First-class daughter

Chapter 508 Give birth to a child

Chapter 508 Give birth to a child
Chapter 508 Give birth to a child
I wanted to use Xiao Rou to get Aunt Xiao to return to Qingquanyuan, but Lian Siyue dismissed her with a few words, making it boring, Xiao Rou immediately felt that it was boring, and couldn't find any other opportunities to start, so she exchanged a few words , ready to go home with the return gift from Lian Mu.

Lian Shiya said that she must go to see Aunt Xiao, and Lian's mother agreed because of her affection.

As soon as the two of them left Qing'an Courtyard, her face turned cold, and she said, "Princess Yue is really interesting, come to my Prime Minister's House to show off her power."

"Mother, I'm afraid it was Lian Shiya who instigated her. She came back because of the one in the west courtyard." Liu said with a sneer.

"Ya'er, you, you..." When Xiao Shi saw Lian Shiya's face covered with a gauze, she tore off the gauze with trembling hands, and when she saw Lian Shiya's ugly face, she almost fainted past--

"Why, how did this happen? I heard that your face was hurt a little bit, but I didn't expect it to be so serious. You have made my life worse than death after being a concubine. Now your face is like this, it's almost driving me to death Forced."

"Mother, it's Lian Siyue, it's Lian Siyue, that bitch, she cut my face with a knife and threw me in the barn, she deliberately destroyed me, I want to kill you day and night She, but now, I can't get close to her..." Lian Shiya couldn't help crying when she saw her own mother, until the end of crying, Aunt Xiao asked:

"I absolutely don't want you to be a concubine, but the matter has come to this point, and it is irreparable. Don't be discouraged, wait for the opportunity, Xiao Rou is stupid, you should think of a few more ways to at least find a side concubine for yourself s position"

Lian Shiya raised her hand, covered her left face, and said, "If this face is still as beautiful as it used to be, my daughter still has confidence, but now it is so horrible, His Royal Highness doesn't even care about me. He never looked at me in Yue Wang's mansion for a month or two." She said, and silently shed tears twice.

"I have heard that in order to maintain her beauty forever, Princess An must eat purple river car (modern language: placenta) every two days, or directly stew soup, or mix it with rice to make balls, in order for her to have enough purple river carp Cars to eat, the Princess Mansion has special personnel to collect Zihe carts everywhere, and send them to the Princess Mansion one by one.

You can see that Princess An is almost 50 years old, but I have seen her face up close, and it is no different from a woman in her early twenties, white, smooth and tender, like a peach blossom.I'm thinking that this purple river car has a miraculous effect, so you find a way to find some purple river car to eat.

Also, Lian Siyue has a kind of incense scar glue. She once gave it to Princess An to smear the scars on her face. I heard that the effect is very good. You ask her for a box in public. She has taken into account the identity of the eldest daughter of the Lian family. , will not blow your mind. "

"Then will she tamper with this scented glue?"

"If you ask in public, she will not dare to do anything. If your face deteriorates, she will be a suspect. She will not do this. Now her reputation as a first-rank county lord is very important to her. She would never take such a risk."

Aunt Xiao told them one by one in detail, and Lian Shiya kept them firmly in her heart, and then Aunt Xiao said:
"Now that you're outside, it's more convenient for me. I'm not so relieved to find a baby boy to pretend to be my birth, and let Madam Dong do it alone. Now that I have you, I feel more at ease. Find the child for me, and you will do it yourself, you know?"

"Mother, don't worry, finding a baby boy is not difficult." Lian Shiya said.

Aunt Xiao still had a gloomy expression on her face, and said, "Even if I can get a baby boy like this, but thinking that Rong Xue gave birth to one by herself, I will never be reconciled!"

Lian Shiya smiled coldly, "Mother, I've thought about it a long time ago, isn't there Xiao Rou? Rong Xue gave birth to a child, and etiquette is always indispensable in the Yue Palace. When the time comes, I will borrow Xiao Rou's hand Give that short-lived ghost a gift, and it will die, mother, you don't have one, Rong Xuehe and Siyue don't even want to have it."

When Aunt Xiao heard this, a smile appeared on her face, "That's very good."

Lian Shiya listened to Aunt Xiao's words, and before leaving, she begged for two boxes of incense trace glue in front of everyone. As expected, Lian Siyue did not refuse, so Qingdai took two boxes for her, and also said that if they were used up, they would leave. When I came back to pick it up, it seemed very generous and kind.

In the blink of an eye, a month has passed.

Xiangfu, in the middle of the night, the sky suddenly began to rain heavily, accompanied by occasional thunder and lightning.

The maids and mother-in-law of Fu'an Courtyard came in and out with hot water, and the eldest lady was lying on the bed, sweating profusely, making painful sounds from time to time.

It turned out that the eldest lady started to have seizures in the evening, and she had been pregnant for several hours, but she hadn't been able to give birth to the fetus in her womb.

Imperial doctor Rong came overnight and personally assisted Mrs. Wen to deliver the eldest lady. Lian's mother, Lian Siyue, Lian Xi and others sat outside, and even Yanqing was also there. He kept his lips tightly pressed and his hands were slightly clenched into fists.

The Lian family hadn't had any children for several years, so the eldest lady's birth was highly valued, and even the mother and Lian Yanqing couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Even Siyue also felt a little nervous. In her previous life, she had only one younger brother, Lianjue, and her mother had never given birth to a third child. She suddenly felt that the trajectory of her fate had been completely changed.

At this moment, here in the west courtyard.

Aunt Xiao was lying on the bed, covered with a quilt, groaning in pain.

When Aunt Zhao heard the movement, she got up from bed, opened the door, stared at Aunt Xiao's door, and said, "Shouldn't I just have a baby? It's been closed so tightly for so long, and I don't even open the door, and I'm not afraid It's stuffy."

"Auntie has probably never given birth to a child. When she gave birth, she was afraid of the wind, so the doors and windows should be closed tightly, and the door must not be opened." Sun Nanny held a pot of hot water with a smile on her face. Aunt Zhao walked by.

"You!" Aunt Zhao's face turned pale. She had never given birth to a child, and Nanny Sun poked her sore spot.

As soon as Nanny Sun walked into the room and closed the door, Aunt Xiao immediately sat up and asked in a tight voice, "Grandma Sun, how is it? Ya'er and Nanny Dong have brought the child in?"

Grandma Sun put down the water, and just now when she laughed at Aunt Zhao, she disappeared indifferently. She looked anxious, lowered her voice, and said, "According to the plan, Grandma Dong should bring the child over from Miss San, but, but The servant just took advantage of the darkness to sneak a look at the Qingquanyuan, but she didn't find Madam Dong, and she didn't know if she hadn't brought the child in yet, the servant still wanted to go and have a look."

Aunt Xiao tightly grasped the sheet under her body, her face was a little pale, her heart felt cold for a while, she shook her head firmly, and said, "Maybe, maybe it's because we haven't found a good opportunity to bring the child in yet, let's wait."

"I will go out again later!" Nanny Sun wiped the sweat off her face, "However, fortunately, the eldest lady has not yet been born. The master and the old lady are all guarding the Fu'an courtyard. Pay attention to our side, we only need to give birth to the baby quietly, and then hold the baby to announce the good news."

Aunt Xiao sneered, and said fiercely, "It's been so long since I can't give birth, but I'd rather Rong Xue give birth to a stillborn baby! All the resentment in my heart will be resolved!"

"Auntie, stop talking. You should hum a few more times, so that people outside will think that you are really going to have a baby, but don't make too much noise, so as not to alarm people." Sun Nanny took the water Sprinkle it on Aunt Xiao's hair and forehead, creating the illusion of sweating a lot.

Aunt Xiao lay back on the bed, making noises from time to time.

Grandma Sun ran out again to find Mammy Dong to deliver the baby, and brought a baby boy along. When the baby came in, pinched it, and cried twice, the baby was born. For the sake of my son, it is not difficult to move back to Qingquanyuan!

Outside the Xiangfu.

As soon as Lian Shiya got the news from Madam Dong, saying that the eldest lady had a seizure in the evening, she quietly left the door of Yuewang Mansion, and asked the maid beside her to bring the baby boy who had been looking for a long time ago and put it in the carriage. On the morning, taking advantage of the darkness, he quietly went to the place that he had made an appointment with Madam Dong, and was going to hand over the child to Aunt Xiao's side.

(End of this chapter)

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