Chapter 569
Chapter 569
"The emperor has ordered that we must thoroughly investigate the fire in the cell, bury the eleventh princess properly, and escort the body of the Xiao Family Xiao Shan back to the Xiao State Mansion.

Come on, let's carry down the eleventh princess's body. "Feng Degui said loudly.

Seeing a eunuch come to carry the two corpses, Feng Degui walked up to the embarrassed Xiao He and said:
"Young Lord, let's be sorry, the princess has already gone and can't come back.

The servant brought all the pancakes you asked the servant to bring to the princess and the words you wanted to say. After the princess ate your pancakes, she also said thank you to the young master for your perseverance. She wants to say thank you to the young master. But, please, the young master must forget her, she also said that there will be no more Feng Lingyue in the world! "

Xiao He knelt on the ground dejectedly, listening to Feng Degui's words, and watched Feng Lingyue's body being covered with a white cloth and carried out, he just felt that the whole world had been hollowed out.

Xiao Shan's body was also carried out, Xiao Zhenhai knelt down on his knees, weeping bitterly——

"Xiao Shan, my eldest son, you just left like this! Injustice! Injustice!"

In Yixiu Palace.

Feng Tangyao trembled in fright, while that Wenxiu said tremblingly at the side:
"Princess, servant girl, servant girl has seen it, and the young master Xiao Shan was indeed burned to death. Commander Jiang who heard the investigation said that one is that he was swallowed by the fire, and the other is that the smoke was too heavy, and he was choked to death. ...Right now, Commander Jiang is doing his best to investigate this matter..."

"..." Feng Tangyao heard this, her body went limp, and she fell to the ground, her face as white as paper—"How could this be, how could this be? If Feng Lingyue died, Emperor Father would probably close his eyes It's fine to cover it up, but now, Xiao Shan also died together, this matter, this matter will not be forgotten."

"It's over! It's over!" Lian Zhaoyi heard this, and the handkerchief in her hand fell to the ground, "It's over!"

"Mother Concubine, Mother Concubine, think of a way quickly, think of a way quickly..." Feng Tangyao knelt on the ground, raised her head and grabbed Lian Zhaoyi's hand, begging bitterly, "Tuan Yaoer doesn't want Falling out of favor, Tang Yao'er also doesn't want to lose Xiao He, concubine mother..."

"Slap!" Lian Zhaoyi raised her hand and slapped Feng Tangyao hard on the face, "What time is it, you're still thinking about Xiao He!"

"Mother Concubine..." Feng Tangyao covered her face and looked at Lian Zhaoyi in disbelief. She has been cared for and loved since she was a child, and she has never been beaten by this. Now, now...

"Stop crying! Get up quickly and find a way!" Lian Zhaoyi clutched her stomach that was beginning to ache, twisted her face, and walked into the hall.

Feng Tangyao hurriedly got up and walked in.

The night is getting darker.

In Menghua Palace, Lian Siyue knelt farewell to Concubine Liang and said, "Your Majesty, it's time for Yue'er to return home."

Concubine Liang ordered in front of everyone, "There are many things in this palace, and it will delay your return to the Prime Minister's mansion. It's getting late, so don't walk to Zhengyangmen. The palace will send a sedan chair, and you can sit in the sedan chair." Go out quietly."

"Yue'er thank you, Empress."

Lian Siyue walked out of Menghua Palace and got into the sedan chair.

The sedan chair swayed slightly and walked along the gravel road to the outside of the palace. She slowly raised her hand, opened the sedan chair curtain, and looked into the sky——

Inside and outside the Changchun Palace, it was all white, and those low whimpers could still be heard from a distance.

Lian Siyue sighed, put down the sedan chair curtain, and said, "From now on, there will be no more Feng Lingyue in the world, and everything here has nothing to do with her, forget it all, just pretend, never came."

She said, closing her eyes.

"Stop the car!"

Walking outside the Zhengyang Gate, I heard the voice of the guards shouting orders, and I heard the bearers saying to the guards:

"This is the sedan chair of the imperial concubine."

But the guard didn't seem to accept this, and said, "The palace is inexplicably flooded. The emperor said that everyone who comes and goes must be thoroughly investigated, no matter whose sedan chair it is."

Lian Siyue was startled, only felt her heart tremble.

She opened the curtain, stretched her head out, and said, "This County Lord is here, is this possible?"

"No!" The guard obviously didn't give any face, said, "The county magistrate, don't embarrass me, this is an order from the superior, please get off the sedan chair, let the humble officer search."

"Bold!" At this moment, there was a sudden sound of scolding, and Lian Siyue lifted the curtain, and saw Feng Ye walking over, sternly scolding the guard, saying, "How dare you use the sedan chair of the imperial concubine or empress?" Stop, are you suspicious of the imperial concubine? And the county head is a woman, you are so late, let her get off the sedan chair to search, if there is something wrong, who will be responsible?"

"I don't dare!" The guard hurriedly knelt down on one knee, and said, "It's just that the emperor ordered that anyone who waits must be checked before leaving the palace."

"Since you listen to the emperor's orders, don't you also obey the emperor's token?" Feng Ye said, took out a token from his waist, held it up high, and said.

When those people saw the token, they all knelt down and said, "Long live the emperor, long live the emperor." It was as if the emperor had come in person.

"This king is going out of the palace now, and this king is holding the emperor's token and ordering you to let him go!"

"Yes, County Lord, please." The guards hurriedly stood aside and said.

Feng Ye looked at everyone coldly, and then said to Lian Siyue, "Let's go."

"His Highness Xie Ba rescued the siege." Lian Siyue said, put down the curtain of the sedan chair, followed by Feng Ye, and the sedan chair went out of Zhengyang Gate unimpeded.

Inside the sedan chair, a person who had been squatting slowly sat up. Through the raised sedan chair curtain, she saw the majestic and magnificent imperial palace in the night.

This is the place where she has lived for more than ten years. She was born here, lived with her mother and queen, and was with the prince's brother when she was a child...

But now, the queen mother is dead, and the prince's elder brother is also abolished. She is finally leaving, and she is leaving in this way——

"Lian Siyue, you are right, from now on, there will be no more Feng Lingyue in this world, and everything here has nothing to do with me..."

As she spoke, big tears rolled down her face, and in the slight night light, the tears looked so sad.

Lian Siyue raised her hand, wiped away the cold tears on her face bit by bit with the veil, and said, "Don't be afraid, this is just the beginning..."

Feng Lingyue was lying in Lian Siyue's arms, she was biting one sleeve tightly with her mouth, while the other hand was tightly grasping Lian Siyue's skirt, tears fell one by one, but she held back her tears, Otherwise, cry out by yourself.

The sedan chair didn't stop until it was almost at the Prime Minister's residence. Feng Ye stood beside the sedan chair and asked:

"How are you going to arrange Ling Yue'er?"

Lian Siyue looked at Feng Ye with a cold expression, and said, "His Royal Highness, my agreement with Concubine Xian is only to guide the emperor to put the princess in prison here, and the rest has nothing to do with you, and His Highness does not need to Multiple tubes.

Please, His Highness the Eighth Prince, bring a message to Concubine Xian, I will definitely do what I promised her, but if she wants to hurt people around me, I will return it to her a hundred times and a thousand times. "

(End of this chapter)

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