Chapter 539
Chapter 539
"Could it be that the person who admires Xiao Shan's literary talent is actually you, Princess Jian'an? After all, just now at the poetry festival, Xiao Shan praised you again and again, and belittled Lian Siyue. No matter how you say it, it's not Lian Siyue's turn to love Xiao Shan. " said the three princesses.

Concubine Xu Xian never expected that Xiao Rou, an idiot, pulled out such a handkerchief to save Xiao Shan, and hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, Jian'an has always been well-behaved, and she is by the concubine's side. Hand it over to Xiao Rou, let Xiao Rou go and hand it over to Xiao Shan, please the emperor to check it out."

"Then if it has nothing to do with Princess Jian'an, then Xiao Rou took the veil of Princess Jian'an and tried to frame me on it, but it didn't work out?" Lian Siyue looked at the pale and trembling Xiao Rou. Rou said, "This Xiao Shan still can't get rid of the suspicion of killing Jinmao."

"..." Xiao Zhenhai's Yintang turned blue with anger, this daughter is really hot-headed, and before she was sure, she was eager to push her sins on Lian Siyue, but in the end, Lian Siyue turned against the general, and she was in a dilemma now. situation.

Feng Qianyue's face was even more ugly, he sighed, and said: "Princess, now that the matter has come to an end, you should stop covering it up and say something."

Xiao Rou burst into tears suddenly, "Father, husband, yes, I wronged Lian Siyue in order to keep Eldest Brother, this veil, this veil was given to me by Princess Jian'an, and asked me to hand it over to Eldest Brother, not Lian Siyue .”

"What did you say?" Wei Ru didn't expect Xiao Rou to change her tune so quickly, pointed at herself, her face turned blue with anger, "Don't taint my innocence, how could I have a crush on Xiao Shan? "

"But at the poetry festival just now, you also praised Xiao Shan, why don't you look down on him again?" The three princesses curled their lips and said.

The corner of Lian Siyue's mouth showed a secret smile, this Wei Ruhao dared to let someone kill her?This is really ignorant of her "notoriety". Now after the incident with the veil, the princesses said so again. Even if she made it clear that she did not give the veil on her own initiative, the reputation might not be what she imagined. All right.

"This Xiao Rou's words are so upside down, it's really unbelievable! Princesses, don't be fooled by her." Concubine Xu Xian wanted Wei Ruhao to be his wife, how could she allow others to tarnish Wei Ruhao's reputation, she glanced coldly three times said the princess.

The mother and concubine of the third princess is Feng Degui, who is a bit higher than Concubine Xu Xian, and has always been domineering, so how could she really take Wei Ruhao seriously, she snorted coldly.

Wei Ru's angry face turned blue, and she clenched her hands tightly. She originally wanted to gain a good reputation and marry Brother Ye to be the eighth princess. Can't tell.

"Father, husband... The matter of Jin Nanny is neither the elder brother's business, nor the daughter's business. This is all the idea of ​​the concubine Xian. I don't know what went wrong in the middle. After getting in, my daughter promises that elder brother definitely didn't kill Nanny Jin." Xiao Rou knelt on the ground, crying and said, Feng Qianyue wanted her to tell the truth, and this was her truth.

"Concubine Xian?" The emperor was taken aback, and slowly looked at Concubine Xu Xian with a heavy oppression, which made Concubine Xu Xian feel like a basin of cold water was being poured on her.

She hurriedly knelt down and said, "Your Majesty Mingjian, you know that Nanny Jin has been by my side to take care of this concubine since she was a child, and she has a deep relationship with this concubine, just like a relative of this concubine. The concubine was heartbroken, if not for the emperor's presence, she would have hugged her body and wept bitterly.

Xiao Rou, you said that Xiao Shan never killed Jin Nanny, do you mean that Jin Nanny's death was caused by me?Bengong's most loyal and caring mother, why did Bengong kill her?

I haven't investigated why Jin Nanny died in front of Xiao Shan, but you are thinking of putting the murder charge on me! "

"No, no, Your Majesty, Concubine Xian is lying." Seeing that Concubine Xu Xian put all the crime of murder on her elder brother in order to protect herself, she couldn't care less, and said——

"The fact is this. The concubine Xian said that Lian Siyue was obsessed with the Eighth Prince, and the empress intended Wei Ruhao, the lord of Jian'an County, to be the Eighth Prince's concubine. In order to make Lian Siyue give up on the Eighth Prince, the empress gave Lian Sig Siyue poured the ecstasy potion wine, let her drink it, and then threw her in front of my elder brother, so that even Siyue would have to marry my elder brother, and could no longer pester His Highness the Eighth Prince."

As soon as Xiao Rou finished speaking, Feng Qianyue's murderous eyes stared at her. He knew that this stupid woman wanted to use Concubine Xu Xian's hands to teach Lian Siyue a lesson, but she might be turned back by Lian Siyue in the end Generalized an army, and Xiao Shan was charged with the crime of murder!As for how Lian Siyue used her and Concubine Xu Xian, it is still unknown.

It's just that this stupid woman has obviously caused him another disaster. She is his princess, so her actions are naturally inseparable from him!

Lian Siyue looked at Concubine Xu Xian with disbelief, and said, "Ms. Xianfei, how have I ever been obsessed with His Highness the Eighth Prince? I don't have much contact with His Highness the Eighth Prince."

"You..." Concubine Xu Xian paused lightly, and said, "Lian Siyue, I have never said such a thing. This is Princess Yue slandering me to evade responsibility. Don't believe her words."

"Your Majesty, no matter what, the courtiers have not yet reached the age of hairpin, and they are still in the boudoir. They have ruined the reputation of the courtiers. How will the courtiers deal with themselves in the future? I also ask the emperor to make decisions for the courtiers and restore the reputation of the courtiers." Lian Like the moon said solemnly and sadly to the emperor.

"His Royal Highness is here." At this moment, Feng Ye walked in.

Concubine Xu Xian and Wei Ruhao suddenly looked up at him—is he awake?

I saw that Feng Ye walked into the hall, first glanced at Concubine Xu Xian, then knelt down in front of Emperor Zhou Cheng, and said, "Father, I can testify that Lian Siyue has never been obsessed with my son, my son With her..." Feng Ye turned his head, looked at Lian Siyue, and finally said bitterly, "We are not familiar with each other."

Not familiar with each other, when he said these four words, he felt a sharp knife cut across his heart soundlessly, and with a puff, thick blood flowed out.

"Concubine Yue said that Lian Siyue was obsessed with her sons and ministers just to slander the mother and concubine's remarks, and please father and emperor to be careful."

The reason why Feng Ye said that was firstly to preserve Lian Siyue's reputation, and secondly... the second was to keep his mother and concubine from being involved in this matter.

"That's right, Your Majesty, Princess Yue is lying. Ye'er and Lian Siyue have never been familiar with each other. As a virtuous concubine, how could she say such demeaning words that she is obsessed with Ye'er? Besides, if The concubine really has such thoughts, why did Princess Yue and Xiao Shan listen to the concubine's arrangement?
Princess Yue said that the concubine drank wine mixed with ecstasy for Lian Siyue, but Lian Siyue stood here clearly and showed no signs of taking ecstasy. Obviously, it was Princess Yue who tried to shirk responsibility. Made up such a thing.

Your Majesty, Jin Nanny's wish for death, I also ask the emperor to give justice to my concubine and Jin Nanny. Concubine Xu Xian prostrated herself on the ground and shed tears.

"Concubine Xian, you can't be so bloody and completely shirk responsibility." Xiao Rou called urgently.

Lian Siyue turned her head slowly, and looked at Feng Ye coldly. Her eyes were like knives, piercing Feng Ye's heart. His heart trembled, causing a strong bitterness——

He knew that in order to keep his mother today, he was ashamed of this girl.

"Concubine Yue, you just said that in order to make Lian Siyue give up on the king, the concubine wanted to feed Lian Siyue the ecstasy drug and push her to Xiao Shan's side so as to facilitate the marriage of the two. If it is true, Why do you cooperate with my concubine mother's plan so much?" Feng Ye asked Xiao Rou, putting aside the deep guilt in his heart.

"I...Because, because Lian Siyue has repeatedly opposed me, I thought to myself, if she married my elder brother and came to Xiao's house, then, she would not oppose me, so I listened to the concubine Xian. Arrangement, Concubine Xian said, this is killing two birds with one stone." Xiao Rou thought to herself, since Brother Lai was accused of murder, it would be better to admit that he and Concubine Xian planned to let Lian Siyue marry into the Xiao family.

(End of this chapter)

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