Chapter 523
Chapter 523
"Sixth sister, what do you want to say?" Lian Yanqing asked.

"Brother, do you still remember that when my sister-in-law gave birth, my sister and I just came back from my husband's house to stay for a short stay. On the night of my sister-in-law's delivery, my sister was always helping out at the Fu'an Hospital. Before my sister-in-law was born, my sister never left my sister-in-law's bed. When Jue'er was born, I was the first one to hug him from my mother-in-law and carry him to my elder brother's study to announce the good news to him. It is absolutely impossible for my sister-in-law to cheat under the nose of my younger sister.

Besides, as a member of the Lian family, the younger sister has to be protected by her mother and elder brother, and it is even more impossible for others to mess up the blood of the Lian family. "

Back then, Lian Xi did come to the Fu'an Hospital when the eldest lady was giving birth, and she was the first to hold the Lian Jue to announce the good news to Lian Yanqing. However, she did not stay by the eldest lady's bed all the time, but it was a long time ago. That night, the Fu'an Academy was busy again, and now that she was telling such a small lie, even Yanqing didn't know the truth, so naturally there was nothing to doubt.

Lian Yanqing nodded, and said, "That's indeed the case. You also said that Jue'er's appearance really resembles me."

"It's inconvenient for Aunt Xiao's character to be judged by younger sisters. Elder brother has his own judgment. But, if elder brother wants to call Jue'er back to bleed, younger sister can't help but say something. This is really unfair to the always honest and responsible sister-in-law. I'm afraid that she will give up her brother's heart from now on, and this child, Jue'er, is also afraid that she will be cold-hearted towards her brother, my sister can't just watch her brother's husband and wife are at odds, and father and son are at odds."

Lian Yanqing frowned tightly, staring intently, and asked, "Sixth Sister, are you really sure that your sister-in-law gave the fare?"

Lian Xi slightly clenched her fists in her sleeves, but looked at Lian Yanqing calmly, and said, "Brother, my sister guarantees it with her head."

Lian Yanqing was silent for a moment, then, he waved his hands and said, "I see, you can go down."

"Yes, brother." Lian Xi resigned.

"Miss, my aunt is here."

After daybreak, Lian Xi came to Xianhe Courtyard. She walked up to Lian Siyue, held her niece's hand tightly, and said, "Yue'er, it's okay. Just now your father came to your grandmother's place and was very angry. I scolded Aunt Xiao for half an hour, and I believed in her words that she deliberately harmed your mother. In order to get rid of the crime, she said that Jueer is not the flesh and blood of the Lian family. I originally ordered Lian Tian to go to Shanhaiguan to call Jueer back, but this time it was cancelled. this thought.

Your grandmother also said that all of this is Aunt Xiao's wishful thinking, trying to delay time. "

Lian Siyue finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Lian Xi's words, and said, "Aunt Xi has worried a lot these three days, and she must have said a lot of good things for my mother and Jue'er in front of my grandmother and father, Aunt Xi , Yue'er, thank you."

"It's nothing for me to do. It's thanks to you that you came up with these serial schemes within two days, and won your father's trust for your mother and Jue'er step by step." Lian Xi also quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and said.

"Now, it's time to say goodbye to Aunt Xiao in a serious way." She smiled alluringly, her eyes were cold and determined.

west yard.

Aunt Xiao was lying on the floor of the house, and Aunt Su stabbed her body with a hairpin more than a dozen times. At this moment, her body was covered with blood, but no one paid any attention to her.

"Squeak..." At this time, the door rang, and her heart trembled. When she raised her eyes, she saw Lian Siyue standing in front of her. To her, that appearance was like an evil ghost from hell, who was specially designed for Suo. Come here.

"Ah..." She was so frightened that she trembled all over, shrank into a ball, and murmured, "It's you, it really is you...I,, you..."

"That's right, it's indeed me." Lian Siyue looked down at the people on the ground and said frankly.

"I... I was fooled by you after all." Aunt Xiao smiled wryly and said weakly.

Lian Siyue glanced at her coldly, and said indifferently, "Aunt Xiao wants Lian Shiya to be the concubine of His Highness Fourth Highness, this hope may be expanded, because...she doesn't have such a life at all!"

"You, you are talking nonsense, I, Ya'er, is destined to be rich and honored, and the queen is appointed. In the future, she will, will, will fly on the golden branch like that phoenix, and you, and you are just a Ronghe county magistrate, so forget it What? You will definitely, you will taste the most painful thing of time in the future, you will definitely, you will." Aunt Xiao panted heavily, her chest heaving violently, but her breath became weaker and weaker.

Lian Siyue shook her head, her eyes were cold, and she said, "If you are stubborn, you will not be able to live without death."

"You, what do you want to do? You want to kill me, does the master agree? You dare to kill me?" Aunt Xiao looked at the cold eyebrow who appeared from behind Lian Siyue, swallowed hard, her voice trembling road.

"Lengmei..." Lian Siyue called out, and Lengmei slowly approached Aunt Xiao.

"You, you..." Aunt Xiao backed away slowly, her eyes frightened.

"It's over." Lian Siyue said these four words indifferently, then walked out the door, the door closed, and there was a scream from inside.

On the second day, Qing'an Courtyard.

Lian's mother and the others were discussing about holding a full moon banquet for Lian Yan, when a maid came outside to report that Aunt Xiao's body was found in the lotus pond, but she was stiff and dead.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help getting goosebumps, and Liu asked in a low voice, "Is this dead?"

"You were originally in the west courtyard, why did you die in the lotus pond?" Someone asked in puzzlement.

The person who came to report said, "Back to the master, the servants saw a bloodstain all the way from the west courtyard to the lotus pond, so they went to the Liantian General Nursing Hospital to ask him to come and check it. He ran away, crawled out from the west courtyard, and dropped blood all over the ground, but ended up falling into the pond. When he picked it up, there were strangle marks on his legs, which were strangled by the water plants in the pond all night. His tongue was also entangled in water plants, and he probably called for help, but the tongue seemed to be pulled out of his mouth, which was very scary."

"Okay, okay, stop talking, I'm almost scared to death." Mrs. Liu shuddered, and hurriedly stopped the girl from continuing.

"Yes." The girl closed her mouth.

Mrs. Hu from the second bedroom said, "This man has committed many crimes, and he deserves death."

Mother Lian, who hadn't spoken for a long time, touched the Buddhist beads in her hand and said, "She was divorced, and she was brought back because of the child in her womb. Who would have thought that the child was also a fake, and she can't be considered a member of the Lian family. Order me down, The straw mats are taken away, find a place in the suburbs of Beijing to dig a grave, let’s bury it, no monuments are allowed.”

"Yes, old lady."

"From now on, no one is allowed to mention this person again." Lian's mother gave the order, and everyone agreed.

"It's just that if Sanmei finds out about this, she might be sad." Lian Siyue said aside.

"Send someone to Yue Wang's mansion to say something, so we can save her from saying that she is dead. Mother, we will keep it secret, or she will know. However, I told her that she is not allowed to come back and make trouble. If you don't listen, don't blame me as a grandmother. Let me tell you one last thing."

(End of this chapter)

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