First-class daughter

Chapter 581 Did You Hear

Chapter 581 Did You Hear
Chapter 581 Did You Hear
The red rope is here, the evil spirits will retreat, if they get closer, there will be no bones left. "

"Pfft..." Hearing the last sixteen words, Lian Siyue couldn't help laughing out loud. In her mind, she thought of Feng Yunzheng wearing a silver robe and saying this joke in a serious manner. I found it very amusing.

Browsing cold and blushing, he walked out, and muttered to Qingdai, "Next time, I think let me go out with His Highness, and let Night Breeze stay to protect the eldest lady."

Qing Dai chuckled, and said, "Leng Mei, you are stupid about this matter, how could Your Highness the Ninth Prince let a man like Lord Ye come to talk to Missy about those things?"

With a cold brow, he thought about it again, yes, His Highness would not allow any man to say such "terrible" words to the eldest lady.

"Is Missy here?" At this moment, a voice sounded from the door.

Leng Mei raised his head and saw that it was Lian Tian from the Chief Nursing Hospital, and Lian Tian happened to see Leng Mei with a flushed face. He couldn't help being stunned, and his eyes fell on her face—how could her face be so red like a shy girl? , but I've never seen her like this before.

Sensing the doubt in Lian Tian's eyes, Leng Mei immediately turned cold, and said in a somewhat cold voice, "Why is the Chief Nursing Court looking for the eldest lady?"

"Master, Miss, please go over now."

"Understood, I'm going to talk to the eldest lady." Qing Dai turned around and went into the yard to call for someone.

Leng Mei stood waiting outside the yard, while Lian Tian stood in front of her and waited, his eyes fell on her face involuntarily, Leng Mei frowned, and looked at him sharply, Lian Tian immediately retracted Line of sight, standing upright.

in the cell.

Feng Tangyao was lying on the cold and hard ground, covered with a torn quilt, she was coughing, her face was pale, the imperial doctor squatted on the ground, took his pulse, and prescribed the pills she had been taking for her to take , She shivered, stuffed the pill into her mouth, and ate it.

After a long time, my heart and mouth finally felt a little more comfortable.

"Princess, it's cold in this cell. Don't let it get cold. If you get cold, your asthma will recur again. Repeated attacks of asthma will damage the foundation of your body." left.

"Wait..." Feng Tangyao grabbed the imperial doctor's hand and said, "You, you go to see my father quickly, and tell me that this prison cell is dark and cold. I live here, which will induce asthma and My life is in danger, my father loves me so much, he will definitely soften his heart!"

As Feng Tangyao said, she took off a step on her head, stuffed it into the hands of the imperial physician, and said, "Hand it over for me. If this princess gets out of the prison, she will be very grateful."

The imperial physician took over Bu Yao, and said, "Princess, you can only try for a humble position, the emperor will not accept it, and I can't guarantee a low position."

After the imperial doctor left, Feng Tangyao stood up slowly and leaned against the solid wall. Her hair was disheveled, her clothes were messy, and she was in a mess. She didn't look like the thirteenth princess who had received the grace of the past.

There was an expression of unwillingness on that pale, almost transparent face, "Feng Lingyue, why am I not as good as you..."

"Squeak" At this time, the cell door rang——

A look of surprise flashed across her face, then she suddenly raised her head and said, "Father..."

When she looked up, she saw a face as indifferent as an iceberg appearing in front of her eyes. She paused and said, "Xiao, Xiao He..."

Xiao He walked towards her step by step, his gaze burst out with heavy murderous intent, Feng Tangyao stepped back, and said with a trembling voice, "You, why are you here?"

"Why?" Finally, he stopped, his eyes were scarlet.

"What, why, I, I don't know what you're talking about." Feng Tangyao showed a guilty expression on her face.

"It was you who set fire to Ling Yue'er to death. In this world, how can there be such a cruel person like you. She has nothing. Why do you want to kill her? Why?" Xiao He's eyes were red, and the anger seemed to be hatred. To delay the person in front of me!

"Hehe..." Feng Tangyao suddenly smiled bitterly, and she said loudly, "She has nothing, but she has you!"

Xiao He's heart trembled——

"Xiao He, I love you, don't you know that I love you?

When I first saw you in the school, I fell in love with you. All these years, I have been waiting for myself to grow up, because when I grow up, I can ask my father to let you be My son-in-law!

However, from the day I saw you, your eyes only followed Feng Lingyue. When she was a child, she couldn't answer questions, so you stood behind her every day, helping her out while being the prince's bodyguard. She doesn't know anything, she is so stupid, the Taifu always falters and can't answer the questions she asks, she doesn't have any ambition at all, she just knows to doze off.

She grows up, you go to make contributions, you say you are strong enough to be qualified to marry her, you give her a puppet, you give her a meatloaf, and you protect her with all your heart!
But me, can't you just look back at me?Do you think I don't know?You promised my father to practice kung fu with me, just to see her more!
Xiao He, you don't cherish my sincerity so much, is it fair to me? "

Feng Tangyao stood in front of Xiao He, tears streaming down her face.

"So, you just killed her cruelly?" Xiao He looked at her coldly and asked.

"...Because, because I am really angry that she can have your sincerity, so, so... But, but I have regretted it now, I have regretted Xiao He..."

Xiao He took two steps back dejectedly, and said, "It turns out that it was me, it was I who caused the murder for her, it was I who killed her, it was me!" There was a painful expression on his face, as if he had fallen into into the abyss.

Feng Tangyao took two steps forward, hugged Xiao He's waist impulsively, and said, "Xiao He, don't think about eleven anymore, okay? Look at me, look at me, isn't there an old saying? You still want to take pity on the people in front of you from the old days. Put all your thoughts on Ling Yue'er on me, okay?
What do you like about Eleven, you tell me, me, I will become like her, okay? "

Xiao He ripped her hand away from his body, pushed her away, and said, "You are not qualified to become her, no one can become her!"

Feng Tangyao's heart suddenly sank to the bottom, "Xiao He, are you so cruel to me?"

"No." Xiao He shook his head, "I don't have any heart for you."

" are so indifferent!" Feng Tangyao's heart was broken, she suddenly laughed ironically, "Hehe, you care about her so much, but she lied to you."

Xiao He raised his eyes, his cold eyes fell on her face,

"Feng Lingyue is not a princess at all, but she never told you the truth, I am the real princess." Feng Tangyao shouted.

"What did you say..." Xiao He was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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