First-class daughter

Chapter 522 Lian Xi Persuades

Chapter 522 Lian Xi Persuades
Chapter 522 Lian Xi Persuades
When the door of this room slammed, the bronze mirror fell to the ground with a bang and shattered, and Lian Xianzi's "ghost image" disappeared with it.

Aunt Xiao suddenly heard this sound, her body froze, she suddenly turned her head and saw Aunt Su and Lian Xianzi standing at the door, and... and Lian Yanqing standing behind them.

"Su, Aunt Su, master..."

"Aunt Xiao, do you know that for so many years, I have lived in deep self-blame for not taking good care of Miss Fifth, causing her to die so miserably, and it turned out that all of this was a trick of you bitch! You killed her!
Miss Wu entrusted me with a dream for half a year, you know what kind of life I have lived in the past six months!
Your own daughter is a human being, so is my daughter not human?You think she stole your daughter's limelight, you want her to die, okay, you can kill her, but why do you let her die without any dignity of a young lady!Do you know how she lived in her last days? "

"No, master, no, I was talking nonsense just now." Aunt Xiao panicked and hurriedly defended.

"Bitch, for so many years, whenever you dislike anyone, you have quietly punished them. Except for your own daughter, the daughters of other aunts have been punished by you one by one. Don't dare to say, even the former eldest lady will match your Lian Shiya, fortunately, fortunately, God is old, look at what you got in the end? Hahaha... bitch, bitch!" Aunt Su pointed at Aunt Xiao with trembling fingers, crying and cursing, tears streaming down her desolate face.

"Father, Aunt Xiao is so vicious. She once caused her daughter to bury the puppets of her father and grandmother in the elder sister's yard. Because her daughter refused, she made things difficult for me." Lian Xueqiao knelt on the ground and turned towards Lian Yanqing said.

Lian Yanqing's complexion became more and more livid.

"Bitch, I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you to avenge Miss Fifth!" Suddenly, Aunt Su pulled out the hairpin from her head, and rushed towards Aunt Xiao——

"Ah..." Only a scream was heard in the west courtyard.

Not far away, Lian Siyue stood under the tree with an indifferent expression. Under the shadow of the moon, she looked even colder and heartless. She turned and left with a mocking coldness on her lips.

That's right, pleading in front of Aunt Xiao and acting as if she had nowhere to go is just a scene she did in reverse. Since she took revenge, every time she took a shot, she could have hit it with one blow and caught her hand——

But today's bitter trick was used just right.

"Go back to Xianheyuan," she said.

After returning to Xianheyuan, Nanny Tai was still very excited, she said:

"Miss, this time is really relieved, you don't know, just now, seeing Aunt Xiao's arrogance, I really want to tear her face off."

Lian Siyue smiled slightly.

"Speaking of which, our eldest lady is the most powerful. First, during the haunting time two days ago, I secretly added ecstasy incense to Aunt Xiao's lamp oil, and smoked her for two nights, making her top-heavy like a demon, but Unexpectedly, Aunt Xiao was very vigilant and never fell for the trick. The eldest lady immediately used a cruel trick to beg her for mercy, making her think that the eldest lady was really desperate, and initially dispelled her idea that the haunting was arranged by the eldest lady.

Immediately afterwards, he arranged for Aunt Su and Miss Six to burn paper money on the road she had to pass in advance, deliberately letting her hear Aunt Su and Miss Six whispering, and when the ashes of the paper money were floating, Leng Mei wiped the ink on the paper money. When it hit her face, her hands couldn't be washed clean for a while. She looked at it and thought again that she had really encountered a ghost.

At the same time, he also ordered us to move the big stone with the word "he" written on it to the entrance of the west courtyard to the entrance of Chunhui Garden, where Miss Fifth lived, so that Aunt Xiao, who was so frightened and hurried back to the west courtyard, walked all the way. Chunhui Garden, she was frightened before, but this time she really thought it was Miss Fifth's ghost who led her to Chunhui Garden.

But at this time, she stumbled and ran back to the West Courtyard. When she looked in the mirror, she saw the cold eyebrows of Mo Liniang who had been disguised as Miss Fifth. , was pressed by cold eyebrows to beat around the bush, and said all at once.

And after Aunt Su burned the paper money, she dragged her sick body, thinking that the reason why Aunt Xiao killed her because the Fifth Young Miss had entrusted her dream for half a year, invited the master over——

Then, everything will fall into place. "Qing Dai couldn't help admiring Miss Miss when she thought of her step-by-step strategy.

"I'm afraid that Aunt Xiao is still dreaming of Lian Shiya's dream of becoming the fourth prince's concubine." Lian Siyue couldn't help laughing when she thought of the terms of exchange proposed by Aunt Xiao just now. Her dream was really ridiculous. extreme.

Not long after, Leng Mei, who had cleaned up her body, returned to Xianheyuan and reported to Lian Siyuehui:

"Miss, Aunt Su stabbed Aunt Xiao more than a dozen times with a hairpin. Her body was covered in blood. The master walked away without paying attention."

"Losing a daughter and being cheated by Aunt Xiao for so many years, stabbing a dozen times is considered light." Lian Siyue said calmly.

"Miss, is the crisis between Madam and Young Master resolved?" Qing Dai asked, this is also the question that everyone is most concerned about.

Lian Siyue picked up the tea in front of her, took a sip, and said, "It's still a little bit worse."

In Lian Yanqing's study room, he was sitting behind the desk, and heard from the butler that the door of the west courtyard was closed, Aunt Xiao was lying on the ground, bleeding profusely, Aunt Su passed out, and had gone back with Miss Six.

Lian Yanqing didn't speak for a long time, he didn't expect that the back house of his dignified prime minister's mansion had been in chaos for so many years, he couldn't help but think of what Lian's mother said about him, this was the consequence of doting on his concubine and destroying his wife back then.

"Master, please see me, aunt." At this time, the servant said from outside.

"Come in." Lian Yanqing put his thoughts away.

Lian Xi walked in, bowed to Lian Yanqing, and said, "Brother."

Lian Yanqing was always kind to this widowed younger sister. Although he seldom said anything caring about himself, Lian Xi's non-competitive, obscure temperament really won his heart. Taking care of Lian's mother is also a credit.

"Why did Sixth Sister come here, but mother sent you here?" Lian Yanqing asked.

"No." Lian Xi said, "My sister came here to tell my brother the truth."

"Oh?" Lian Yanqing said with a surprised gaze, "Talk about it."

"My sister's husband died early, thanks to the pity of my grandmother and elder brother. I have lived in my natal family for so many years, and I have never suffered any grievances. My sister also remembers her own identity, so she never asks or participates in anything in the house. She only takes care of him responsibly. Mother, but this time..." Lian Xi looked up at Lian Yanqing, and said, "My sister has to say something more, because it's about brother's relationship between husband and wife, father and son."

(End of this chapter)

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