Chapter 538
Chapter 538
"Lian Siyue lied. My two daughters have no grievances with you, Xiao Shan. Do you want to lie to hurt you? You didn't kill anyone, why did you run away?" Zhou Chengdi reprimanded Xiao Shan, showing the majesty of the emperor. .

"Your Majesty, when the two princesses arrived, Xiao Shan, Xiao Shan was indeed holding a dagger in his hand, but I really didn't kill this Golden Nanny." Xiao Shan was so frightened that he began to cry, and wiped his face with his bloody hands. It was also covered in blood.

"The people from the Ministry of Punishment and Jiang Keji have checked together just now. The dagger in your hand matches the wound on Nanny Jin's body. There are all personal and physical evidence. How do you explain it?" Zhou Chengdi asked.

"This, this..." Xiao He looked around, not knowing how to explain it.

"What are you hiding, why don't you say it quickly, do you really want to kill you before you say it?" Xiao Zhenhai was so angry that Xiao Shan, a mother-in-law, acted submissively, and kicked Xiao Shan on the back forcefully.

"Father, I, I..." Xiao Shan endured the pain and looked at the shivering Xiao Rou who was kneeling aside, and suddenly said loudly, "Fourth sister, tell me quickly, tell me your plan at the beginning."

Xiao Rou trembled when she heard this, her face turned pale with fright, she couldn't help but look at Feng Qianyue in fear, Feng Qianyue frowned, and asked, "Princess, what is the plan?"

When Concubine Xu Xian and Wei Ruhao heard the word plan, their hearts trembled slightly, and they looked at each other silently.

"Your Highness, I..." Now that the plan has failed, what Xiao Rou is most afraid of is that her actions will affect Feng Qianyue, so he will definitely hate herself.

"Rou'er, what's going on, tell me quickly!" Xiao Zhenhai frowned, lowered his voice and reprimanded.

"It was Lian Siyue, it was Lian Siyue who killed her!" Xiao Rou suddenly pointed her finger at Lian Siyue, her voice trembling, her face distorted, and said, "She killed Mother Jin and put the blame on my elder brother. "

When Lian Siyue heard this, he immediately said, "Nonsense, I drank too much wine when I threw the pot, and I was dizzy. I was led by Nanny Jin to rest in Concubine Xian's palace. Everyone has seen this. How could you kill Golden Nanny, Princess Yue, don't mess around and wrong me.

"It's you! Lian Siyue!

Your heart is really vicious, you gave me your handkerchief today, and asked me to give it to my elder brother, saying that you were impressed by my elder brother's talent and wanted to tell my elder brother in private, I didn't want to talk to you, but you All kinds of entanglement, sincere attitude, I have no choice but to accept your veil, and let my elder brother wait for you to meet him behind the rockery.

But I didn't expect this to be a trap of yours. You asked me to ask my elder brother to wait there, but you pretended to be drunk, and then attracted Jin Nai to take you to rest, and then took the opportunity to kill her and throw her body away Go to my elder brother and take the opportunity to blame him!
The last time Nanny Jin appeared was with you, you can't deny it.

I just said, you and my eldest brother have had a long-standing grievance, how could you suddenly admire his poetic talent, it turned out that you were deliberately trying to frame him!

I was too naive to believe you so easily that my elder brother was charged with murder! "

Hearing Xiao Rou's remarks, Lian Siyue suddenly had a weird smile on his face, and sighed in his heart, this Xiao Rou is actually a quick-response person, so he made up a reason to put the blame on her so quickly Come.

"What are you laughing at? Do you think I have no evidence? This is the veil you gave me and asked me to pass it on to my elder brother." Xiao Rou knew in her heart that the plan must have changed after Jin Nanny died, but the change should be in After she got the veil, because the veil really had the word moon on it, and it was in a font that resembled the moon, she had seen the word moon on the veil that looked like the moon.

Seeing Lian Siyue's astonished expression, Xiao Rou sneered, and said, "Lian Siyue, you can't refute it, you gave me this handkerchief yourself."

"This, this is not my handkerchief, did Princess Yue take it wrong?" Lian Siyue blinked, and took out a handkerchief from her cuff, "Here is mine."

"What, it's not yours. There is a month of characters rusted on it, which is clearly written by you..." Xiao Rou was taken aback, and eagerly unfolded the veil, but she was suddenly dumbfounded, because the veil on the veil , and did not have the word "month" that she saw earlier.

She... Could she be dazzled?

She blinked vigorously, there is indeed no moon on the veil, what's going on?

On the contrary, when Wei Ruhao glanced at the veil, his face suddenly changed.

Lian Siyue took the handkerchief from Xiao Rou's hand, handed it to the emperor with both hands, and said, "Your Majesty, this is not the handkerchief of a courtier, Princess Yue is obviously lying."

"It's not your handkerchief, whose is it? You all have a look." Zhou Chengdi signaled Feng Degui to take the handkerchief among the crowd to check one by one.

The five princesses touched the veil, looked at the pattern painted on it, and said, "Father, this veil shouldn't be like a moon, but it looks like... like..."

"Looks like the unique flowers in Shengdu. You see, the lotus we embroider has fourteen petals, but Shengdu is used to embroidering fifteen." The three princesses said suddenly, "A few days ago, Princess Jian'an When we first came here, didn’t we give each of us one? We also discussed the differences between the two places at the time, and Erchen’s handkerchief was placed in the palace, so I asked someone to fetch it immediately for comparison.”

"Your minister's is on your body, right here." Then, several princesses who had received Wei Ruhao's handkerchief all took out the handkerchief, and compared it, what Xiao Rou was holding was indeed Sheng Sheng's handkerchief. All materials and patterns.

"Then whose handkerchief is this?" Everyone looked at Jian'an Princess Wei Ruhao suspiciously, only to see that Wei Ruhao's face turned pale.

"Is this from Princess Jian'an?" Lian Siyue looked at Wei Ruhao, the Eighth Princess of the previous life, and asked.

"It's hers. I remember that when she took it out that day, it looked like this."

The princesses couldn't understand that Wei Ruhao was obviously just a princess from Shengdu, but she always acted aloof. Now that she can prove that her handkerchief is in Xiaorou's hands, everyone is anxious Provide evidence.

This handkerchief is actually Lian Siyue who secretly asked the dark guard to sneak into the laundry room to find Wei Ru's good underwear just now. The dark guard found a handkerchief, and asked for pollen water from Concubine Liang to write the word "month" on it, making people feel uncomfortable. It was delivered to Xiao Rou in the name of Mother Jin, and when the pollen water dried up, the moon character disappeared.

Xiao Rou didn't notice anything wrong at the time, in the dark night she thought that the moon character was embroidered on by Lian Siyue using flat embroidery.

She also expected that Xiao Rou would take out this veil in order to prove Xiao Shan's innocence.

Wei Ruhao's complexion changed immediately, she quickly knelt on the ground, and said, "Your Majesty, the princesses are right, this veil is indeed the servant's daughter, but why is it in the hands of Princess Yue, the minister's daughter is indeed do not know."

(End of this chapter)

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