First-class daughter

Chapter 518 Bewitched

Chapter 518 Bewitched
Chapter 518 Bewitched
Aunt Xiao gritted her teeth, closed the door, and turned around to light a candle, but the door creaked again and slowly opened——

A gust of wind blew by, she couldn't help shivering all over, and a trace of fear crawled into her heart.

"Who is playing tricks here?"

However, inside and outside the house, there was silence and no one answered.

"Bang!" At this time, another gust of wind blew through, and the windows slapped back and forth twice.

"It turned out to be the wind." Aunt Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, endured the pain and groped, lit the oil lamp, closed the window, and returned to the bed.

I walked to the bed and looked down, only to find that the original two shoes were missing—what's going on?

A coolness slowly rose on her back, and she looked at her feet again, she did not wear shoes on her feet, her shoes... where did they go, she looked around the room with her eyes——

Suddenly, her toes felt cold, as if someone had touched her.

"...Who?" She hurriedly withdrew her feet, the candles in the room suddenly went out again, and the room became dark again. Her heart shrank violently, she clutched the front of her front tightly, and slowly shrank back, her eyes terrified looked around.

"Lian, Lian Siyue, is it you? Don't play tricks, it's useless. You and Rong Xue are dead this time."

She quickly got into bed and hid under the quilt, but when she looked at the top of the bed, a face suddenly appeared in front of her eyes——

"Lian, Lian Xianzi..." She turned over and rolled off the bed in fright, closed her eyes tightly, with a terrified expression on her face.

Lian Xianzi, that... dead person.

Aunt Xiao boldly opened her eyes slowly, but the face disappeared again. She let out a long breath and leaned on the bed, only then did she realize that her whole body was soaked.

She just saw the dead Fifth Miss Lian Xianzi, no, this is an illusion, Lian Xianzi has been dead for many years, it is impossible to come back, it must be her illusion.

She swallowed hard, thinking of that face just now, a chill came down her spine again.

Early the next morning, Aunt Xiao got up. She was frightened last night and felt groggy for a while.

When she moved out of the room, she heard what Aunt Zhao and other aunts and roommates were talking about.

Aunt Zhao approached the crowd, lowered her voice, and said mysteriously, "Guess who I saw when I woke up last night? I actually saw Miss Fifth's shadow, floating from here to there, then It looks very scary..."

"Aunt Zhao, did you see it too?" Another Aunt Yao said in surprise, "I saw it too. Although I was shocked, I thought I was dazzled."

"You saw it too?" Aunt Zhao's face turned pale.

"Well, I also saw her face, it looks very scary, her face is rotten, full of pus, and her arm is also full of ulcers, drop by drop of pus fell, I almost frightened to death." Aunt Yao seemed With lingering fear in his heart, he clutched his chest, his face pale.

When Aunt Xiao heard their discussion, her heart trembled, and she froze suddenly——

Was it not her illusion last night?

"Miss Fifth died outside and was not carried into the mansion, so the people in the mansion don't know exactly how she died, but I once heard from the nanny who served Miss Fifth that she died very miserable and didn't care about her. Knowing what kind of disease he had, his whole body was festered and covered with pustules, and the medicine did not heal. In the end, his whole body gave off a stench, which could be smelled within a hundred meters. In the end, he died alive. After death, only a straw mat was wrapped around his body. .”

When Aunt Xiao heard this, she slowly clenched the hand holding the handkerchief.

"Hey, Aunt Xiao, when did you come here? Why didn't you say anything? Did you see Miss Fifth last night?" At this time, Aunt Yao turned her head and saw Aunt Xiao standing by the door. shouted and asked.

"I didn't see it." Aunt Xiao raised her head and smiled at Aunt Yao, then turned around and walked quickly into the room, closing the door.

Aunt Zhao sneered and said, "What's the matter?"

In the middle of the night, Aunt Xiao didn't sleep, she lit up the two oil lamps in the room, moved a stool, opened her eyes, stared at the door of the room, and said——

"Lian Siyue, you want to scare me with Lian Xianzi pretending to be a ghost, so I won't be fooled by you. Rong Xue and Lian Jue can't escape this time. It's useless for you to do anything."

She wholeheartedly believed that Lian Xianzi was a ghost created by Lian Siyue, so she just sat there without blinking her eyes until the middle of the night, and there was nothing unusual in the room.

Aunt Xiao finally couldn't take it any longer, she yawned, got up, extinguished the oil lamp, removed her coat, lifted the quilt and lay down on the bed to rest.

"..." However, as soon as she got into bed, she suddenly felt that there was something extra on the bed.

She was taken aback, and stretched out her hand to touch it. She felt something soft and sticky. She was shocked, and suddenly lifted the quilt, only to see a person with long black hair lying on her quilt. Inside, his face was covered in sores, exuding a foul smell.

She blinked her gray eyes at her, and slowly stretched out her hand towards her. The back of this hand was completely rotten, and yellow pus flowed out. This hand covered Aunt Xiao's mouth.

"You, five, five..." Aunt Xiao opened her mouth with great effort, but she couldn't utter a single word.

"..." The shadow slowly opened its mouth——

"Ah..." Aunt Xiao rolled off the bed in fright, screaming in horror, her chest heaving and gasping for breath.

After she blinked her eyes vigorously, the girl with sores on the bed disappeared again, and she no longer smelled the stench. She touched her mouth with her hand, but it was clean without leaving any rot. Pus from sores.

"Ghost, ghost, there really are ghosts..."

Her heart tightened.

Suddenly, she felt a chill on her shoulders, and she gritted her teeth and turned her head——

"Ah..." It was Lian Xianzi's terrifying face again.

"Woo..." At the same time, there was a low cry in the room, but in the blink of an eye, nothing could be seen, only the vague cry, which seemed to come from far away. Come.

Aunt Xiao was sitting on the ground, sweating profusely, and her face was as pale as paper.

After dawn, Aunt Xiao was groggy, as if she had been seriously ill. As soon as she came out, Aunt Yao just came out of the room, and when she saw her, she had a different look on her face——

"Ah, Aunt Xiao, you must have run into a ghost, and your complexion is too ugly. Look at this Yintang is turning black."

"...My body hurts, I haven't rested well." After finishing speaking, Aunt Xiao hurriedly turned around and approached the room again, and looked at herself in the bronze mirror, her face was really pale.

As soon as she stood up, she felt top-heavy, and she slumped down on the chair, sweating profusely on her head again. She walked back to the window to rest for a while, her feet felt like they were stepping on cotton, limp Lie down.

Could it be that she was really bewitched?

This night, at midnight.

Aunt Xiao dragged her sick body, and in order to avoid other people's eyes and ears, she climbed out of the window.

(End of this chapter)

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