First-class daughter

Chapter 580 Reappearance of Love Chapter

Chapter 580
Chapter 580
"Did you tell Tang Yao'er that you wanted to save Eleven?" Emperor Zhou Cheng's voice turned cold, and said.

Lian Siyue hurriedly knelt down, and tremblingly said, "The emperor is clearly aware, this, this is just the words of the minister's daughter, the minister's daughter told the imperial concubine that the eleventh princess who just lost her mother is really pitiful, and offended Concubine Xu Xian It is understandable to injure a slave, and I wanted to ask the concubine to save the eleventh princess, but the concubine refuted the plea of ​​the courtier, saying that the emperor's heart is as clear as a mirror, and he has his own decision, so just let the courtier wait."

Lian Siyue spoke in a panic, but the corners of her eyes exuded a faint sense of caution. Although Zhou Chengdi was not a wise king, he was by no means a foolish king. Obviously, he also secretly grasped a lot, but she, as a reborn People are more cautious, meticulous, and in-depth than him!

Therefore, he couldn't dig anything out.

As for his suspicion that she knew the life experience of the eleventh princess, it was just a suspicion. There was no conclusive evidence, and she just had to deny it.

Sure enough, he finally waved his hand and said, "Go down."

"Yes, my daughter-in-law is leaving."

Lian Siyue stood up and left Rongyuan Hall.

When she was leaving the palace, she ran into Princess An, who was obviously waiting for her. She stepped forward, bowed, and said, "Your Highness, thank you for today."

Princess An Guo smiled and said, "Don't thank me either, I am the one who can't hold back this child Yunzheng, he knows what he likes, I don't know where I found a huge piece of jade, and carved it into a bed with my own hands." Moved into my princess mansion, said that sleeping on this jade bed can beautify the skin and prolong life, and come to my mansion every day to accompany me to grow flowers and play chess, collect beauty products for me to eat, and send them to my mansion I hired four cooks, and I was extremely happy to be coaxed.

In the end, he said that if he was not in Beijing, if the eldest daughter of the Lian family, Siyue, asked for help from Aunt Huang, she would ask Aunt Huang to help her.

I took other people's shorthands, and I had to eat other people's shorthands, so I had to agree. "

After hearing this, Lian Siyue couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and said, "Your Highness Ninth Prince knows that the princess loves him, so she acts softly and hard."

"Speaking of pain, this child really loves you. I'm afraid that you may feel wronged. Everything has been thought out for you. As an old man who has lived half my life, I will be moved when I see this kind of junior. , then agreed to his plea.

So, you came to see me yesterday, and I agreed. Anyway, you didn't let me lie, you just let me say a few words for Ling Yue'er. If you are wronged, why not do it. "

Princess An Guo said so on the surface, but in fact, the most important thing is that she has already recognized Feng Yunzheng's strength a long time ago. She wants to help him ascend the throne. , she won't miss it either.

Therefore, for those who Feng Yunzheng cares about, she will naturally help them secretly.

Besides, she felt that even Siyue was not a simple person, and she had a lot to do in the future.

Lian Siyue pretended not to see through this layer, maybe she had a layer of intentions, and said, "It's Yue'er's blessing that the princess is willing to help. Yue'er is grateful and will never forget it."

Princess An showed a satisfied smile on her face, and said, "Okay, it's time for me to go home." Princess An patted Lian Siyue on the shoulder, walked past her, and walked out.

When he turned around, Anguo's face was in a daze for a moment, as if many years ago, there was someone who was always thinking of her, but this person fell in love with another woman and married that person, but she still He tried every possible means to kill that woman, tied him to his side, and asked him to accompany her until his life was consumed. However, although they met each other every day, they were already strangers.

"Princess, what's wrong with you?" He Xiang hurriedly handed over the handkerchief.

Princess An wiped away the tears from her cheeks, and said, "It's nothing, the wind is too strong. Did you see the son-in-law when you left the mansion?"

He Xiang had a hesitant expression on his face, and said, "Princess, today is the death day of that woman."

"Oh." Unexpectedly, Princess An didn't lose her temper, she nodded and said, "It's her death day so soon, He Xiang, get ready, I'll go to worship her."

With that said, Princess An got into the sedan chair.

He Xiang was taken aback for a moment, then followed, and said, "Yes, princess."

On the way back to the mansion, Lian Siyue was thinking about whether to go and see Feng Lingyue, but then she thought about it, now she can't show her face, if she goes to the Jingxi shop too much, she might be suspected, so she held back this thought.

After returning to the mansion, Lian Siyue sat in front of the desk, and couldn't help but think of what Princess An Guo said today, so she opened the drawer, took out a pair of paintings from the scroll, and unfolded——

Feng Yunzheng drew this for herself. She raised her hand and touched his face with her fingertips, a smile appeared on her lips.

After a while, she raised her head and looked at the cold eyebrows in front of her.

An ominous premonition surged in Leng Mei's heart, Lian Siyue smiled slightly, and asked, "Leng Mei, before leaving, His Highness the Ninth Prince, did he say anything to you?"

"Miss, please forgive me. I'm afraid I wasn't hacked to death, but I will be, I will be tired of the words of His Highness the Ninth Prince." Leng Mei thought of the content of the second page of "Yun Zheng's Love Story", and only felt Goosebumps all over my body are about to fall off.

God is sorry to see, she is really just a cold-blooded killer, why did she have such a crooked master.

"So, he did tell you something else. I want to hear it now. Tell me." Lian Siyue said.

She said without hesitation that today, she really missed the days when he was by his side.

Before she could speak, her cold-browed face was as red as if congested. She really couldn't say anything, but when she saw the expectant look in Missy's eyes, she thought of His Highness Jiu, who is not married to Missy. Determined, he finally spoke slowly, saying:

"His Royal Highness also said that if one day, the eldest miss sees things and thinks about others, he also has something to say to the eldest miss, so that the eldest miss cannot feel lonely."

"What are you talking about?" Lian Siyue rested her chin on her hands, showing a bit of girlish charm.

"...Yue, Yue'er, I have been longing for you to grow up, but I am also hesitant to want you to grow up. If you don't grow up, I can't be with you. If you grow up, I have to fuck more A lot of heart, because I know that you will shine brighter and brighter. In this world, I am not the only person who can see your goodness. I want to hide you privately, but I know that this is not what you want, so only Accompany you to go forward with heavy burdens, until the place where the mountains and flowers are blooming, you and I will enjoy the vastness of the world together.

Let me give you two "warnings" first, your eyes are not allowed to look at others, your heart, if anyone wants to enter, you first show him the red string on your wrist, and give him a word—

(End of this chapter)

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