First-class daughter

Chapter 564 The Princess Goes Crazy

Chapter 564 The Princess Goes Crazy
Chapter 564 The Princess Goes Crazy
"Aunt, Yue'er is such a joke, she sleeps so late here and wakes up." Lian Siyue looked a little embarrassed and said.

"It's okay, usually, Tangyao'er gets lazy and always sleeps until the sun rises, it's nothing to you." Lian Zhaoyi thanked Feng Tangyao.

Feng Tangyao blushed and said disobediently, "Mother Concubine, there is no such thing as you. It's too late for other empresses to praise their daughters, but you are always wronging me. You are not afraid that I will be called a slob. Can't get married."

"You, you, when did you play tricks like this? You are always the most considerate, aren't you?" Lian Zhaoyi squeezed Feng Tangyao's face lovingly, and said.

Lian Siyue laughed while listening to the coming and going between mother and daughter, but couldn't help but sneered coldly in her heart.

"Okay, eat quickly, you both eat more, especially Yue'er, look at you, you are so thin, if you stay with me for a longer time, my aunt will feed you white and fat Yes." Lian Zhaoyi said with a smile.

"Okay, then Yue'er will simply stay with her aunt." Lian Siyue said sweetly.

In one sentence, Lian Zhaoyi and Feng Tangyao's complexions changed slightly, Lian Siyue pretended not to see it.

The breakfast is very rich, plum blossom tofu, rouge goose breast, fried wolfberry sprouts with oil and salt, bad fragrant quail, lily crisps, all kinds, and the table is full.

Lian Siyue seemed to have a good appetite and ate a lot, Feng Tangyao ate with a smile on her face, but scolded her all over in her heart——

Put on a show, you do!

"Your Majesty, Princess..." At this moment, an eunuch hurried in, wiping the sweat from his forehead in panic.

"Bold slave, how can you be so reckless?" Lian Zhaoyi said displeased.

"Empress, princess, eleventh princess, eleventh princess, she, she..." The servant took a deep breath.

Feng Lingyue?
Feng Tangyao stood up abruptly, and asked anxiously, "What's wrong with Elder Sister, tell me quickly!"

"Just now, under the emperor's order, the concubine Xian led the imperial physician and the mother to see the eleventh princess, but for some reason, the eleventh princess suddenly went crazy and overturned the medicine that the concubine Xian gave her. Not to mention, but also, he stabbed the imperial doctor and the nanny with the hairpin on his head. Eunuch Feng, who was beside the emperor, stepped forward to dissuade him, but he was also stabbed. Concubine Xian was furious, saying that her good intentions were ignored by the Eleventh Princess, and she even shot someone, so she knelt down and begged the Emperor to punish the Princess severely, but the Eleventh Princess seemed to have really gone crazy. Continuing to speak disrespectfully to the concubine Xian, the emperor couldn't hold back the concubine Xian, so he sent the eleventh princess to the cell!"

The eunuch finished speaking out of breath.

After hearing this, Lian Siyue tightened her hand holding the spoon——

The emperor wanted to put the eleventh princess under house arrest, but her purpose was to expose the eleventh princess to everyone's sight, so that she could save her.

As for Feng Tangyao, her eyes lit up, but her face still had an anxious expression on her face, and she said, "How could this happen? Elder sister Eleven suddenly went crazy, I, I have to go and see quickly."

Feng Tangyao couldn't wait to run out, she didn't seem to hear Zhaoyi even calling out from behind.

Lian Zhaoyi said with a resentful face, "This child, I worry too much about her sister."

"Aunt, the princess is kind-hearted, it's the blessing of my aunt and the emperor." Lian Siyue calmly put down the chopsticks holding the plum blossom tofu, and said.

"Hey..." Lian Zhaoyi sighed, "This eleventh is really pitiful. The empress just passed away, and she caused a big disaster again. The concubine Xian is not easy to offend. I hope the emperor sees her pitiful. For the sake of it, let's calm down after closing it."

As Lian Zhaoyi spoke, her eyes fell on Lian Siyue, but Lian Siyue seemed to have no reaction, continuing to eat what was in front of her.

"Yue'er, why don't you go and have a look?" Lian Zhaoyi said, I heard that Eleven dragged Lian Siyue to talk to the queen yesterday at the funeral. What kind of medicine is it?

Lian Siyue saw through Concubine Xian's thoughts, and slowly said: "Auntie, Yue'er is not a fool, and Yue'er will naturally not care about things that Yue'er is not in charge of. Yesterday the Eleventh Princess pulled me to ask for help, saying that the emperor was going to kill me. If you let me save her, does she think I'm stupid? If the emperor wanted to kill her, he would have committed a serious crime. If I rescued her, and I didn't disobey the emperor's order, the emperor will pursue it. It's not only me, the prime minister, Even my aunt will be implicated.

This princess is really too confident, just because I got closer to her before, she thought that there was something different in her friendship with me, and begged me to do this thankless thing, Yue'er would not be so stupid , Now that she is going crazy, it seems that she has no idea, and instead offended the emperor, the emperor didn't kill her immediately, I'm afraid it was the last bit of face for the queen. "

After hearing Lian Siyue's words, Lian Zhaoyi thought to herself, this is the Yue'er she knew. She only cared about her own interests and never cared about the lives of others. Back then she was able to deal with her as an aunt, let alone That's nothing Eleven Princess wants to do.

Thinking of this, Lian Zhaoyi breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Yue'er thinks so, it's the best. Don't worry about those irrelevant things. The palace is far less simple than the Xiangfu. If you are not careful, you will lose your head." thing."

"Yes, Auntie's teachings, Yue'er keeps in mind." Lian Siyue got up, knelt down to Lian Zhaoyi, and said, "Aunt, Concubine Liang Guifei brought some snacks to Yue'er yesterday, according to etiquette, Yue'er should kowtow Thanks.

"It should be, but there are many rules in this palace, the queen's funeral, and many people coming and going in the palace, I will send Lan Jing to accompany you." Lian Zhaoyi said——

Although what Lian Siyue said was very reasonable, she still felt that this niece was full of tricks, and she was afraid that she had other thoughts, so she had to send someone to follow her.

"Yes, thank you aunt." Lian Siyue knelt farewell to Lian Zhaoyi, left Yixiu Palace, and went to Menghua Palace to find Concubine Liang, and Lan Jing followed her step by step.

When they arrived at Menghua Palace, Lan Jing followed the rules and waited outside the palace.

"Come into the hall with me, the imperial concubine is kind and loving, you don't have to be afraid." Lan Jing wanted to say that she was against the rules, but Lian Siyue grabbed her wrist and followed her into the hall.

As soon as he entered the hall, he saw Concubine Liang sitting on a red sandalwood chair, knelt down even Siyue, and said, "Yue'er greets the concubine, and Yue'er came here specially to thank the concubine for the cakes she gave yesterday."

Concubine Liang showed a loving smile on her face, and said:

"A box of pastries, thank you for remembering to come here to kneel and thank you, get up quickly." Concubine Liang Gui signaled.

"Yes, thank you, ma'am." Lian Siyue got up and said.

(End of this chapter)

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