Chapter 568
Chapter 568
"Your Majesty..." At this time, Jiang Keji walked over quickly, and said, "The fire is too strong, the Eleventh Princess has already been burned to death, her body is scorched black, it is... irreparable..." He said Finished, lowered his head.

"What..." After hearing this, Xiao He felt that the whole world collapsed in an instant, his eyes were dark, his mind couldn't recover for a long time, and his body was on the verge of falling.

"..." After hearing the news, Feng Tangyao and Xiao Zhenhai breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

A relieved expression flashed across Feng Tangyao's face, she put kerosene in the cell, Feng Lingyue would surely die.

But Xiao Zhenhai thought, even if he died, he would not be afraid of Xiao He's obsession anymore, so he stepped forward and untied the rope that bound Xiao He.

"Also...the fire was too big, the wall of the cell collapsed, and the cell on the other side was also affected, so..." Jiang Keji paused, glanced at Xiao Zhenhai, and said, "Xiao Shan, the young master of the Xiao family, He was not spared either, and was burned to death by..."


Xiao He was stunned again, startled for a moment, and suddenly raised his head.

After hearing this, Xiao Zhenhai, who was untying the rope for Xiao He, turned around suddenly, with a gloomy expression, staring at Jiang Keji closely, "Commander Jiang, what did you say? Say it again!"

"The wall collapsed, the fire spread to Young Master Xiao's cell, and Young Master Xiao was burned to death..." Jiang Keji nodded and said.

"Impossible!" Xiao Zhenhai didn't even have time to say goodbye to the emperor, and quickly ran towards the cell.

Absolutely impossible!
Xiao Shan is the eldest son of his Xiao family, how could he be buried with that fake princess.

Before Feng Lingyue could digest the joy of being burned to death, Feng Tangyao was overwhelmed by the news that Xiao Shan was also burned to death. She was the one who released the fire. If Xiao Shan died, then... Then she is the culprit who burned Xiao Shan to death!

Xiao Zhenhai will never forgive her!

Then her marriage with Xiao He...

She shook her head in a daze, and murmured, "No, no, it can't be such a coincidence."

At this time, Xiao He finally broke free from the rope, ran past Feng Tangyao like the wind, blood dripped from the broken head by Xiao Zhenhai.

"Xiao He..." Feng Tangyao looked at his receding back, and shouted tremblingly.

"Jiang Keji, what's going on here... It's so good, how could a fire break out in the cell, and two people were burned to death at the same time!" Emperor Zhou Cheng asked in a deep voice, when the news of Eleven being burned to death flashed through his mind At that time, a figure of a child running towards him flashed in his mind, shouting loudly, father, father, father...

And when he wanted to take a closer look, the figure had already disappeared.

"Your Majesty, the last general has sent someone to look at it. Someone hid kerosene in the cell, and the fire was so fierce. Therefore, someone deliberately did it..." Jiang Keji said.

When Feng Tangyao heard this, her heart trembled, and she lowered her head guiltily.

"Deliberately?" Zhou Chengdi frowned when he heard this, and said, "Check it out and see who did it!"

"Yes." Jiang Keji immediately turned around and walked towards the cell.

Xiao Zhenhai almost fell down on the way. He quickly ran to the cell, only to see that the fire in the cell had been extinguished, but there were bursts of smoke, and everyone around him was coughing.

And when he saw the two corpses parked at the door of the cell, he almost suffocated, and ran over in a few steps. The one lying on the left side had been burned beyond recognition, and his body was scorched black.

And the one on the right—

"Shan'er! Shan'er!"

He could tell at a glance that this was his eldest son, Xiao Shan. His burn was not as severe as Princess Eleven's. One side of his face was engulfed by the fire, but the other side was still intact.
Xiao Zhenhai rushed over, hugged Xiao Shan's body vigorously, slapped his face with his hands, and shouted loudly, "Shan'er, Shan'er, wake up!"

Then, it shook a few more times, but Xiao Shan still closed his eyes tightly and remained motionless.

"Imperial doctor, imperial doctor!" Xiao Zhenhai roared loudly like a trapped animal.

"Guo, Lord Guo, already, already checked, Young Master Xiao...has passed away." The imperial physician was frightened by Xiao Zhenhai's roar, and said tremblingly.

"Quack doctor, nonsense!" Xiao Zhenhai stood up abruptly, grabbed the imperial doctor's collar, raised his hand high, pushed him to the side of Xiao Shan's body forcefully, and said forcefully, "He is not dead, let him wake up quickly." Come here, or I'll kill you!"

The imperial physician had no choice but to pretend to take Xiao Shan's pulse, but he was obviously dead, and there was no other way to feel the pulse. The imperial physician's trembling appearance angered Xiao Zhenhai, Xiao Zhenhai picked him up, punched him on the stomach, and threw him on aside.

He hugged Xiao Shan, raised his head and cried, and said, "My son, you died so miserable!"

Xiao He then came in a hurry, seeing the situation in front of him, he suddenly stopped, and muttered, "Brother..."

He tremblingly pressed Xiao Shan's wrist, already... no pulse——

Dead, really dead.

His heart turned cold, his hands trembled, and Xiao Shan's hand slipped from his palm.

At this time, the eunuchs on the side covered Feng Lingyue's body with a white cloth, ready to carry it out.

"Wait!" Xiao He's voice seemed to be too hoarse to speak.

He walked over tremblingly, knelt down on one knee, and slowly took the white cloth away. Except for the hair, it could be seen that it was a woman, and she had been burned so badly that she couldn't see her face clearly, but——

Xiao He saw the red gold bracelet on her wrist at a glance!This is Ling Yue'er's bracelet!He had seen it before, and he told her that the red gemstone on the bracelet looked like a teardrop. Ling Yue'er smiled and said at the time, it was obviously a drop of water, but you just said tears, am I a crybaby? people.

"Ling, Ling Yue'er..." Tears rolled down his face in an instant, and he walked to the side of the corpse tremblingly. Picking him up, there was a piece of sticky stuff on the palm of his hand——

Her body was burned to pieces!

"Ah! ah! ah! God, why did you do this to her! Why!"

Xiao He hugged Feng Lingyue tightly in his arms, cried to the sky, and shouted his precious name heartbreakingly——

"Ling Yue'er, Ling Yue'er..." His heart ached so badly that he could hardly breathe.

"You bastard! It's all about you! It's you who killed your elder brother! Up to now, you only care about this broom star! Didn't you see that your elder brother is dead? It's all because of you! It's all because of you!"

Xiao Zhenhai raised his foot and kicked Xiao He on the back. Xiao He lost his balance and threw himself forward. Feng Lingyue's body was pushed out and fell to the ground. The flesh and blood stuck to the ground, which was miserable. Not daring to look directly, the servants around couldn't help taking a step back, suppressing the urge to vomit.

(End of this chapter)

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