First-class daughter

Chapter 510 It's Better To Die

Chapter 510 It's Better To Die
Chapter 510 It's Better To Die
"Wow, wow..." Just as the carriage moved, the child in the basket suddenly burst into tears.

Cheng Xiu was startled, and quickly asked, "Ma'am, what should I do, he, he's crying."

Lian Shiya lifted the cloth covering the basket, and saw the baby boy clenched his fists and opened his mouth, crying. She was suddenly upset, and patted the boy's face with one hand, cursing road:
"Little beast, at the critical moment, why are you crying? Cry again, be careful and I will strangle you to death!"

Seeing the ferocious look on Lian Shiya's face, Cheng Xiu felt her heart tremble, and said, "Ma'am, this child has only been born for two days, so I don't understand what you are saying."

"Don't cry!" The child didn't want to stop crying. Lian Shiya lost her patience when she thought about Aunt Xiao's waiting, she slapped her in a low voice, and slapped the child again. After a while, I started to cry again, and the more I cried, the more I cried.

"Maybe he's hungry." Seeing that the child had two slap marks on his face, Cheng Xiu couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

"I'm not hungry in the morning, I'm not hungry in the evening, but I'm hungry at this time, and no one can feed him now!" A cold light flashed in Lian Shiya's eyes, and she suddenly took Cheng Xiu's hand and tore off her inner sleeve After one section, he kneaded into a ball and blocked the baby's mouth. The baby's face showed a painful expression, but the crying could not be heard.

"Ah, ma'am, this, this child is still young, so I'm afraid I'll be suffocated to death." Cheng Xiu's heart trembled, and she hurriedly said.

"Doesn't he still have a nose to breathe? What are you afraid of if you shut your mouth? Besides, it doesn't matter if you die. At worst, you will be out of breath when you tell grandma and father that the child is difficult to produce. It's better than fake pregnancy being exposed."

Lian Shiya's cold heart remained unmoved, she put the cloth curtain on the basket and ordered, "Go!"

Cheng Xiu's hand holding the basket was shaking all the time.

Despite all the hardships, the child was finally born, and the eldest lady fell into a deep sleep because she was too tired.

Lian Siyue hugged the newborn baby from Mrs. Wen's hands, his body was limp, his eyes were tightly closed, he only frowned occasionally, and his face was still stained with blood.

The woman on the side saw Lian Siyue's posture of holding the child, and suddenly a strange feeling flashed in her heart——

This eldest lady is not yet married, let alone had a child, how could she be so proficient in picking up a child?Looking at this posture, it seems to be a very experienced person.

Lian Siyue looked at the little baby in front of her, but her mind flashed that day, in the Zhaotai Hall, the child she took out of her belly before it was full-term——

The poor child was covered in blood and curled up into a ball. She clearly saw his heart beating a few times, and then Feng Qianyue and Lian Shiya threw him into the boiling pot. The body was soaked in boiling water, rolled in it twice, and finally boiled to death, and gave Lian Shiya medicine for angina pectoris!
This is her nightmare, a nightmare that she will never forget in her eternity, and she hates it when she thinks about it!

Her heart ached violently. Looking at her younger brother in front of her, she hugged him tightly, but her tears couldn't help but fall down.

My child, you died so badly, mother will definitely avenge you!
"Yue'er, I can see that your mother is suffering, so you don't have to worry too much." Lian's mother thought that she felt sorry for her own mother, so she held her hand and said.

Lian Siyue came back to her senses, handed the child to Nanny Zhou, wiped off the tears on her face, and hid the grief that only she could understand in her heart, with a smile on her face, she said:
"Grandmother, I'm happy. The mother had a hard time giving birth, and finally the mother and child are safe."

Lian Yanqing also came over, he picked up the child, his face was full of joy, and said, "My Lian family has always had only one son, Lianjue, and now I finally have a second son, your elder brother is named Lianjue, I will give it to you." You have a single name of Yan, and you will be called Lian Yan in the future."

"Yan?" Lian's mother chewed these two words carefully, nodded with a smile, and said, "Yan, show it as a fire, spread the fire, and dazzle my Lian family, yes, yes, Yan'er, I finally have a second a grandson."

Lian Siyue looked at Lian's mother and Lian Yanqing's people in the room happily immersed in the joy of Xi Tian Ding, a slight smile flicked on the corner of her lips, and she glanced at Qing Dai standing outside the door.

Qingdai understood and left quietly.

After a while, someone shouted outside, "Madam, Mrs. Xiao from the West Courtyard is about to give birth. She has been having seizures for several hours, but she still hasn't given birth."

"She's going to give birth too?" Lian's mother heard this, but she didn't know the joy when the eldest lady was about to give birth, so she said, "Wen Po hasn't left yet, so let's send her over to take a look."


So the two women took the maid and walked to the west courtyard.

"Auntie, the eldest lady has already given birth, what should I do now?" Nanny Sun wiped the sweat off her face and asked, even though she had been a nanny in Xiao Guofu for so long, she had never encountered such a difficult thing.

"She gave birth! She gave birth to another son! God, are you really blind? Why do you help her again and again, but never pay attention to me! Why did she give birth to a son again, why, why?" Aunt Xiao clutched the quilt tightly, wishing she could throw the child born by the Da Furen to death!
"Now is not the time to worry about these things, Auntie, have you thought about it yet?" Sun Nanny asked.

Aunt Xiao sat up and said, "Go out and tell others that I just moved my fetus and there is no sign of giving birth. I'm fine now, and I will have another chance when I have another chance." She was not reconciled, really not what!
"Oh, miss, you're here. Da Furen is happy to have Lin'er, congratulations. This Aunt Xiao, she hasn't been born since yesterday evening, and she's been born longer than Da Furen, I think Go in and have a look, her door is closed again, she won't let you in."

But at this time, Aunt Zhao's bluffing voice came from outside.

Aunt Xiao trembled all over, as if a ghost had come, her face turned pale, and she said, "Oops! Lian Siyue is here, what should I do?"

"Wen Po, go in and have a look, that is also the Lian family's child, you must help Aunt Xiao to give birth to the child." Just listen to Lian Siyue's order. "Bang bang bang..." Immediately afterwards, her door rang, and the voice of Mrs. Wen came in from outside, "Auntie, open the door and let the slaves go in to deliver your baby."

"No, no need...I..." Aunt Xiao backed away in fright while thinking of a way in her mind.

"No need, miss, my aunt just moved her fetus, so she doesn't need to deliver the baby." Nanny Sun said hurriedly inside.

"Are you pregnant?" Outside, a worried look flashed across Lian Siyue's face, and he ordered the servant next to him, "I'm afraid it's not good for the fetus if you have been pregnant for a few hours. Go and ask Doctor Lu to come over and give it to you." Aunt Xiao, take a look."

"Yes, the servant will go here."

(End of this chapter)

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