Chapter 524 A Letter From Master Nine
Chapter 524 A Letter From Master Nine
Lian's mother said, she got up and went into the inner room, Lian Xi hurriedly followed up to support her, turned her head, and glanced at Lian Siyue quietly.

The eyes of the two met, and they understood each other.

When the news reached Yue Wang's mansion, Lian Shiya was still recuperating in bed. She was sent back from Xiang's mansion with [-] slaps last time, and it is not convenient for her to go to the ground now.

When she heard that Aunt Xiao fell into the pond and died, she suddenly rolled off the bed, grabbed the corner of the visitor's clothes, and asked pantingly, "What are you talking about? Mother is dead? How did she die? How did she die?"

The person who came to report was frightened by Lian Shiya's appearance, so he took two steps back and said, "Ma'am, Aunt Xiao accidentally fell into the lotus pond in the middle of the night and was drowned."

"Drown?" Lian Shiya was startled suddenly, her hands froze.

"Yes, it fell in the middle of the night, and it was discovered at noon the next day. When it was picked up, it was already dead."

"Totally dead?" Lian Shiya only felt that her body was hit by a painful blow, and she was dizzy and on the verge of collapsing.

"Yes, it was wrapped in a straw mat by the servants in the mansion, and a pit was dug in the suburbs of Beijing to bury it. Madam can go to worship when she is in better health, but there is no monument. It may take a long time for Madam to find the cemetery." I've thought about it." The servant sent by Lian Siyue told the truth.

"What..." Lian Shiya asked incredulously, and covered it with a straw mat, without even a stele? "No, help me up quickly, my mother definitely didn't fall into the lotus pond to die, she wasn't such a careless person, something must have happened, she was killed by Lian Siyue, I want to go back to Xiangfu , in front of grandma and father, to seek justice for my mother."

"Ma'am." The person who came held her arm and said, "Before the servant came, the old lady gave orders not to allow the third lady to go back to the house to make trouble, otherwise she would not care about the last bit of grandparents' friendship. Please think about it carefully." some."

"I'm not allowed to make trouble?" Lian Shiya showed a sneer on her face, "My mother died inexplicably, can't I, as a daughter, go home and have a look?"

"Ma'am, the words have been brought, so the servant is leaving." After the visitor bowed to Lian Shiya, he hurried away.

Lian Shiya was lying on the ground alone, remembering the news of Aunt Xiao's death, she burst into tears, crying, and said, "Mother, mother, you must have been killed unjustly, it must be that bitch Lian Siyue, yes You secretly laid a poisonous hand and killed you."

"No, I can't just let it go like this, my mother can't just die like this, I can't just let Lian Siyue like this!" Lian Shiya suddenly raised her head, a trace of unwillingness flashed in her eyes, she lay on the ground , Shouting loudly, "Orange Embroidery, Orange Embroidery..."

The servant girl ran in in a hurry, saw Lian Shiya fell on the ground, she hurriedly helped her up, and said, "Ma'am, what's wrong with you?"

"Hurry up, prepare the sedan chair for me. I'm going to Xiao Guofu. Now only my uncle can help me. Even if I kneel down for three days and three nights, I can ask him to help me."

However, even Shiya really knelt in the courtyard of Xiao Guofu for three days and three nights, but she couldn't get Xiao Zhenhai to agree to come forward.

One, Lian Shiya has offended this uncle for Xiao Rou's big wedding, and two, now that Aunt Xiao is dead, there is no need to marry the prime minister's house for a dead person, Xiao Zhenhai will not do such a loss-making thing.

In the end, Xiao Zhenhai gave Lian Shiya a box of jewels, and ordered someone to carry her back to the Yue Palace.

After returning to the mansion, she smashed the jewel on the ground and said: "Uncle, you are so cruel, don't blame me for being ruthless!"Since the whole world owes me everything, I will get it all back!

With cold brows and lowered head, looking at the letter in his hand, a slight smile flashed in his eyes, His Highness Ninth Prince wrote a letter to Missy!It was delivered just now, and she is going to deliver it to the eldest lady now.

As she was walking, she suddenly felt a sword aura floating around her, she stopped suddenly, and her figure flashed——

Immediately, a long sword was placed on her neck, and she quietly looked at the person in front of her, "General Nursing House?"——

"Aunt Xiao was killed by you first, and then thrown into the lotus pond?" Lian Tian said.

Leng Mei didn't refute, and said, "Is the Lian Chief Nursing Hospital seeking revenge for Aunt Xiao?"

"If I want to seek revenge for her, can you still stand in front of me?" Lian Tian asked, looking directly at her face that was always indistinguishable from ice and snow.

Leng Mei looked at the sword on her neck, and then slowly looked at Lian Tian.

"Who the hell are you?" Lian Tian asked, staring at the woman in green in front of him.

He raised his eyebrows coldly, glanced at him lightly, and said, "I am the person sent by His Highness Ninth Prince to protect the young lady."

"It turns out to be His Majesty Nine." Lian Tian's sword didn't mean to take it back, "No matter who you are, if you are in the prime minister's mansion, you are under my control. I will not tolerate you in the prime minister's house." Doing unruly things under the nose."

"It's up to you?" Leng Mei frowned slightly, "Then let's see if you have this ability?" She put the letter from His Highness Ninth Prince into her bosom, pulled out the dagger at her waist, and said.

The two fought in this secluded place, but in the end, it was a tie, Leng Mei's palm fell on Lian Tian's shoulder, and Lian Tian held Leng Mei's hand.

"Let go!" Leng Mei said coldly when he saw that he was holding the palm of her wrist all the time.

Lian Tian was taken aback, immediately let go of his hand, took a step back, clenched his hand into a fist and let go, his face flushed, and said, "Sorry, I didn't mean it, I forgot the difference between men and women during the fight, I deserve to die."

"I've been fighting and killing for many years, and it's not like I haven't seen anything in the world. This time, I would like to thank the General Nursing House for not investigating Aunt Xiao's death in detail, which saved the eldest lady a lot of trouble." After regaining his composure, he turned around and left the place as if nothing had happened.

Lian Tian looked at her leaving green back, and after a while, looked down at his hands.

"General nursing home!" At this time, several nursing homes came over and said, "We just heard that there was a fight here, but what happened?"

"Helpless, I was the one who said a few words to the guards beside the eldest lady." Lian Tian said as he inserted the sword into the scabbard.

"Hey, chief nursing home, what's wrong with you, but you're not feeling well?" one of the nursing homes asked.

"Me?" Lian Tian had doubts in his eyes.

"Your face is a little red."

"...No problem, the prime minister is going out, let's go quickly." Lian Tian turned around and walked out quickly.

"Miss, this is a letter from His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince." Lian Siyue was writing a copybook in front of the desk, and Leng Mei presented the letter from Feng Yunzheng with both hands.

Lian Siyue's hands trembled slightly, she put down her pen, and reached out to take the letter in front of her. The red string on her wrist set off her snow-white wrist more brightly.

He finally wrote?
(End of this chapter)

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