Chapter 567
Chapter 567
After saying that, Feng Tangyao walked out of the prison, and when she saw the jailer outside, she wiped her tears and said, "Although she is locked in this prison, the one inside is always a princess, so please don't treat her in the slightest." You are welcome, if this princess finds out, she will definitely investigate."

As she spoke, she also signaled Wenxiu to take out the silver and gave it to the two guards guarding the cell door, before leaving weeping.

"The thirteenth princess is really kind-hearted. The eleventh princess was imprisoned by the emperor. This is the second time that the eleventh princess has been imprisoned. Others are afraid of getting into trouble and dare not come to visit. But the thirteenth princess, not only Come to comfort, and think of Eleven Princess in every possible way."

"Yes, to be honest, the eleventh princess is really inferior to the thirteenth princess.

The conversation between the two jailers came to Feng Tangyao's ears. She smiled slightly, and Wen Xiu asked in a low voice, "Princess, what should I do about that rat squeaking?"

"Let's raise it for a day first, it will be useful at night." Feng Tangyao said.

"Princess, do you really stop thinking about it? If the emperor finds out..." Wenxiu was still worried.

"Feng Lingyue was originally a fake princess, and my father will definitely get rid of her. Even if she dies, my father will say that someone has done him a great favor, so I just turn a blind eye and let it go!
As Feng Tangyao said, she quickened her pace, she walked to the gate of Rongyuan Hall, and saw Xiao He was tied to a tree, Xiao Zhenhai was beating him over and over again with a whip, pleading guilty to his father while beating.

In addition to Xiao He, the queen's mother's family also knelt outside the hall, pleaded with the emperor, and let the "poor ignorant eleventh princess" go.

There was coldness in Feng Tangyao's eyes, and then she looked at Xiao He——

Seeing him being beaten bloody by his father, there were several whip marks on his face, but he kept his mouth tightly shut and did not beg for mercy. The angry Xiao Zhenhai hit harder, as if he really wanted to beat him to death before giving up. !
Looking at the situation, Feng Tangyao murmured, "Xiao He, wait, let me wipe your wounds for you."

As she spoke, she made up her mind and lifted her foot to leave.

When Feng Tangyao left the cell where Feng Lingyue was imprisoned not long ago, a upright figure suddenly appeared, and the two guards were stunned when they saw the person behind him——

"Master Zhang, this is..."

It was finally dark.

The entire imperial palace fell into silence, but Changchun Palace was brightly lit, and the servants were still in mourning for the empress, but the atmosphere was even more dignified.

Inside Yixiu Palace.

Feng Tangyao didn't feel sleepy, she kept twisting her handkerchief, wandering around the gate of the palace——

"Bang!" Finally, there was a loud noise in the sky, and the fire rushed into the sky, illuminating half of the sky above the palace.

Feng Tangyao suddenly turned around and looked over——

I saw that a huge fire suddenly broke out in the direction of the cell, and the fire was fierce.

"Princess, it's on fire! It's on fire!" Wenxiu said nervously, "Did it work?"

Feng Tangyao's heart trembled, a strange smile appeared on her face, and she ran out quickly, her heart beating thumpingly.

"Oops! It's the water, it's the water! That's the eleventh princess's place." Then I heard someone screaming, someone shouting to put out the fire and save lives.

hehe, hehe...

Lian Zhaoyi came out in a hurry, wearing a cloak, and said, "What's the matter, why did the water suddenly go out, and the fire is still so big."

"Mother Concubine, that is Feng Lingyue, she was burned alive."

Seeing that the fire was getting bigger and bigger, the smile on Feng Tangyao's face was like a poisonous flower, exuding a strange fragrance——

Ha ha ha ha ha!

"What..." Lian Zhaoyi felt his head go dark, took a step back, lowered his voice, and asked:

"Tang Yao'er, you did it? You..."

"Mother Concubine, she can't live anymore. Look, the fire is so hot that those fools even went to put out the fire. Those who can't be rescued, those who can't be rescued." The smile on Feng Tangyao's face deepened, and the smile in her eyes deepened. The look she showed was terrifying.

It's too late to think about it!

She mixed fire oil with the food and put it in the prison, and then spread a thick layer of oil on the bottom of the basket where the food was placed, and when night fell, she asked people to put all the caught mice into a bag When they reached the door of the cell, they opened the bag. The fire mice were frightened and fled in all directions. Some rushed into the cell and lit the cell. The kerosene caused the fire to spread rapidly.

The characteristic of that cell is that the entrances and exits are extremely small, and the people inside want to come out, or the people outside want to go in, it is very crowded. It is on fire, and if you want to get water to put out the fire, you can only go in one by one with water——

Coupled with Huoyou's offensive, Feng Lingyue will definitely die this time.

In the night, Feng Tangyao's smile looked even more terrifying.

She lifted her foot and walked towards the Rongyuan Hall. It is said that because the father did not calm down, Xiao He was still tied to a tree. Xiao Zhenhai almost beat Xiao He to death, but the father did not speak, and Xiao Zhenhai did not dare He left and just knelt there.

When Feng Tangyao walked to Rongyuan Hall, Xiao Zhenhai and Xiao He were staring blankly at the sea of ​​flames at the same time, and Emperor Zhou Cheng had just opened the shop door and walked out with big strides.

"Father, father, why is it on fire? Elder sister is still inside, father think of a way, save her quickly." She said, and began to cry, as if she was terrified.

Xiao Zhenhai's heart trembled, and he silently looked at the crying princess with tears in his eyes. People who didn't know thought she was sad for his sister——

At such a young age, he is really powerful!Later, when I came to the Xiao family, it was of great help to the Xiao family.

Now, the fire is so fierce that even if the people inside are not burned to death, they are almost burned. The eleventh princess is locked in the prison again, and she will definitely not be able to escape.

Although the thirteenth princesses were too impatient, it was a good thing that the eleventh princesses died earlier, if not, Lian Siyue would really go to rescue her and mess up his plan.

"What..." When Xiao He heard this, he felt that the blood in his body was congealed, and his whole body was blinded for a moment, then he twisted his body vigorously, struggled to break free, and shouted hysterically, "Let me go! Let me go! Ling Yue'er! Ling Yue'er! You can't die, you can't die, you can't die!"

His eyes were scarlet!Like a mad beast, it will break out of the cage at any time.

"Xiao He!" Xiao Zhenhai shouted angrily.

However, Xiao He, who had been scarred by Xiao Zhenhai, suddenly didn't know where the strength came from. He exhausted all his strength to try to free his hand, but the rope rubbed his hand so that a piece of skin fell off, bloodstained. Tired.

However, I can't get rid of it all the time.

Finally, he bent his knees, knelt down in front of Xiao Zhenhai, wept bitterly and shouted:

"Father! I beg you, please let me go, let me save her! I promise you, I won't let Lingyue'er go, let me go, let me save him, I don't want her anymore! I really don't want her!" She is gone, let me save her!"

(End of this chapter)

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