First-class daughter

Chapter 519 Kneel down and beg me

Chapter 519 Kneel down and beg me
Chapter 519 Kneel down and beg me
At this moment, Xianheyuan came to report the situation on Aunt Xiao's side with a cold eyebrow.

After Lian Siyue finished listening, she clenched the back of the chair and asked in a tight voice, "Aunt Xiao was not fooled this time?"

Shaking his head coldly, he said, "It's been two days since I returned to Miss Wu. On the first day, it was the portrait of Miss Wu, and on the second day, I changed my appearance to look like Miss Wu died. I was terrified by my disguised appearance, but I never revealed it, and I never said anything about Miss Fifth."

Lian Siyue narrowed her eyes slightly, and said in a deep voice, "It seems that this time, she has really behaved herself."

"People who come back from the ghost gate must be much more vigilant." Leng Mei said based on his own experience.

"Then what should I do, miss, it's been two days. Although the lady has declared her ambition by death, but, my aunt said, the master has become a lot colder to his wife. In the evening this evening, he went to the general nursing home to go to the study room." We talked for a long time, maybe we are preparing for him to go to Shanhaiguan to bring the young master back." Qing Dai was on the verge of tears.

This was the first time she had encountered troublesome things since she came to Xiangfu from Yaocheng with the young lady, and it was also the first time she saw the young lady frowning all day long.

"Go to the west courtyard." Lian Siyue stood up suddenly and ordered.

"What are you going to do in the west courtyard?" Qing Dai asked.

"I'll personally ask Aunt Xiao to change her words and let my mother and Lian Jue go together." Lian Siyue pursed her lips and walked out with a tense face.

What?Leng Mei and Qing Dai were both taken aback at the same time, the eldest lady is going to beg Aunt Xiao?
This... this Aunt Xiao's tail can't be up to the sky.

"Miss begging Aunt Xiao, Aunt Xiao doesn't know how to embarrass her, but what should I do?" Qing Dai whispered.

With a cold brow, he said, "Let's go first, we will do what the eldest lady says, no matter what, we can't let the eldest lady have anything to do."

"Yeah!" Qing Dai and Leng Mei quickened their pace to follow.

Although Aunt Xiao was in the west courtyard, she was always paying attention to the news coming from all directions with a pair of slaps and a pair of eyes.

This west courtyard is a place of right and wrong, even if she doesn't go out, she can still hear some things.

She knew that Rong Xue had hanged herself once in the past two days, and even wrote a blood letter to declare her death, and she was unconscious for two hours, but Lian Yanqing didn't seem to fully believe her.Because even Siyue knelt at the door of his study all morning, and even Yanqing didn't see her, but dismissed her with some perfunctory excuses.

Then, she knelt in the yard for an entire afternoon, and at night, Aunt Xiao heard people from the west courtyard talking about it, saying that the eldest lady fainted once after kneeling for too long.

Hehe, Rongxue, Rongxue, this time, even your daughter, who turns your hands into clouds and turns your hands into rain, can't save you mother and child.

Hearing these things, Aunt Xiao really felt refreshed, how much she wished to see Rong Xue and Lian Siyue in despair.

However, she was still worried, even though she was not feeling well, she still wanted to sneak out at night to inquire for herself, to see what was going on in Xianheyuan and Fu'anyuan.

Now, she doesn't have any servants by her side, so she has to do everything by herself.

Although this is hard work, it's good, the matter is directly in her own hands, she comforted herself while climbing the window.

"Aunt Xiao..." Aunt Xiao had just climbed down from the window and walked through a corridor to a secluded place when she heard a voice in front——

She looked up, and it turned out that Lian Siyue was standing in front of her with her maid, she immediately put the things in her hands on her body, and asked with a cold face——

"It's so late, what is Missy doing here?"

She looked like a moon, with a tired face, and a thick layer of black appeared under the corners of her eyes, which was completely different from the arrogant and domineering appearance of the past——

"Hehe, hehehe..." Aunt Xiao laughed.

Seeing Lian Siyue's appearance, she knew that she had been worrying about Lian Jue not being of the Lian family's blood in the past two days.

Counting it, this was the first time she saw Lian Siyue's decayed and incompetent appearance, and she felt very happy in her heart and relieved her anger.

"It seems that Missy has had a hard time these two days."

"Aunt Xiao, what do you want to let my mother and Lian Jue go this time?" Lian Siyue asked, her tone sounded a bit soft, not as harsh as in the past.

"Hehe..." Aunt Xiao said with a cold and smug expression on her face, "What do I want? Miss, what do you think?"

Lian Siyue pursed her lips and didn't speak.

"Hahahahaha..." Aunt Xiao suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, Qingdai clenched her fist tightly when she saw this, she looked at Lian Siyue again——

She had never seen the eldest lady so condescending, and she couldn't help but feel sorry for her. The eldest lady walked through the sea of ​​fire time and time again. Although it was dangerous, she finally saved the day. .

But this time, he hit a nail on the matter of the eldest lady.

Lian Siyue closed her eyes and said, "Do you want the position of the head of the family and the third sister to return to her previous position?"

After hearing this, Aunt Xiao's face became cold, and then she said with hatred, "I think, of course I think, if it weren't for you, I would have been the head of the Lian family long ago, and an idiot like your mother is not qualified to sit in this position at all!

But, but now it is impossible!Ya'er and I are already like this. "

She said with a bitter smile on her face.

"These are indeed impossible. Even if I agree, my father and grandmother will never agree. So, Aunt Xiao, don't think about it. You want to die with us. What's the good of dying together? If you die, The third sister also completely lost her support and dependence, so it is better to seek benevolence and gain benevolence, what do you think?" Lian Siyue looked at Aunt Xiao, thinking in her mind, and said.

"Hehe..." Aunt Xiao showed a cold smile on her face, and then her face turned cold, her eyes showed a little bit of deepness, and she said, "Lian Siyue, Lian Siyue, it feels uncomfortable to negotiate terms with me so lowly. Bar."

"There's no such thing as bad hands, as long as you and I achieve our own goals." Lian Siyue stood quietly and said in a flat tone.

"As expected of Lian Siyue, you obviously came to beg me to spare Rong Xue and Lian Jue, but you still look aloof, ha ha, but what should I do? What I, Xiao Xianmin, hate the most is that you are so lofty and arrogant. look." Aunt Xiao felt that the eldest lady had something in her hands, so how could she tolerate Lian Siyue's aloof appearance.

"So, what does Aunt Xiao want me to do?" Lian Siyue asked with a hint of chill in her eyes with a faint smile.

"I want you to kneel down and beg me, so I will consider whether I want to be kind to you!" Aunt Xiao said, looking at the person in front of her indifferently and proudly.

(End of this chapter)

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