Chapter 553
Chapter 553
Hearing Feng Tangyao's words, she was suddenly discouraged, loosened her hands, and fell to the ground with a slap of the whip, and took a step back with a dejected look.

Seeing that she seemed to be afraid of Feng Tangyao, Xiao He suddenly felt a little suspicious in his heart. Although Ling Yue'er is innocent and romantic, with a clean heart, but her personality is not weak, on the contrary, she often retaliates with an eye for an eye , an eye for an eye.

Now, with the Queen's loss of power, she has been reduced to the lord of the cold palace, but she will not dare to settle accounts with others when she watches people destroy her favorite things. Besides, Feng Tangyao has already framed her before. passed her.

What happened that he didn't know about?
Xiao He's sharp eyes flicked back and forth between Feng Tangyao and Feng Lingyue, and his brows slowly frowned.

"Princess, princess, come quickly, empress, empress seems to be really dying..." Feng Lingyue squatted on the ground, before recovering from the grief of losing Xiaolu, she was startled by Xueli who hurried over. rise.

She stood up abruptly, before she had time to wipe away her tears, she hurried into the hall.

Seeing this, Xiao He couldn't help but follow.

"Xiao He!" Feng Tangyao walked over a few steps, grabbed Xiao He's sleeve, and said, "Don't get me wrong, it's not that I want to kill Elder Sister's deer, but..."

Seeing his sleeve being pulled by Feng Tangyao, Xiao He felt a sense of disgust in his heart, he pulled it back indifferently, and said coldly, "Princess is self-respecting, Lord Ben doesn't like women's teasing, Besides, this Marquis is a real person who has a marriage contract, so the thirteenth princess should stop thinking about Ben Marquis."

After speaking, he turned around and followed Feng Lingyue's pace.

"Xiao He!" Feng Tangyao looked at her resolutely leaving back, took a step forward, and shouted loudly, "You will regret it, you will regret it!"

However, no matter how she yelled, Xiao He never looked back, his steps were so firm, his back was so determined, what was left to her was indifference, while what was left to Feng Lingyue was real care and protection.

"Xiao He, you will regret it, you will definitely regret it if you don't stop walking towards me!" Feng Tangyao said while clenching her hands tightly, trembling all over.

"Mother, mother, what's wrong with you..." Feng Lingyue ran back to Queen Duanwen's bedroom like the wind, holding her hand tightly.

"Ling, Ling Yue'er, you, you have to... wait for him to come back..." The Queen exhausted her last bit of strength and stood up abruptly. After saying this, she fell on the bed, her head tilted slightly, her eyes wide open. Slowly closed.

Imperial Physician Liu came hurriedly carried by Xiao He, lifted the Queen's eyelids to look, felt the pulse again, his heart trembled, then suddenly knelt down on the ground, and said loudly:
"The empress is dead!"

"The empress is dead!"

What?Xiao He's heart sank suddenly.

"No, no, no, no, my mother doesn't have a funeral, Doctor Liu, don't talk nonsense, my mother doesn't have a funeral, she's just asleep, she's tired, she'll wake up soon, She, she fell asleep, she will wake up soon. get out quickly, get out quickly! "

Feng Lingyue drove Imperial Physician Liu and Xiao He outside one by one, "Don't disturb my mother, I can just stay with her alone, and she will wake up tomorrow morning!"

"Ling Yue'er! Wake up, wake up!" Seeing her like this, Xiao He felt very bitter. He took her hand, forced her to look into his eyes, and said distressedly, "The empress is dead. No more, don't..."

"You're talking nonsense! You said my little deer is dead, and my mother is dead too. If I don't want to see you again, you'll just talk nonsense!" Feng Lingyue shrieked.

Then, she walked back to the bed in disordered steps, as if she was crazy, hugged the queen into her arms, pinched her tightly, called out eagerly, and cried——

... Queen Mother, Queen Mother, wake up, wake up! "

"Queen Mother, Ling Yue'er, I beg you, please wake up, Ling Yue'er only has you, do you really want to make Yue'er someone no one wants? Queen Mother, please wake up, I will I will never make you angry again, and I will definitely listen to you very, very much. I will study hard, work hard as a female worker, stop wielding knives and guns, and ride horses to hunt. I will do whatever my mother wants me to do, as long as Mother woke up..."

However, no matter how much she begged, the queen never opened her eyes again.

"Mother, mother..."

"Ling Yue'er..." Even a tough man like Xiao He couldn't hold back, his eyes turned red, but the queen was dead, and there was nothing anyone could do.

"Queen, queen..." Xueli knelt on the ground, she had served the queen for more than ten years.

"Princess, what should you do in the future..." Zhili knelt at the door, crying uncontrollably.

Soon, news of the queen's funeral spread throughout the palace, and for a while, everyone had their own concerns.

When Concubine Xu Xian heard the news, she immediately knelt on the ground and cried bitterly in front of the person who came to report, and when the person left, she made people close the palace gate and said:

"The death of the queen is also a good thing for this palace. Without the queen, it will be much more difficult for Jue to recognize his ancestors in the future. As for Eleven, Thirteen secretly punished her, and it will not have much effect on her brother. "

When Emperor Zhou Cheng heard the news, he was silent for a long time. Thinking back to the day when the queen entered the palace, his eyes were filled with sourness. After a long time, he raised his hand and said, "I know, pass on the order to order The Ministry of Rites solemnly handles the queen's funeral."

When the news reached the prime minister's mansion, Lian Siyue just folded the letter to Feng Yunzheng and put it on the letterhead. Her hand holding the letterhead trembled, and immediately thought of Eleventh Princess Feng Lingyue in her mind.

Now that the queen has died, the eleven princesses really have nothing to rely on.

She stood up abruptly, and hurriedly walked to Lian Yanqing's study, just as Lian Yanqing was about to go to the palace, he also had a serious face and frowned.

"Father!" Lian Siyue stepped forward quickly and said, "Can father bring his daughter into the palace?"

Lian Yanqing hesitated for a moment, and said, "The queen died suddenly, then the Changchun Palace is a place of right and wrong, why don't you go, stay at home, and when you come back for your father, just bring the news to you."

"No, father! Father still remembers the time when the emperor and his daughter were on the cruise ship. Afterwards, someone tried to poison the daughter to death. Princess Eleven saved her daughter in time, and it was considered a life-saving grace for her daughter. The daughter thought, Once the queen dies, it may be difficult for the eleventh princess to pass this test, and the daughter wants to go to comfort her, and she will definitely not cause any trouble."

After hearing this, Lian Yanqing finally nodded and said, "Okay, you will follow my father into the palace."

"Thank you father." Lian Siyue nodded and said.

On the carriage going to the palace, Lian Yanqing suddenly asked, "You said just now that someone wanted you to die, who was it?"

Lian Siyue didn't want to say that she was the queen mother, so she said, "Your Highness."

(End of this chapter)

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