Chapter 562
Chapter 562
On the second day of the empress's funeral, the Changchun Palace has been decorated in white inside and out, filled with a sad and depressing atmosphere. Emperor Zhou Cheng has already issued a decree. Ten days later, a grand funeral will be held for Empress Duanwen——

Wearing a dark purple brocade robe, Xiao He slowly walked down the steps of the Changchun Palace. He looked at the steps and took out the meatloaf in his hand. Looking at the meatloaf, his whole body The heart is empty, and everyone is saying that the queen died, the eleventh princess was too sad, and she couldn't afford to get sick. The emperor asked her to recuperate well, and she didn't see anyone.

But Xiao He's heart was always up and down, not at peace.

"Ling Yue'er, where are you? Do you know how worried I am about you." He snapped off a branch beside him and shouted in his heart.

He really wanted to marry Feng Lingyue back to Xiao's family quickly, so that at least he could watch her all the time, protect her, and advance and retreat together with her.

"Such a stupid person, no one is protecting him, what should you do?" Xiao He's heart was suffering from hot torment.

"Little Marquis, you are here, I greet you." When he was lost in thought, he saw Feng Degui, the chief eunuch, leading a group of people out of Changchun Palace, and was going to report something to Emperor Zhou Cheng.

"Eunuch Feng, take a step to speak..." Xiao He held Feng Degui back and whispered. .

Feng Degui didn't wait for Xiao He to ask questions, he sighed and said, "Young Master wants to ask about Princess Eleven, right?"

Xiao He clasped his fists and said, "Eunuch Feng is worthy of being in front of the emperor. That's right, this general wants to know where Ling Yue'er is now? Is she really seriously ill?"

Eunuch Feng saw the handsome young master in front of him, and thought to himself, the members of the Xiao family, especially Duke Xiao, who has a poisonous scorpion, but this young master is so affectionate, it's a pity that Princess Eleven is a fake , then the marriage contract between the two of them can't be counted, it's really a trick of luck.

He shook his head and said, "Little Marquis, don't ask any more questions. The Eleventh Princess is overly sad and needs to rest. The Emperor does not allow anyone to bother him, and neither do you."

Seeing Feng Degui's attitude, Xiao He knew that he couldn't make up his mind, so he changed the question and said, "Then the father-in-law will only answer the same thing, how is she?"

Feng Degui paused, then nodded, and said, "Okay."

After hearing this, Xiao He finally showed a smile on his heavy face. He was overjoyed and said, "That's good! That's good!"

He then stuffed the specially bought meat pancakes into Feng Degui's hands, and said, "Eunuch Feng, this is Ling Yue'er's favorite pancake, give it to her for me, you tell him to take good care of his illness, don't worry, no matter what happens matter, I, Xiao He, will never leave her in this life."

Feng Degui took the pancake, listened to Xiao He's steadfast oath, and said, "This pancake is held by the servant for the young lord. If so, the slave will not pass it on for the young lord. If there is a chance, the young lord might as well Tell the princess yourself."

"Then... thank you, Eunuch Feng." Xiao He hesitated for a moment, then cupped his hands.

Eunuch Feng stuffed the pancake into his sleeve and went to Rongyuan Hall.

Xiao He stood where he was, with his fists slightly clenched——

Ling Yue'er, please be safe.

In Rongyuan Hall, Emperor Zhou Cheng was sitting on a wide chair, flipping through the memorial in front of him, coughing from time to time.

After a while, Feng Degui held a booklet in both hands, and said, "Your Majesty, this is the booklet sent back to Beijing in a hurry from Qingnan."

"Qingnan? It must be Yunzheng's book, show me quickly."


Emperor Zhou Cheng opened the booklet and saw a smile on his face, and praised repeatedly, "Good! Good! Good! Yunzheng really lived up to my expectations, Qingnan's favor order has been implemented."

"His Highness Ninth Prince is wise and powerful, and he pays equal attention to kindness and power. It is the emperor's blessing." Feng Degui said in time.

Emperor Zhou Cheng nodded and said, "I have been thinking about who among the princes can succeed the position of the crown prince. Over the past year, Yun Zheng has satisfied me every time. Should I give the position of crown prince to Yun?" It’s good, but Ye’er is also good, and he has outstanding military achievements and enjoys prestige among the three armies, if I appoint Ye’er, will the soldiers of the three armies not accept it?”

"Your Majesty, Concubine Xian is asking to see you."

While talking, Concubine Xian came outside the door.

Emperor Zhou Cheng put away the folder and said, "Let her in."

After a while, Concubine Xu Xian entered the palace with money. She took a bowl of soup from the maid behind her and said, "Your Majesty, this concubine made a cup of deer blood soup. The concubine showed it to the imperial physician and said it was the emperor's blood soup." Drinking it is good for the dragon body."

The emperor said, "I vaguely remember that among the four concubines, you are especially good at cooking."

"It's the concubine's blessing that the emperor doesn't dislike it." Concubine Xu Xian said softly, "You can drink it while it's hot. The concubine boiled it on a low fire for three hours."

After finishing the bowl of soup, Emperor Zhou Cheng asked, "Concubine Xian, you are here not only to give me this bowl of deer blood soup."

Embarrassment appeared on Concubine Xu Xian's face, and she said, "It's true, nothing can be hidden from the emperor. The concubine is thinking that after losing her mother on the eleventh day, she is seriously ill again. This child must be very sad, so she wants to ask the emperor to show mercy and let the minister The concubine went to see her, the concubine also has children, and wanted to comfort her very much."

When Emperor Zhou Cheng heard this, his face immediately became gloomy, and he said, "There is no need to do anything more, I have other plans, and this matter, Concubine Xian, don't ask too much!"

If it wasn't for the face of the royal family, he would have publicly killed Ling Yue'er!

"Your majesty!" Concubine Xu Xian suddenly bent her knees, knelt on the ground, and said, "Your majesty, don't blame your concubines for talking too much. The empress died, and the eleventh princess was seriously ill right after her. The emperor won't allow anyone to visit me. Some people commented that this would inevitably hurt the empress's reputation, and it would also make people suspicious of the emperor's actions. Some people thought that the queen's death... thought there was something strange about the queen's death, thought that the queen was killed by someone, thought that Emperor..."

"Shut up!" The emperor was furious after hearing this, "Is the queen dead? Who dares to say that, I'm going to chop off his head!"

"Your Majesty, even if no one dares to say it publicly, they will definitely guess in their hearts. This matter will really have a bad impact on the Empress Dowager and the Emperor! Therefore, in order to stop everyone from talking about it in the future, Your Majesty, please allow my concubines to go and have a look. The first princess, the concubine will not say anything, just go and have a look, so that when everyone sees someone going to see the eleventh princess, they will not guess that the eleventh is under house arrest by the emperor, and they will not guess randomly." Concubine Xu Xian said quickly.

After hearing Concubine Xu Xian's glance, Zhou Chengdi pursed his lips and frowned.

"Your Majesty, the harem has always been a place of right and wrong, Your Majesty, please allow your concubines to share this worry for the Emperor. Only when someone knows about the eleventh princess after seeing the news, will everyone not make wild guesses." Concubine Xu Xian understood deeply. Said righteously.

(End of this chapter)

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