First-class daughter

Chapter 517 Strange Cries

Chapter 517 Strange Cries
Chapter 517 Strange Cries
"Regardless of whether it is true or not, if you really let the young master come back to bleed, how will the young master gain a foothold in this capital in the future? The young master has great ambitions, and he will devote his pen to the army. He will be a general in the future. Miss, you must not let the young master do anything bad. Fame." Qing Dai frowned and said.

Letting a few servants stand aside for Da Furen and Lian Jue's grievances, Lian Siyue kept her lips tightly pressed and did not speak. The mother's "declaring her will with death" could only relieve her eyebrows for a while, delaying Lian Yanqing's return from looking for Lian Jue Time, after all, cannot fundamentally solve the problem.

Seeing Lian Siyue's brow slowly wrinkled, Qing Dai sent the others away, leaving her and Leng Mei to accompany her.

Lian Siyue got up and said, "Go to Aunt Xi's place."

However, just as she was about to go out, her aunt Lian Xi had already arrived——

"Aunt Xi?" Lian Siyue asked with puzzled affection on his face, "But what's the news from Grandma?"

Lian Xi shook her head and said, "Your grandmother believed your mother, and I also told her that Xiao Shi's words were not trustworthy, so you can rest assured for now."

After Lian Siyue heard this, her heart trembled slightly, "Aunt Xi, you..."

Lian Xi grabbed Lian Siyue's hand and said, "Je'er is a good boy. When I came back from my husband's house, this kid treated me very well. Yue'er, this matter is no small matter. You must find a way to keep him .”

What Lian Xi said, Lian Siyue already understood a lot. It turned out that she was also an insider, and she had been hiding it for her mother for so many years.

"Aunt Xi, I was going to find you just now, I wanted to ask if you still remember the fifth younger sister Lian Xianzi back then." Lian Siyue said.

"Xianzi?" Lian Xi nodded and said, "Of course I remember that she was far more beautiful and talented than Lian Shiya back then, and she was loved by your grandmother and father, and you often took her with you when you attended some banquets.

Once, when Princess Anguo celebrated her birthday, Xianzi wrote a poem on the spot, and the literati present praised her for her quick thinking and brilliant writing skills. She was also awarded by Princess An Guo. What a wonderful girl, after that time, your grandmother and father loved her even more, and even brought the palace banquets with them.Unfortunately, she died early. "

"Does Aunt Xi still remember how Fifth Sister died?"

"That time was in the early spring, and a few little sisters in the mansion went to Jiuhua Temple to enjoy the peach blossoms together. You also went there, but later, you all came back, but Xianzi didn't come back with you. She came back the next day. I found it in a trap on the mountain. According to her, when there were too many people watching the flowers, I accidentally got separated from you. Later, someone led her, but somehow she still lost her way and fell into the hunter. In the trap I dug, the soles of my feet were injured.

Not long after I came back, I started to get sick, and it was very strange. First, my body started to itch, and then my skin was festered, giving off a smell all over my body. Later, the smell became stronger and stronger, and I could smell a bad smell from a distance. At the beginning Aunt Su used face powder to cover her up, but no matter how thick the face powder was, it couldn’t cover it up. She went to the doctor and found that she couldn’t get better after using all kinds of medicine. He died not long after, and was buried directly without entering the prime minister's mansion after his death. "

Lian Siyue listened quietly, while organizing her thoughts in her mind,

Back then, she was a muddleheaded person, and because of her young age, she had a particularly good relationship with Aunt Xiao, so she didn't pay special attention to Lian Xianzi's death.Back then there were rumors in the mansion that the eldest lady couldn't tolerate Fifth Miss and killed her.

But after being reborn, when she recalled Lian Xianzi's death, she always felt something strange. Last time, when Aunt Su was ill, she remembered this incident again.

Listening to Aunt Xi's words now, I feel even more that someone murdered Lian Xianzi back then, and then blamed her mother.

"Qingdai, go quickly to Aunt Su's place and ask her for the portrait of Miss Fifth Lian Xianzi." Lian Siyue ordered immediately.

Last time, she secretly funded Aunt Su, so it shouldn't be difficult to get a portrait this time.

"Yue'er, why did you suddenly ask about Xianzi, could it be..." Lian Xi asked.

"Aunt Xi, the time is urgent. Mother died to show her ambition, and father is still hesitating whether to ask Lian Jue to come back to bleed. I must let him dispel the idea that Lian Jue might be adopted before he makes up his mind." Lian Si month said.

Sure enough, Qing Dai successfully obtained the portrait of Lian Xianzi——

I saw the woman in this portrait, with snow-skinned and flowery appearance, wearing water-blue dresses, the moon-white pleated skirt fell lightly on the ground, the blue silk was tied into double flat buns, and pink and white piles of gauze and silk flowers were pinned on her body. Tranquil, her appearance is different from Lian Shiya's back then, while Lian Xianzi is a bit more gentle and majestic.

"Yue'er, what do you want Xianzi's portrait for?" Lian Xi asked.

"Lengmei, you secretly hang the portrait of Miss Fifth in Aunt Xiao's room today at night." Lian Siyue handed the portrait to Lengmei and ordered.

"You doubt her..." Lian Xi's heart skipped a beat.

"Aunt Xi, grandma is asking you to do so." Lian Siyue didn't say much.

Lian Xi understood, and cautiously exhorted:
"Don't worry, your grandmother listens to what I say, and I will speak up for your mother and Jue'er. Be careful yourself, this matter is no small matter, and your father's test is not easy."

"En." Lian Siyue nodded.

west yard.

Aunt Xiao was lying on the bed. Although her body was in pain, she was very happy in her heart. She wanted to go to Rong Xue to die together, but she didn't expect to find out such a big secret of hers——

"Rong Xue, you are still as stupid as before. If you didn't have Lian Siyue, you would have rolled down from the position of the mistress of the Lian family long ago. However, it is not too late to come down now, although I can't sit in that seat But if I can pull you down and pay for your two children, I, Xiao Xianmin, will not lose."

Now that she knows Rong Xue's secret, even Yanqing will keep her for the time being in order to find out the answer, so she still has a chance to live.

Thinking about it, she suddenly felt thirsty, so she got up to pour water, but she accidentally touched the wound on her back, and she burst into tears from the pain.

She paused, gritted her teeth and finally got down to the ground, but at this moment, the door of the room was suddenly opened, and a gust of cool wind came in. She subconsciously covered her face with her sleeve, and the candles in the room went out, and the room was dark. The shadow of the tree outside the door floated like a ghost, and an eerie feeling immediately surrounded her——

"Woooooo..." Suddenly, when she heard a faint cry, she was startled and took a step back.

"Woooo..." The sobbing voice came faintly again.

"Who, who is crying?" She boldly moved her body to the door, but the crying disappeared again.

(End of this chapter)

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