Chapter 550
Chapter 550
Xiao Guofu.

Xiao Zhenhai wrinkled his eyes tightly, Xiao He and Xiao Hu looked dark and dignified, and Mrs. Xiao said calmly:
"Master, I have gone to the Empress Dowager several times to intercede for private affairs in the mansion. Now, although the one who died was a slave, it belonged to Concubine Xian, and last time Rou'er said that she was ordered by Concubine Xian and had already offended her. She will never let go easily, this time, if we want to save Shan'er, I'm afraid we have to rely on ourselves."

Xiao Zhenhai slapped the chair with his palm, and said, "The punishment department Zhang Yingzhi has always been rigid, even if I send the gold and silver mountains, he will not accept it, and he said that he must deal with it fairly."

"Actually, the difficulty lies in the difficulty. We investigated for two days, and although we found some clues, there was still no direct evidence to prove that the eldest brother is innocent." Xiao Hu frowned and said.

Xiao Zhenhai said coldly, "Hmph, if there is no evidence, we will create evidence ourselves. If there is no witness, I will find witnesses. Xiao Shan is the eldest son of our Xiao family. He must not be wronged to death."

"Father, what are you going to do?" Xiao He asked.

"He'er, it's up to you." Xiao Zhenhai looked at the second son and said.

"Father, please speak."

"The thirteenth princess, Feng Tangyao, has always had a deep friendship with you, and the thirteenth princess has always been favored by the emperor, and now that Lian Zhaoyi is pregnant, the thirteenth princess is very important in front of the emperor. You appear Go and tell the thirteenth princess, let her be a fake witness, and say that she saw Jin Nanny killing Lian Siyue that night, and it has nothing to do with your elder brother Xiao Shan." Xiao Zhenhai thought about it, and thought about it Such a way.

"Father, we have already admitted in front of the emperor that we have perjured for the sake of the Fourth Highness. If the emperor sees through this time, the emperor will never forgive our Xiao family." Xiao He disapproved of Xiao Zhenhai's approach.

"Of course not if our Xiao family came forward. If the thirteenth princess appeared voluntarily, and she emphasized that our Xiao family did not instigate her, even if the emperor wants to blame him, he can't blame us." Xiao Zhenhai made Ruyi like this. abacus.

"But... my child doesn't want to take advantage of the... affection of the thirteenth princess." Xiao He hesitated for a moment, then said.

"Bastard!" Xiao Zhenhai stood up abruptly, and kicked out with anger, directly into the hollow of Xiao He's knee, forcing him to kneel down suddenly, "What time is it now, your elder brother is the most important It's your self-esteem that matters."

Xiao He clenched his fists tightly, and blue veins popped out on his forehead.

"Crack!" Xiao Zhenhai punched him on the back again, he was a person who practiced martial arts, and he punched down firmly, causing Xiao He to spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Master!" Seeing this, Mrs. Xiao ran over quickly, squatted on the ground to protect Xiao He, and said, "Stop beating, don't you know He'er's temper? He wants to save Second Brother more than anyone else, but , I just don’t want to use this method, if we ask the thirteenth princess to help, we owe her a favor, and we have to pay it back, if she wants He’er to pay it back with marriage, what should we do?”

"Confused! Madame, you are just as confused as this naughty son!

One is that this Nizi's mind is not at home since the last time he cleared the eleven princesses of their innocence, and the other is that if the Thirteenth Princess asks Nizi to marry her, then it would be a good thing!
Why are you still protecting him! "

Xiao He raised his hand, and bluntly wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Xiao Zhenhai looked at her coldly, and said, "I have already decided, Xiao He will go to see the Thirteenth Princess tomorrow, if you dare to disobey your father's wishes, I will sever your father-son relationship, and you will never be allowed to enter the gate of Xiao's house. Just look, if you become a worthless person, what else do you have to protect your useless eleventh princess!"

After Xiao Zhenhai finished speaking, he left in a huff.

Mrs. Xiao looked at Xiao He, and hurriedly followed Xiao Zhenhai, she had to comfort him, not to lose patience with Xiao He.

Xiao Hu sighed, walked in front of Xiao He, and stretched out his hand to him. Xiao He took a look, and let his younger brother pull him up from the ground.

"Is there anything wrong? That punch was so heavy that it bled. Father's shot was indeed heavy this time, but it was all because he was worried about big brother." Xiao Hu said.

"Ahem..." Xiao He coughed twice, and said, "It's okay, I'm used to it, it's a big one."

"Second brother, what are you going to do now? I know you have a special liking for the eleventh princess, but the life of the eldest brother is also very important. If the eldest brother is gone, the throat of the parents will be sore, and the Xiao family will be hit hard..." Xiao Hu looked at Xiao He worriedly, and said.

"Third brother, stop talking, I'll go out for a walk!" Xiao He didn't want to say any more, coughed twice and walked out in a few steps.

"Second Young Master, someone has come from the palace and said they want to see you." As soon as he walked out the door, he saw the butler walking over and said with a bow.

"In the palace? Let him in." Xiao He resumed his usual demeanor.

After a while, an eunuch came over, presented a letter to Xiao He with both hands, and said, "Young Lord, this is a letter from Princess Eleven."

Ling Yueer?
Xiao He was taken aback for a moment, and immediately took the envelope, and quickly opened it to see that what was inside was a piece of silk, on which it was written that he was invited to meet, and there was something extremely important to say, the handwriting looked, it was indeed It belongs to Ling Yueer.

Xiao He immediately forgot the pain of being beaten by Xiao Zhenhai, his entire chest and body were completely occupied by the feeling of joy and excitement!

Ling Yue'er actually took the initiative to ask him to meet, this was the first time he received a handwritten letter from her.

He couldn't restrain the joy on his face, and said to the father-in-law who came, "You wait for a while, Master Ben wrote a reply, and you take it into the palace to give to Princess Eleven."

"Yes, my lord."

Xiao He turned around, walked quickly into the study room, and after a while, he handed a letter to the eunuch, saying, "It must be delivered to Princess Eleven."

"Yes, my lord."

Day two.

At daybreak, Xiao He got up, his bookboy Mu Bai was still sleeping at the door of his room with his mouth crooked, he pursed his lips and smiled, lifted his foot over Mu Bai, climbed the wall out of Xiao Guofu from the back door, jumped Going down, he is like a young man in love, with a warm and bright smile on his face, and with a heart like a pilgrimage, he goes to the appointment of his beloved girl.

When he reached the market on East Street, he went straight to the stall selling meatloaf——

"My lord, are you here to buy pancakes again?" The boss already saw him familiar.

"Give me two." I want two today, he and Ling Yue'er will eat pancakes together, it must feel good.

Seeing that it was still early, he put the pancakes in his arms and walked along the market twice. While walking, he imagined what it would be like to see Ling Yue'er later.

Until the time was too late, he walked quickly towards the East Lake. When he arrived at the East Lake, he saw a cruise ship, which was covered up all around, and a bell was tied with a red rope on the top of the boat. A smile appeared on his face. ——

Ling Yue'er is right there!

(End of this chapter)

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