First-class daughter

Chapter 543 The Emperor's Phase

Chapter 543 The Emperor's Phase
Chapter 543 The Emperor's Phase
... His guess was actually true?

"You..." Concubine Xu Xian's face was pale, the hand holding the handkerchief was trembling, and she couldn't utter a word.

Lian Siyue looked at Wei Ruhao slowly with his icy eyes, Wei Ruhao was startled——

"Princess Jian'an wants to be the Eighth Prince's Concubine, and I'm so happy to see her succeed. Don't say that I'm obsessed with the Eighth Prince, even if I want to look at the Eighth Prince, I don't have it. I've always been very clear, you Just focus on His Highness the Eighth Prince. As for whether the Eighth Prince likes you or not, that has nothing to do with me. Remember, don't mess with me, I am not easy to mess with at all.

Lengmei, let's go! "

Lian Siyue turned around coldly, and walked out resolutely.

Wei Ruhao's footsteps faltered for a while, his face turned red and then turned pale, and he tightly clenched the handkerchief in his hand——

She knew that she had really met her match!
"Girl, wait!" Feng Ye hurriedly chased him out, Lian Siyue frowned slightly, stopped in his tracks, turned around and asked:
"His Royal Highness, is there anything else?"

"Today in Rongyuan Hall, I defended my concubine mother..."

"His Royal Highness is not wrong to protect his mother and concubine. If it were me, I would do my best to protect my mother. Therefore, His Royal Highness does not need to feel guilty at all. I don't care about it very much." There was no expression on Moon's face.

"Girl, I'm sorry..." Feng Ye showed a very painful expression on his usual rebellious face.

"I made it clear to His Royal Highness a long time ago that there is absolutely no possibility between you and me, so there is no need to procrastinate. Now, why should His Highness be such a mother-in-law? I don't like you, no matter how much you like me. Use. You can plan for your mother and concubine with peace of mind, so that we can do better."

"..." Feng Ye knew that she had always been cold-hearted. She had rejected him before, and even spared him a bit when she spoke, but this time, it was swords, guns and sticks, and they attacked together.

"In the past, His Highness the Eighth Highness made an agreement with me. If one day, you and I must be enemies, can I be lenient with the concubine Xian because of the relationship in Yaocheng? Now I want to solemnly tell the Eighth Highness "If it wasn't for Lengmei today, I would have died under the knife of Concubine Xian, so this agreement will be void from today. If Concubine Xian does something that hurts Lian Jue and me again, I will be merciless! Farewell !"

After finishing speaking, Lian Siyue left without any hesitation, leaving no room for Feng Ye to stand alone—

Leng Mei looked at the back of Lian Siyue walking away, walked in front of Feng Ye, bowed, and said, "His Royal Highness, it is enough for my eldest lady to have His Royal Highness Nine, and there is no need for extra, besides, His Royal Highness His liking seems to bring murderous intent to my young lady."

After Lengmei finished speaking, he cupped his hands again and walked quickly along the night.

Winter Palace.

Concubine Xu Xian's face was pale, lying on the couch, overnight, she lost Jinmao, who had been with her since she was a child, and now, Lian Siyue came to Chiguoguo (luo, No. Three times, that word is a forbidden word, not allowed to write) to threaten her.

"Your Majesty, the Eighth Prince is here." The serving maid whispered in her ear.

When she looked up, she saw Feng Ye walking to her bed, signaling the servants to leave.

"Ye' did the right thing today. You protected your concubine mother in time. You are a good boy." Concubine Xu Xian said.

"But this made Hai'er even lose the qualification to talk to her as a friend, and the queen mother also said that she was obsessed with Haier. Obviously, Haier was obsessed with her, and Haier would have no face to face her in the future. "Feng Ye said bitterly.

"Ye'er, you don't have to be attached to Lian Siyue, you're Jian'an, she has loved you since she was a child, and, unlike Lian Siyue, she doesn't make decisions on her own, she will think about everything for you and put you first , and her grandfather is my uncle, who is highly respected, she is your best match." Concubine Xu Xian earnestly said.

Feng Ye slowly looked at Concubine Xu Xian, he suddenly envied Feng Yunzheng very much, he begged for the freedom of marriage contract in front of his father.

"Ye'er, Ye'er, are you listening?"

"Mother Concubine, the prince you took away back then was Lian Jue, right?" Feng Ye stared straight at Concubine Xu Xian, and said, "Today Lian Siyue spoke so clearly, she already knew about it, and After the concubine found out Lian Jue's identity, she always wanted to get rid of him secretly, right?"

Concubine Xu Xian's heart trembled, and she didn't deny it. Up to now, she couldn't deny it even if she denied it. She simply confessed, saying:
"That's right, Lian Jue is indeed your father's own son."

Although he had guessed it a long time ago, after Lian Siyue's rhetoric, he was more sure of the answer, but when his mother and concubine said it himself, it still caused a lot of shock to his heart.

"He, whose son is he?" Feng Ye asked tremblingly.

"Queen, he is the queen's son."

"The empress's son? She, didn't she give birth to eleven?" Feng Ye's heart was strongly shocked again.

Concubine Xu Xian leaned on the couch, lost in memories——

"I knew a long time ago that sooner or later the deposed prince Fengming would step down from the position of the crown prince, because he didn't have the qualifications to be a crown prince at all. At that time, the queen took a lot of medicine to give birth to a prince for the first time, so the crown prince didn't Not very smart, and the emperor also had a headache because of this, but in the end it was just because of the status of the eldest son that he was pushed to the position.

Therefore, since you were sensible, I invited the best teacher in Kyoto for you, and your grandfather also took great pains to you. We trained you according to the requirements of the future prince. You really did not disappoint your mother. Concubine's expectation, you are excellent, your literary skills and military strategy far exceed the crown prince, and you have shown extraordinary talent at the age of five, and you are very much loved by your father.

I have been waiting, waiting for the day when the prince will fall, and your chance will come.

And the queen was pregnant with a second child, so I quietly asked someone to forget it, saying that the child in her womb was another prince.

She is an upright queen, if she gets a prince again with her second child, even if Feng Ming is abolished one day, it still won't be your turn to be the prince.

Therefore, the concubine mother decided to take the risk and bought Wen Po, who delivered the queen, and the nanny who was serving at that time. When the queen gave birth, she gave her a little medicine. She fell asleep after giving birth, and Wen Po would have been ready The baby girl and the prince were switched, and the prince was carried out of the palace.

It was also a good time at that time, your father was in Ruyang palace, not in the palace, it was much more convenient for me to do this.

I originally wanted to leave this child alive and send him out of the palace to be raised by an ordinary family, but when I took a look at this child, there were seven red moles on the soles of his feet. This is the legendary appearance of an emperor!
(End of this chapter)

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