First-class daughter

Chapter 552 The Death of the Fawn

Chapter 552 The Death of the Fawn
Chapter 552 The Death of the Fawn
"No, no, my little deer, my little deer..." Feng Lingyue ran over to the wooden fence of the little deer in a panic.

When she arrived, she gasped suddenly, her heartbeat accelerated suddenly, and her face turned pale——

She saw her most beloved fawn lying on the ground, its feet twitching weakly. Nurse Chun was squatting beside it, holding a dagger, which had been deeply inserted into the fawn's neck. There was a puddle of blood under his head, and the court lady Wenxiu was holding a silver bowl and was catching the blood dripping from the wound.

"Dog slave! Go away! Don't touch it!" Eleventh Princess seemed to be crazy, grabbed the whip hanging on the fence, and slammed it at the bodies of Chun and Wenxiu——

The whip was thrown down, and the two servants screamed and fell to the ground, a bloodstain appeared on the face of Sister Chun.

"Princess..." Nurse Chun was so frightened that she immediately fell to her knees on the ground.

"If my little deer dies, I want you to pay for it!" Feng Lingyue slammed the whip on the ground, then crouched beside the little deer, tears streaming down her face. On its neck, and then closed its eyes, it suddenly pulled out the knife and threw it aside.

"Little deer, little deer, don't be afraid, I'm here, don't die, don't die..." Her hands were covered with new blood, she sat on the ground, hugged the little deer into her arms, and shouted hurriedly He said, "Zhili, Zhili, go find someone who will stop the bleeding, it's bleeding non-stop, I'm afraid it will die..."

The fawn lay in Feng Lingyue's arms, as if it understood the sadness of its master, it struggled to stick out its tongue, gently and slowly licking the back of Lingyue'er's hand.

Seeing Feng Lingyue like this, Feng Tangyao felt a little guilty, but immediately said, "Sister Eleven, what do you mean? The imperial doctor said that the father's dragon body is not in good health, and this fresh deer blood is most suitable for him to replenish his body. I remembered that you raised a deer here, so I came here to get some deer blood for my father. Could it be that this deer is more important than my father's body?

What Feng Tangyao is best at is to shift the responsibility of the problem to others, and then put herself on a high ground, as if other people's ideas are wrong.

Feng Lingyue ignored Feng Tangyao, she lowered her head, put her face carefully against Xiao Lu's face, and said with a gentle smile, "Xiao Lu, don't be afraid, I will protect you, you will not die."

"Princess, princess, is the hemostat here?" Here, Zhili took the medicine and ran over in a hurry.

Feng Lingyue hastily reached out to wipe away her tears, and took the hemostatic medicine from Zhili's hand, before she even had time to use the spoon, she hurriedly grabbed the ointment with her hand and applied it to the deer's wound. Big ones fell on the deer's face.

While applying it, Feng Lingyue's hand suddenly stopped, her heart trembled violently, and the medicine jar in her hand fell to the ground with a bang.

It turned out that the little deer had slowly closed his eyes and stopped moving, and a drop of tears leaked from the corner of his eyes.

"No, no, little deer, wake up, wake up quickly." This is the little deer that Lian Jue gave her, and it is the only thing that has the memory of Lian Jue. It can't die, it can't die!

However, the fawn had stopped breathing, lay in her arms, and lost its life.

"Ah!" Feng Lingyue hugged her most beloved Xiaolu tightly, raised her head, and screamed heartbreakingly...

Feng Tangyao took a step back in fright, swallowed, and said, "She, she's crazy, she's a lunatic, just a deer, is it necessary?"

"Woooooo..." Feng Lingyue looked at the little deer in the pool of blood, the little deer who had accompanied her in these lonely days, her heart was broken, and she cried so sadly, "Don't, don't be like this... "

"Ling Yue'er, Ling Yue'er, what's wrong with you?" At this moment, an urgent voice came, and then Xiao He hurried in.

It turned out that after Xiao He separated from Feng Tangyao, he searched for Feng Lingyue around the cruise ship, but he couldn't find her after searching twice. Finally, he thought of visiting the palace, but as soon as he entered Changchun Palace, he disappeared. See the scene in front of you.

When Feng Tangyao saw Xiao He, she was startled, "Xiao He, you, I..."

Xiao He didn't even look at Feng Tangyao, walked up to Feng Lingyue, squatted on the ground, and asked, "What happened?"

As soon as Feng Lingyue saw Xiao He, she immediately grasped his hand, the tears on her face were still wet, and she choked up and said, "Xiao He, Xiao He, you came just in time, you, you are fighting outside, you must have seen Many seriously injured people have been healed, right? Take a look, my fawn was stabbed in the neck with a knife, can it be saved? Can it be?"

Xiao He stretched out his hand, put two fingers under the deer's neck, and probed for a moment.

"How? Can it be saved?"

"..." Xiao He looked at her, feeling a little unbearable, but finally shook his head and said, "Ling Yue'er, it... is already dead."

"..." Feng Lingyue's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and her voice trembled, "How is it possible, how is it possible to die all at once."

Xiao He stood up, feeling that the matter was not simple, he looked at Feng Tangyao and asked, "What's going on?"

"This..." Feng Tangyao felt a trace of fear when she saw Xiao He's eyes.

Seeing the dagger on the ground, Xiao He asked again, "Who killed Princess Eleven's deer."

Nurse Chun, who was kneeling on the ground, flinched and did not dare to raise her head. In fact, she was very, very afraid of this young master.

"Little Hou, it's Mother Chun. Mother Chun stabbed the princess' deer to death with a knife. Earlier, when there were no slaves in Changchun Palace, it was this little deer who accompanied the princess every day. The princess regarded the little deer as her friend. The princess will be so sad when someone is killed."

"No, no..." Nurse Chun raised her head abruptly, caught Xiao He's gaze, then lowered her head abruptly, "Servant, servant did not do it on purpose, servant..."

"Bang!" Xiao He suddenly lifted his foot and kicked Nanny Chun hard. Xiao He was a person who had died on the battlefield. With this kick, Nanny Chun was like a fallen leaf. , was kicked and fell to the corner——

With a "poof", a mouthful of old blood spit out, with a painful expression on his face.

Feng Tangyao looked at Mother Chun in the corner in surprise, "Xiao He, this is my slave, are you crazy?"

Xiao He said coldly, "No matter whose slave she is, if she dares to attack the Changchun Palace, she will commit the following crimes, and she must be taught a lesson!"

"You... Are you trying to avenge elder sister Eleven? You know very well that Mother Chun is my slave, and you don't give me any face."

Feng Lingyue slowly let go of the deer, she suddenly became very calm, and ordered Zhili, saying, "Zhili, scrub the deer well, don't let it get dirty, let's bury it properly."

Zhili wiped away his tears, and replied, "Yes, princess, this servant will go right away."

Feng Lingyue bent down, picked up the whip on the ground, and walked in front of Mother Chun——

That old thing who was kicked half-life by Xiao He, saw the Eleventh Princess approaching, and almost fell out of breath in her heart, she looked at the Thirteenth Princess with fearful eyes.

"Crack!" Feng Lingyue raised her whip with a cold face, and lashed at Nanny Chun's body fiercely three times in a row, making her scream and beg for mercy repeatedly, but Feng Lingyue didn't intend to stop, and continued pump her.

Feng Tangyao was biting her lips tightly, her face turned blue with anger, if Xiao He wasn't here, Feng Lingyue would give it a try to anyone who dared to touch her!

Finally, Nanny Chun fell to the ground and passed out with injuries all over her body.

Feng Lingyue turned around again, looking at Feng Tangyao——

"Sister Eleven, you, what do you want to do? It's just a fawn. I said that I want to take blood to replenish my father's body. Are you dissatisfied with my father? Or, or have you forgotten your agreement with me? ?" A trace of fear flashed across Feng Tangyao's eyes, but her tone clearly contained a warning.

(End of this chapter)

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