First-class daughter

Chapter 544 is about to be revealed

Chapter 544 is about to be revealed
Chapter 544 is about to be revealed
.I had murderous intentions at that time, and I ordered Wen Po and the nun at the time to strangle the child to death and throw him out of the palace.

I always thought this kid was dead, but, but that time on the hunting ground, you said his shoes and socks were dirty, so come and sit with me, I inadvertently found seven red moles on the soles of his feet, which were the same as the one at that time. Moles on the soles of babies' feet are exactly the same.

It was only then that I realized that he was still alive, he was not dead at all, he became the son of Lianxiang, and he was so close to the emperor!
Could it be that this was destined somewhere?After all, he has a destiny with this palace?Those seven moles on the soles of his feet will eventually lead him to the highest position?
The mother and concubine were terrified, and wanted to ask the mother-in-law and the nanny why the child was still alive, but among the two, the mother-in-law had been killed by me, and the nanny had long since disappeared. There is nowhere to ask.

However, I am very sure that this child is the prince back then, and Eleven was not born to the queen, but a baby girl who was brought back from outside the palace. For so many years, only I know this secret, but I will not expose it, because , Once exposed, I will die. "

"..." Feng Ye couldn't come back to his senses after hearing this long-awaited story for a long time. He never imagined that the original story had such twists and turns.

"Ye'er, Ye'er..." Concubine Xu Xian held Feng Ye's hand tightly and said, "Now that you know the truth, you know why mother concubine stopped you from communicating with Lian Siyue. I think she is really a rare candidate for the eighth princess, but she happens to be Lian Jue's older sister, so she won't be on our side no matter what. She used to be able to lead a guard on horseback for her younger brother. Save people, in the future, as long as there is anything that hurts Lianjue, she will take care of it. Such a person is our enemy in the first place, how can she be your wife? Ye'er, now you understand the good intentions of the concubine mother gone?"

Seeing Feng Ye remained silent for a long time, Concubine Xu Xian pulled him closer, holding his face in both hands, and said eagerly, "Ye'er, we must kill Lian Jue and Lian Siyue, and we must not let your father know the secret. Otherwise, I, you, and your foreign family will all be confiscated and beheaded. You must not be soft-hearted and unshakable. How did you protect your mother and concubine today, and you will continue to do so in the future? Do you understand? Ye'er, Ye'er, you speak, Lian Siyue can only be your enemy, do you remember, do you remember?!"

Feng Ye slowly raised his hand and pulled Concubine Xu Xian's hand off his face, with deep pain in his eyes, as if his heart had been stabbed by bayonets, he murmured:

"Mother, don't force me like this, don't force me like this."

As he said that, he turned around and walked out with weak footsteps. I'm afraid that the girl has already seen through this point, so she should be so decisive with him.

"Ye'er, Ye'er..." Concubine Xu Xian looked at Feng Ye's back and shouted anxiously, "Don't be confused, don't forget that you bear the honor and disgrace of your mother and concubine, as well as the entire Duke Xu. The rise and fall of the palace, you are confused when you enter the palace, all of us will die, including yourself! You have worked so hard for so many years, all in vain!"

Feng Ye seemed not to have heard Concubine Xu Xian's words, and a deep sadness appeared on his face. When he walked outside, it began to rain, but he didn't seem to know it. He let the rain fall on his body, and the black His hair stuck to his face, he slowly raised his head, the rain washed his handsome face——

"Hehe, hehe, God, what are you kidding me about?"

"Brother Ye, Brother Ye..." Wei Ruhao hurried over holding an umbrella, stood on tiptoe, propped it on top of her head, and said, "Go in quickly, you will get sick in the rain, don't be sad , you still have me."

Feng Ye slowly turned his head, Wei Ruhao nodded vigorously to him——

But he finally pushed, knocked the umbrella down on the ground, walked quickly, and walked away——

At this moment, his internal organs seemed to be burning, and it hurt so much that he couldn't speak.

"Brother Ye..." Wei Ruhao stood in the distance, her heart was broken, and she followed Feng Ye away.

Changchun Palace.

Now, the queen's health is getting worse and worse, and she drank the daily medicine on time, but there was no effect at all. The eleventh princess waited anxiously in front of the bed all night. , she didn't know, and no one came to tell her.

Xiao He came over and talked to her, but she also hurriedly sent him away.

"Ling Yue'er, I'm afraid that the concubine mother will not live long." After coughing hard for a while, the empress touched Eleventh Princess's hand with her skinny hand, and said.

The eleventh princess heard this, tears fell immediately, and said, "Queen mother, no, you will get better. The last time the emperor wronged me, it was probably because of guilt, so I have been sending the imperial doctor here. Now the empress dowager The hospital doesn't restrict the medicine for the queen mother anymore, the queen mother will drink the medicine obediently, and she will recover soon, come, I will feed the queen mother."

The Eleventh Princess wiped her tears with the back of her hand, took the bowl from the hand of the Grand Palace Maid Xueli, scooped up a spoonful of medicine, blew gently with her small mouth, and sent it to the Queen's mouth, but the tears in her eyes stopped. Can't stop, the big ones are falling down.

The queen didn't open her mouth to drink, she motioned to Xueli, "You go down first, I have something to say to the princess, you stay outside and don't let anyone in."

"Yes, ma'am." Xueli bowed and walked out.

At this moment, outside Changchun Palace.

The thirteenth princess, Feng Tangyao, was standing under the palace wall, frowning tightly. Nurse Chun beside her said, "Princess, let's forget it. General Tianbao may have already left."

"No, I just want to go in and see how Feng Lingyue confuses him and makes him so determined. At the concubine Xian's grand meeting, his eyes never left her." The more Feng Tangyao thought about it, the angrier she became, the more she thought about it. The more aggrieved, "If she uses her body to confuse Xiao He, I will tell my father. If she is so immoral, my father will definitely be angry and cancel her engagement with Xiao He."

"But..." Nurse Chun hesitated.

"You squat down, I will step on your backs, and then you stand up, I will climb in and catch you straight." Feng Tangyao ordered to Aunt Chun and another maid accompanying her.

"Yes, the princess, be careful, don't fall down." Chun Nai had no choice but to squat down, Feng Tangyao carefully stepped on the slave's back, grabbed the palace wall with both hands, and climbed up.

Now, this Changchun Palace is cold and lonely, there are only a few ladies in the palace, and there are no soldiers to handle it, so it is not too difficult for her to sneak in.

(End of this chapter)

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