Chapter 509
Chapter 509
Lian Shiya looked at the infant child without blinking, waiting left and right, but she didn't see Madam Dong coming at the appointed time, she slowly became impatient, and after a while she was as impatient as an ant on a hot pot , fidgeting, sweat began to overflow from his forehead.

"Orange Embroidery!" She yelled the name of her servant girl in the Yue Palace in a tight voice.

"Ma'am, the servant is here." A Cui Cui voice said.

"Hurry up and get out of the carriage to see if Madam Dong is here. She is always steady and will never miss an appointment." When Lian Shiya said this, her tongue twitched nervously——

If the child cannot be sent in, it will be over tonight!

"No, no, Madam Dong has always been sincere. During these days when our mother and daughter were down and out, she was the only one who never left and never left her. She often helped my mother secretly. Even when I was in a place like the barn, she came quietly once. She definitely won't abandon us." Lian Shiya pinched her fingernails into her palms, and there was a determined expression on her pale face, but the flickering and hesitant eyes clearly revealed the fear in her heart.

After a while, Cheng Xiu ran over in a hurry and said nervously, "Ma'am, I looked around, but I didn't see Mother Dong, and I didn't come to report."

"What..." Lian Shiya felt her eyes go dark, and an ominous premonition filled her heart, and the hand holding the baby boy trembled.

Could it be...has it been discovered?

How to do?Now how to do?
Beads of sweat rolled down from his head one by one.


The eldest lady had a dystocia, and she did not give birth for a long time. She was already sweating profusely and exhausted. Even though Mrs. Wen kept yelling to use her strength, she still couldn't exert herself.

Doctor Rong pursed his lips tightly, with sweat dripping from his forehead, he prescribed another medicine, which was decocted by the servant girl, and the lady drank it.

An extremely tense atmosphere pervaded the entire Fu'an courtyard. Lian Yanqing paced back and forth outside with his hands behind his back, while Lian's mother ignored her body and knelt on the ground, praying to the Bodhisattva:

"Heaven has the virtue of loving life. I implore Bodhisattva, have mercy on my daughter-in-law, and bless her to give birth to my family's flesh and blood."

Lian Siyue stood up suddenly and walked into the lady's room.

"Miss, you are still a girl who hasn't left the cabinet, so you can't go in." Nanny Tai, who was guarding the door, hurriedly stopped her and said.

"Mother's safety is the most important thing now, I don't care about these gifts!" Lian Siyue walked to the side of the eldest lady without saying a word.

I saw that at this moment, her face was ashen and pale, and the sheet under her body was almost torn by her.

Doctor Rong was instructing Nanny Zhou how to feed the medicine.

"Let me do it!" Lian Siyue took the bowl, fed the medicine into the Da Furen's mouth spoon by spoon, and said softly and firmly in her ear, "Mother, this is the medicine prescribed by Doctor Rong, drink it. The mother will be able to give birth to the child in her womb."

"Yue, Yue'er... Mother, I'm afraid... I can't do it anymore." The eldest lady weakly opened her eyes, looked at her daughter weakly, and said with a bitter smile on the corner of her mouth, "This, this probably It's retribution, mother..."

"Mother!" Lian Siyue raised her eyes to look at Imperial Physician Rong, and hurriedly stopped the eldest lady from continuing. She had been born for too long, her consciousness was lax, and she started talking nonsense.

"Madam, don't talk anymore, listen to Mrs. Wen and the imperial physician, the baby will be born well!" Nanny Zhou hurriedly clenched the eldest lady's hand, and glanced at Lian Siyue in a panic.

The eldest lady finally closed her eyes again, her face full of fatigue.

"Mother, open your mouth and drink these medicines." Lian Siyue said softly in Da Furen's ear, but her heart was a little tense!

The mother had dystocia, which she did not expect.

west yard.

Aunt Xiao waited and waited, but she didn't see Madam Dong coming in with the baby in her arms, and Nanny Sun had already come and gone to Qingquanyuan three times, and if she ran any further, she might be exposed.

Aunt Xiao was sweating profusely nervously, her clothes and quilt were soaked, and she felt very uneasy.

"Auntie, I think that Madam Dong was discovered by someone, which made the plan unable to be implemented, but even if she was discovered, she would not disappear so quietly! She should come over and send us a message. It's good that we won't have a baby today." Nanny Sun was sweating profusely, and her eyes showed horror.

If this false pregnancy is discovered, the consequences will be disastrous.

"No, it won't." She had planned for half a year, and it happened when Rong Xue was in labor, and no one had time to take care of her. This was the best time, so how could something go wrong, "Nurse Sun, You make another trip, this time don’t go to the Qingquan Courtyard, look around, even to the Moon-like Fairy Lotus Courtyard.” Xiao thought for a while, and then ordered.

"Yes." Nanny Sun wiped off her sweat and hurried out again.

"Hey, this is how the baby was born. It's been so long, and I haven't even seen an egg, so it's not impossible to give birth." Aunt Zhao came out again, and saw Sun Nanny hurried out of the west courtyard , said coolly.

"My aunt is about to give birth, and there are not enough people. The servants will just go and find Madam Dong." This time, Nanny Sun spoke, and then walked out quickly.

Aunt Zhao stood outside, looked coldly at Aunt Xiao's room, and said, "You deserve it, Da Furen is also giving birth today, who cares about you."

Inside the house.

Aunt Xiao was trembling nervously and fearfully, she bit her lower lip, her eyes showed horror, Madam Dong, don't let me down!
About half a moment later, Nanny Sun came back, she closed the door, turned around and widened her eyes suddenly, and said in a low voice, "Auntie, it's too bad!"

"What's the matter?" Aunt Xiao sat up quickly, sweating profusely, and asked in a trembling voice.

"Nurse Dong, she's gone!" Nurse Sun struggled to spit out these words.

"What..." Aunt Xiao only felt her figure shake, "You, what are you talking about, please explain clearly, what is... disappeared, how could it disappear."

"The maidservant couldn't find Dong Nanny's shadow, so she asked someone to ask, and the person said, Dong Nanny's service period has expired, and with the old lady's permission, she packed her bags and left the prime minister's mansion this evening! Counting the time, it has been more than four hours." Sun Nanny wiped the sweat from her forehead and said.

"..." Aunt Xiao's body softened and she fell to the ground, "She actually... she betrayed me. I didn't see it at all before. I thought she was the most sincere one. When did she start to betray me?" mine?"

"Then what should we do now?" Mother Sun asked.


"It's born, it's born! The eldest lady finally gave birth, and a young master was born!" Aunt Xiao was about to speak, but there was a burst of joyful voices and hurried footsteps outside.

Aunt Xiao sat up suddenly, gasped, "What?"

"Birth, the great lady gave birth to a young master, the old lady and the master are happy, and all the servants in the mansion will be rewarded!" The voice of the housekeeper came again.

"Auntie, the eldest lady has already given birth, what should we do?" Nanny Sun was anxious and at a loss.

Aunt Xiao grasped the skirt of her clothes tightly, her eyes showed fear, she said, "Anyway, anyway, they don't know that I'm going to have a baby today, so just say, just say that I just moved my fetus and didn't give birth... that's all. "

Even Shi Ya waited outside and couldn't wait for Madam Dong to come, but she vaguely heard someone from Xiang's mansion announce the good news, saying that the Da Furen gave birth to a young master.

She finally gritted her teeth and said, "Chengxiu, get ready, I want to go to the prime minister's mansion and send the child in."

Orange embroidery was taken aback, and said, "Madam, this is too risky, if someone finds you going in with a child in your arms, I'm afraid..."

"It's too late to think about it so much! My mother is waiting inside now. If no child is sent in, the fake pregnancy will be exposed! When we enter the prime minister's mansion later, we will say that we have heard that the eldest lady gave birth, and we will come here specially Come to congratulate, I will make a detour to the west courtyard before I go to Fu'an courtyard, and you will cover me!" Lian Shiya put down the curtain of the carriage and told the groom to go in the direction of Xiangfu.

(End of this chapter)

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