Chapter 582
Chapter 582
"Oh, Feng Lingyue is not about the real princess, not only me, but my father and your father all know that even if she didn't die, you would have no results. Your father didn't like Ling Yue'er in the first place, let alone Maybe let you marry a fake golden branch and jade leaf, but my father will not marry a fake princess to a promising young master, so, even if she doesn't die, there is no future between you, no matter how infatuated you are, you won't marry her. If you can't get her, you will never get it." Feng Tangyao said hysterically.

Xiao He slowly recovered from this shocking news, and said slowly:
"...So what if it's fake, what I want is never her identity and status, what I want is her." It's a pity that it's too late!

Ling Yue'er...

is no longer there.

"You, hehe, hehehe... She is dead, she is already dead, even if you die, she will not come back to life, Xiao He, let go, she is a damn person, but, I Let her die a little earlier..."


Suddenly, Xiao He stretched out his hand, and the door of the prison door rushed open, and the jailer at the door suddenly received a shock force, and the whole person rushed towards Xiao He. Shi Shi pulled out the saber from the jailer's waist, and stabbed at Feng Tangyao——

"Hmm..." Feng Tangyao looked at Xiao He in disbelief, then slowly, slowly lowered her head, looking at the sword pierced into the shoulder, "You, you actually..."

"..." With another forceful withdrawal, Feng Tangyao's body swayed forward, Xiao He's hand loosened, and with a clang, the sword fell to the ground. Pale, with blood dripping from the place where he covered it with his hand.

"This sword is to avenge Ling Yue'er, but you will not die."

With that said, he turned around resolutely and walked out quickly——

"Hmm..." As soon as he walked out of the prison door, he felt that his heart was about to burst. He knelt on one knee and put one hand on the ground and the other on his heart.

Just at this moment, it started to rain in the sky, and the rain washed away. He didn't know whether it was tears or rain that left on his face.

He faced the sky and shouted the name loudly, "Ling Yue'er, are you crying? Don't cry, don't cry, do you hear me? I am Xiao He, listen, I will never Will forget, never will."

"Bang!" There was a sound of thunder, and Feng Lingyue sat up suddenly from the bed, panting heavily, sweat dripping down her face.

"Zhili, Zhili, pour me a glass of water." She called out twice, but the room was filled with silence when she answered.

There was a moment of blankness in her eyes, looking at the completely different decorations in front of her, she suddenly remembered that she had left the palace now, and she was no longer the eleventh princess, she was Ah Yue——

A person who does not know his real name, who his parents are, has no identity, and has no future.

She buried her head in the quilt, tears slipping down quietly.

"Ayue, are you okay?" When she heard Mo Liniang's voice from the door, she hastily wiped away her tears, pretending to be calm and saying——

"I'm fine. The thunder was too loud and I just woke up. Boss Mo, go to sleep."

"Okay, if you need anything, just call me, I'll sleep next to you." In order to protect Eleven, Mo Liniang moved the room to her next door.

Qingnan, Anqing Palace,
The Tweeting Order was carried out one by one, and some dissatisfied voices were suppressed by Feng Yunzheng. Pan Xilin ordered to capture the assassins who assassinated Feng Yunzheng in the whole southern Qing Dynasty. Unexpectedly, all the assassins were dead men. When they were arrested, they all killed themselves by biting their tongues, and none of them were caught alive. During the body search, the bodies of the assassins were also clean, and they couldn't find any clues for a while.

When Feng Yunzheng was about to leave Qingnan, he held a banquet in Anqing Palace, and Feng Yunzheng, who had not yet appeared in public, would also attend.

As soon as the news spread, princes and officials of all sizes in southern Qing Dynasty tried their best to participate in this banquet and see the demeanor of His Highness the Ninth Prince from the capital.Therefore, for several days, there was an endless stream of people coming and going to the Anqing Palace.

Jinli Inn is a different scene, free from outside interference, quiet and quiet.

Feng Yunzheng stared intently at the piece of black cloth in front of him, which he asked Night Breeze to take off from the dead assassin——

"Your Highness..." At this moment, there was an excited voice outside the door, and Ye Fengxing hurried in, saying, "Missy has a letter."

"Bring it quickly!" Feng Yunzheng stood up abruptly, and all the inkstones on the table fell to the ground.

"Yes." Night Breeze put his hands on the letter, also looking beaming.

Feng Yunzheng couldn't wait to open it, seeing the familiar handwriting on it, he couldn't help showing a smile on his face——

The so-called elation is what he feels now.

Lian Siyue said in the letter that it is midsummer now, and in the peach groves in Kyoto, those pink and tender peaches are hanging on the treetops. They are really cute. She and the maids went to pick a basket and ate them. It was sweet and delicious, and if he hadn’t finished eating, he asked his mother to make dried peaches. The mother said that the dried peaches made from such fresh peaches tasted sweet and sour, very appetizing. When he returned, he asked his mother to take them for him He tastes it.

Seeing this, the smile on Feng Yunzheng's face deepened, she was saving the delicious food for him.

At this moment, Feng Yunzheng had the illusion that his little wife had prepared meals and was waiting for her husband to come home.

Lian Siyue also said in the letter that she went to Menghua Palace and chatted with the imperial concubine. The sweet-scented osmanthus cake in Menghua Palace is delicious. Anything else, at the end, was mentioned in a light tone—Aunt Xiao accidentally fell into the pond and froze to death.

Although she didn't mention anything else, Feng Yunzheng knew that a lot of things must have happened after he left, and the mention of Aunt Xiao's death was telling him that she had dealt with those people, so he didn't need to worry .

The smile on Feng Yunzheng's face slowly disappeared, and he clenched the letter paper tightly. He knew that a group of tigers and wolves had been surrounding her and wanted to eat her. He was worried, so he made some arrangements before leaving Beijing.

But it's still not enough—

He felt even more that he had to expedite the resolution of the Tweeting Order, and that she couldn't be allowed to face those things alone. As he thought about it, the affection on his face slowly spread——

On the side, Night Breeze poked his head and asked, "Your Highness, so... Missy, did you talk about the people around her?"

"You want to ask Lengmei." Feng Yunzheng raised his head and asked.

"Hey..." Night Breeze scratched his head clumsily, and said, "Your Highness has hit the mark. I don't know how she is doing."

Feng Yunzheng said, "She only said one thing in the letter, Leng Mei went to the peach grove to pick peaches, and Leng Mei ate two of those peaches, and the rest are gone."

"Enough is enough, this sentence is enough, she never eats anything except food and water, and she even ate two peaches." Night Breeze said with a smile.

Feng Yunzheng put the letter in the drawer, and said calmly, "People change, and the changes of women are usually inseparable from men."

"Change? With the man..." Night Breeze suddenly felt nervous and asked, "Your Highness means..."

"The king didn't say anything, let's go to Prince Anqing's mansion." Feng Yunzheng stood up and patted Night Breeze on the shoulder.

"Yes, yes..." Night Breeze froze for a moment and followed, but he felt an unprecedented uneasiness in his heart——

Anqing Palace.

Princess Ruochu's room.

Pan Ruochu sat in front of the bronze mirror, looking at himself in the mirror, with a slight smile on his face——

The servant girl Yinzi took a hairpin and stuck it on her head, and said with a voice of exclamation:

"Princess, you are so beautiful in such clothes. Even the beautiful servants can't take their eyes away. It's no wonder that His Royal Highness is not tempted when he sees your appearance in women's attire."

(End of this chapter)

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