness. The emperor has to carry out such a heavy responsibility. This is a sign that he will establish a reserve." what."

Feng Yunzheng remained silent, and walked slowly, listening to Song Qingyang's words, thoughtful.

"The crown prince has been abolished, and the position of crown prince has been vacant for a year and a half. Recently, many ministers have submitted memorials, imploring the emperor to re-appoint the crown prince. Looking at the present, only His Highness the Eighth Highness can be compared with your Highness. Compared with the achievements in the court, In the past year or so, there have been more Ninth Highnesses than Eighth Highnesses." Zhang Yingzhi from the Ministry of Punishment also said.

"Your Highness, when I go this time, the vassal kings from all walks of life will definitely show their favor one after another. It is probably the most basic way to present their own daughters. Please, Your Highness..." Song Qingyang knew that Feng Yunzheng had never been close to women. Rong, the eldest daughter of the prime minister's mansion, had some communication with the princess, so she reminded her.

Feng Yunzheng, who had been silent all this time, stopped when he heard this, turned around, looked at Song Qingyang, Song Qingyang was stunned, knowing that he had said something wrong, he quickly bowed, and said: "Your Highness atones, my minister is too talkative. "

Feng Yunzheng said, "My king will be leaving in three days, and I have to ask all the masters for the affairs in Beijing."

"Yes." The two hurriedly bowed and said.

Feng Yunzheng hurried out of the palace.

Song Qingyang watched his back as he went away, only to realize that his official robe was wet with sweat.

Zhang Yingzhi patted him and said, "You know that His Royal Highness the Ninth Highness is the worst person to get close to women, except for that Rong and the county magistrate, have you ever looked at anyone more than that? If you gave such a bad idea, which highness have you ever seen stand up?" Great achievements, the emperor wants to reward, but only a free marriage contract, this is enough to show that His Royal Highness is definitely not a merciful person, you, you, you usually pay more attention, why are you confused now?"

Song Qingyang wiped off his sweat, slapped himself twice, and said, "I, I forgot at this moment."

But Zhang Yingzhi sighed again, and said, "It's not close to women, I don't know whether it's good or not."

Feng Yunzheng made an appointment with Lian Siyue to come to the peach forest. Right now, the peach blossoms are about to fall, and if the wind blows again, the peach blossoms will wither.

Two dark guards, Night Breeze and Lengmei, stood guard outside the Taolin.

Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue walked side by side, the peach blossoms fell from time to time, falling in Lian Siyue's hair, Feng Yunzheng stretched out his hand to pick off the peach petals, and when he blew, the flowers scattered away.

"I heard that it is a basic courtesy for a prince to inspect the territory of a vassal king, and it is a basic courtesy for the vassal king to present his beautiful daughter." Lian Siyue stopped under a peach tree, raised her hand to hold a peach blossom branch, and pointed Picking at the branches, said with a teasing tone.

Feng Yunzheng remained silent, with only an imperceptible faint smile on his face.

Lian Siyue raised her head, "What are you laughing at?" She asked.

Feng Yunzheng walked up to her, and suddenly hugged her in a big hug. She was so startled that she jumped like a moon. They were not married, not even given a marriage. Wouldn't such an intimate gesture be too impolite? .

"You, put me down." A rare embarrassment appeared on her face. The reborn her was cold-tempered. Not to mention this kind of contact, she didn't like other people getting closer to her, but the Ninth Prince ,but--

hold her.

Feng Yunzheng didn't care, and placed her horizontally on the peach tree, so that the peach blossoms could cover her, making her complexion even more delicate and beautiful.

He stood in front of her and said, "Don't worry."

Lian Siyue was taken aback for a moment, as if she couldn't explain it, she who was always eloquent, stuttered, "I, I..."

Feng Yunzheng couldn't help laughing, raised his hand, flicked her forehead with his index finger, and said, "It's not a promise, I won't let anyone get involved with me, I will keep it in mind."

Lian Siyue's face turned red, and his tone seemed to regard him as belonging to her.

Seeing her blushing, charming and tender, Feng Yunzheng couldn't bear to blink his eyes, his heart suddenly moved, and he said, "Oh no, I want to resist the order."

"Anti-decree?" Lian Siyue raised her eyes and looked at him puzzled.

"Yes, I want to resist the decree, and tell my father that I don't want to go to San Francisco to urge this favor." Feng Yunzheng raised his hand and stroked her cheek. As soon as it was touched, it was released, but unexpectedly, it was reluctant to let go after this touch.

"Your Highness, stop joking." Lian Siyue only felt her cheeks were hot, and her body felt a distant and strange throbbing, not only her face, she felt her whole heart was hot.

"I'm not joking. In this world, I'm not the only one who understands Yue'er well, so I'm the one who is worried." Feng Yunzheng's hand touching her face slipped slightly, and moved her cheek She held it carefully in her palm, making her eyes meet his.

His movements were full of pity and care, as if holding the most precious treasure in the world, he whispered, "Yue'er, I really don't want to leave, what should I do?"

(End of this chapter)

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