First-class daughter

Chapter 551 Where is Lingyue

Chapter 551 Where is Lingyue
Chapter 551 Where is Lingyue
Xiao He vaguely saw Yue Yue's white figure sitting quietly in the cabin with his back to her, and he raised his foot and walked towards her.

He walked over and made Yue'er wear the moon-white pleated Ruyi spring dress when we met last time, with a slender back—

At that moment, Xiao He seemed to hear his own heartbeat.

He stood behind her and said, "Ling Yue'er, I bought you pancakes. You should eat them while they are hot." He took out the meat from his arms as if holding some treasure. Pancake, stretched out his hand and handed it over.

However, Ling Yue'er didn't look back, but covered her mouth and coughed lightly, before saying, "Xiao He, close your eyes first, okay?"

Close your eyes?

Xiao He looked at the slightly exposed side face again, put his hands down, and said, "Okay, I'll close my eyes first."

Xiao He slowly closed his eyes, and the person sitting on the chair finally turned around, Feng Tangyao looked at the handsome man standing in front of him almost obsessively——

He is as rich as jade, with a clear outline, wrapped in a dark purple brocade robe, men who have fought on the battlefield, always have more wild and arrogant arrogance and arrogant masculinity than ordinary people, which makes her sink involuntarily.

She approached him slowly, his eyes were closed, and the long and narrow eyelashes covered the eyelids, so heart-warming.

Feng Tangyao stood still in front of him, then stood on tiptoe, closed her eyes, and sent her lips to Xiao He's lips, getting closer, her heart suddenly beat fast.

However, just when her lips were about to touch Xiao He's, Xiao He suddenly opened his eyes suddenly, because he smelled a strange breath, which was not from Ling Yue'er!

When he saw the face in front of him, he immediately took two steps back, with a cold face, looking at Feng Tangyao vigilantly, the previous tenderness and sweetness had completely disappeared.

"How could it be you? Where is Ling Yue'er?" Xiao He said, then looked around the cabin.

"Xiao He, aren't you happy to see me at all? Do you know how nervous and happy I was when I was waiting for you here?" Bu's move hurt his heart, and tears welled up his eyes, he asked.

Xiao He reluctantly returned his eyes to her, and asked a little excitedly, "What did you say you were wearing Ling Yue'er's clothes, what did you do to Ling Yue'er?"

"Ling Yue'er! Ling Yue'er! Xiao He, do you really only have Elder Sister in your heart, can you not see my existence at all?" Feng Tangyao was heartbroken, tears rolled down her face, Anyone who sees that pitiful and delicate appearance will feel a little pity, but Xiao He has a heart like black iron, and is not even half moved by it.

"Princess Thirteen, I'm asking you, why did you wear Ling Yue'er's clothes, and what did you do to her?" Xiao He's eyes became cold, he asked in a firm voice, and called himself very politely. "Humble job".

"...Xiao He... Can't you hear my question?" Feng Tangyao said with a trembling voice, her hands clenched into fists, her heart ached.

Xiao He didn't say anything more to her, and immediately turned around and strode out of the cabin.

"Xiao He, Xiao He, don't go, listen to me..." Feng Tangyao hurriedly chased after her, calling out.

Xiao He stopped in his tracks, turned around, looked around, and said, "Princess, you are classified as a golden branch and a jade leaf, and you have never been married. It is better not to be seen by others. If you have a humble job, you will resign!"

"Xiao He, Elder Sister Eleven asked me to come." Feng Tangyao looked at his back and said hastily.

"Ling Yue'er asked you to come?" Xiao He frowned and turned around.

"Yes!" Feng Tangyao nodded, "Because her mother was ill and she couldn't come temporarily, she came to ask me to come to the appointment. She also told me that she is a cold palace master, she has nothing for herself, and she will have nothing for you in the future." Help, she, she said she would give you to me, and she asked me to come to you in her clothes."

"..." Xiao He's scrutinizing eyes fell on Feng Tangyao's seemingly innocent face.

"Why, don't you believe it? If you don't believe it, you can ask her yourself." Feng Tangyao said.

"..." Xiao He didn't say anything else, turned around and left, walked not far ahead, and threw the meatloaf in his hand to the beggars on the street.

Feng Tangyao stood where she was, stamping her feet vigorously.

Mother Chun hurried forward, covered her face with gauze, and said, "Princess, let's go back to the palace quickly, don't let others know."

"Go to Changchun Palace and find Feng Lingyue!" Feng Tangyao was so angry that she got into the carriage beside her.

Changchun Palace.

Feng Lingyue sat in front of the queen's bed and waited, feeding a bowl of medicine into the queen's mouth spoon by spoon, but most of the medicine flowed out from the corner of her mouth.

Seeing the queen like this, Xueli couldn't help turning around and wiping her tears.

But at this moment, Feng Lingyue's heart is all on the queen, and she has forgotten that Feng Tangyao is going to see Xiao He in her place today.

"Cough cough... Ling, Ling Yue'er, mother mother, mother mother asked you to find concubine Xin, have you gone?" The queen's face is pale, her eyes are sunken, her mouth is opening and closing, like a fish on the verge of death, she said in one sentence Finished, almost exhausted all the strength.

"Queen, don't say any more. No matter what, the queen is the queen. I don't know what kind of concubine Xin. Don't say anything. If you want me to feel better, don't say anything. Get well, please. gone."

Feng Lingyue was heartbroken. These days, she was burdened with the secret of non-royal blood, and she was oppressed by Feng Tangyao. A few days ago, she was forced to kneel for four hours, and her legs fell down and hurt after walking for a long time The fault of her mother, now the empress mother is clearly ill, but she has been driving her to recognize someone else as the concubine mother!

How can she do it.

"You child, you are always, always so stubborn. The queen mother, the queen mother told you that matter, didn't you, didn't you want you to find a way out earlier, you, you blame me, I, I am here. After the queen finished speaking, she sank deeply into the quilt.


"The empress is alive, she's not long to live. Some people want the empress to die. It's a pity that the empress only realized it in the past two days. The empress is really stupid..." A painful expression appeared on the queen's face.

"Who? Who wants the queen mother to die..." Feng Lingyue asked with her heart trembling.

"Princess, princess, come out, your little deer..." Suddenly, Zhili's eager cry came from outside.


When Feng Lingyue heard this, she stood up abruptly, and ran out in a hurry. As soon as she went out, she saw that Zhili's hands were covered with blood, and she was trembling with fear.

"What's going on here? Zhili? You, your hand..."

"The servant was feeding the deer leaves just now, but the thirteenth princess came here suddenly for some reason, she seemed very angry, the servant didn't pay attention, she, she asked the spring mother to stab the deer with a knife, wow..." Zhili As he spoke, he knelt on the ground and broke down crying.

(End of this chapter)

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