Chapter 563

Chapter 563

Zhou Chengdi looked at the concubine Xian in front of him, narrowed his eyes slightly, and was thinking in his mind——

Ling Yue'er must be eliminated, he will never let a person who confuses the blood of the royal family live, perhaps, this person in front of him will be a good helper.

Thinking of this, he concentrated his attention, and said, "Feng Degui, bring the decoction that I specially ordered for Eleven to recuperate, and let Concubine Xian send it over."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Concubine Xu Xian's heart skipped a beat, and she slowly clenched her fists.

When she and Feng Degui saw the back of the Eleventh Princess Feng Lingyue, she finally breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that the emperor had placed Feng Lingyue under house arrest in the Kunshen Hall behind the Rongyuan Hall. Naturally, no one could find it. .

Hearing the movement, Feng Lingyue turned around slowly and saw Concubine Xu Xian, with a weak expression on her pale face, she said, "Empress Xian, are you here?" Her voice sounded ethereal— —

She did not expect that when she was under house arrest, the first person to visit her was her brother's mother and concubine.

"Eleventh, I heard that you were ill, so I begged the emperor to let me come and see you, are you okay?" Concubine Xu Xian stepped forward and asked.

"I'm fine." She nodded.

"My condolences. Your mother is gone. You have to be stronger. Take care of your body as soon as possible..." Concubine Xu Xian stared at her. She brought this girl into the palace.

"Thank you, Concubine Xian, I, I will."

"I brought you a bowl of decoction, drink won't be in such pain, and your body will recover, Ling Yueer." Concubine Xu Xian took the bowl from the hand of the mother behind her Thick black soup, said.

Feng Lingyue's heart trembled, as if she had foreseen something, she felt a chill in her heart, staring blankly at the bowl of medicine, Concubine Xu Xian's hands seemed to be trembling a little, so the soup and medicine in the bowl trembled a little.

"Princess, you should eat this first. This is a gift from the young master." At this time, the old slave Feng Degui looked at Feng Lingyue and took out a meatloaf from his sleeve, "It's still hot , it is also the little marquis's wish, princess, eat quickly."

Feng Degui knew what this decoction was back then, but this little princess was also someone who had been kind to him, even though she was too young at that time, she must have forgotten it now.

Feng Lingyue was a little dazed, she took the pancake from Feng Degui's hand, her voice trembling, said, "Eunuch Feng, why are you giving me this at this time." As she spoke, two lines of tears rolled down her cheeks , with a smile on his face.

"The young master said that no matter what happens to the princess, he will never leave her for the rest of his life. If the princess eats this pancake, someone will say hello to you and then..."

"Then I'll eat it. If you see him again, say thank you for me, just say Feng Lingyue thanked him for never leaving. Feng Lingyue remembers this, but please forget Feng Lingyue." Feng Lingyue smiled sadly, and ate the meat cake with big mouthfuls, but the cake was wet with tears.

After finishing eating the pancakes, Feng Lingyue looked at the bowl in Concubine Xu Xian's hand again, she sighed deeply, and said, "Miss Xianfei, give it to me."

Concubine Xu Xian looked at the person in front of her, and slowly poured the bowl over, thinking, it would be good if the child died!
The queen died, and she died, and her stumbling blocks became less and less.


Even like the moon!
God damn it, her secret is in the hands of that devilish little girl, so—

When Feng Lingyue's hand touched the bowl, her hand paused suddenly, and then covered up with her sleeve, she touched the back of Feng Lingyue's hand three times.

Feng Lingyue was startled for a moment——

Yixiu Palace.

"Princess atonement, servant, servant deserves to die." Lan Jing knelt in front of Feng Tangyao, shivering.

Feng Tangyao looked at the kneeling person in front of her, and asked puzzledly, "What is that in your hand?"

"Hui, Hui Princess, it was given to the slave by the county master Ronghe last night." Lan Jing knelt on the ground, raised her hands high, and held a red gold bracelet in her hand.

Feng Tangyao's eyes narrowed, she frowned slightly, and said, "What did she give you this bracelet for?"

"Last night... the county lord..." Lan Jing described in detail what happened last night.

"Princess, in fact, when I went to deliver bird's nest soup to the county lord yesterday, the county lord also gave me a bracelet." Seeing that Lan Jing took out the bracelet that Lian Siyue gave, Wen Xiu also quickly took it out.

Feng Tangyao picked up the two bracelets, with a gloomy look on her face, she said, "She didn't take this princess and this princess and concubine seriously at all, she openly beat, bribed and threatened this princess under our noses. Your servant, she is too confident! But, didn’t you give her an overdose of tranquilizing medicine? Why didn’t she fall asleep?”

Feng Tangyao looked at Wenxiu, Wenxiu hurriedly knelt down, and said, "Princess, this servant did everything according to the order, and the county master did drink all the bird's nest soup, and this servant took the empty bowl let's go."

"I don't believe you, the princess, get up, it's just that you feel a little strange." Feng Tangyao said, and Wen Xiucai breathed a sigh of relief.

"Princess, now... what should I do? Is the slave still going to serve the county lord?" Lan Jing asked uneasily.

"Go ahead, just pretend that nothing happened." Feng Tangyao returned the gold bracelet to the two of them, and sneered, "For Feng Lingyue's fake princess, she dared to take any risks, but she It's a waste of effort, her own death is not far away, and she will definitely not have any good results if she fights against Xiao Guogong.

Lian Siyue didn't wake up until the third quarter of the hour, and Lan Jing took care of her washing——

"Ah!" Lan Jing was distracted, and the handkerchief in her hand fell on the ground. She bent down to pick it up, but Lian Siyue picked it up by herself, put it back in her hand, and said:

"Be careful, don't mess up."

"Yes, yes..." Lan Jing didn't dare to lift her head, her heart was beating loudly.

"Master, Lady Zhaoyi invites you to have dinner." Wenxiu came over and said respectfully.

"Yeah." Lian Siyue glanced at Wenxiu's wrist, she still wore the red gold bracelet she gave her, she didn't even see the shape of the moon, but there was a faint smile on the corner of her lips ——

Intentionally wearing it for her to see, Feng Tangyao ordered it, hehe, cousin, for the eleventh princess, you are doomed, for me who have lived two lives, your little trick, It's a joke--

She got up, accompanied by the maids, came to the front hall, went up to greet Lian Zhaoyi and Feng Tangyao.

Lian Zhaoyi hurriedly called her to her side, and said softly, "Just now, the servants said you were still awake, thinking that you probably didn't sleep well last night, so they let you sleep for a while, you are hungry, you go Serve breakfast."

(End of this chapter)

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