Chapter 583
Chapter 583
I saw Pan Ruochu, the little princess of the Anqing Prince's Mansion, with a little powder on her flawless white face, her brows were far away, her phoenix eyes were shining, she possessed a soul-stirring charm, her lips were like cherry blossoms, gently sips, daydreaming,
Wearing a light lake blue summer dress embroidered with folded branches and piles of flowers, a crescent-colored Phalaenopsis embroidered on the neckline, long black hair pouring down like blue smoke and flowing clouds, scattered around the waist, wearing a Branches with tendrils and wings and three tails with green phoenix hairpins.

"Princess, it's done." The maid who was dressing up said aside.

There was a hint of arrogance in Pan Ruochu's eyes, he stood up, dragged his polar skirt, and walked slowly into the banquet hall.

The moment her figure appeared, almost all eyes fell on her. The wine glasses in the hands of the men fell to the ground with a bang, and the ones with the chopsticks in their hands forgot to pick up the food, while the women were envious and confused. Jealousy.

This Princess Ruochu has always appeared in a heroic attire, but now this attire has removed her heroic appearance, charming, slim and glamorous, truly worthy of the title of the number one beauty in southern Qing Dynasty.

Not only the guests who came here, but even Pan Ruochu's father and brothers were stunned. Pan Ruochu never liked to attend such occasions, and would always use various excuses to leave whenever they met.

The second elder brother Pan Ge said:

"Father, my sister is today..."

Anqing Wang Pan Xilin came back to his senses, a smile slowly appeared on his face, and he said, "It seems that our little princess has moved his 'Fan Xin'."

"The Ninth Prince was assassinated that day, and it was said that a man who looked similar to our Ruochu came to help. It seems that I guessed right. It was Ruochu who pretended to be a man to test the Ninth Prince. The Ninth Highness may be moved." Pan Xilin's eldest son, Pan Wei said.

"Hahaha..." Pan Xilin laughed loudly, and said, "It seems that we are going to have a happy event in Anqing Palace!"

"Father, brother, what are you talking about?" After speaking, Pan Ruochu had already walked over, and at this moment, there was a trace of blush on her face, who was always carefree.

"Sister, we are talking about whether you have a sweetheart, and you are only willing to dress up today. Second brother remembers that the last time you dressed up was on your birthday." Pan Ge and this sister have always been close, and said.

Pan Ruochu heard this, and said coquettishly, "Second brother don't talk nonsense, my sister doesn't want to marry yet."


"His Royal Highness is here..." Just as he was speaking, a loud voice came from outside the palace, Pan Ruochu's heart beat wildly, and he looked in the direction of the door——

I saw a long and tall man appearing in everyone's field of vision. He was wrapped in a silver robe, with dark flower patterns on the silver border of the tribute satin, a golden dragon embroidered on his chest, and a pair of golden dragons on his waist. The bright yellow belt exudes the aura of a king and the demeanor of looking down on everything in the world!

And his appearance not only has the tenderness of spring flowers and autumn moon, but also exudes the sharpness of mountains and deep seas between his brows.

Pan Ruochu found that today he is even more breathtaking than when he first met.


There was a slight smile on her face, her Pan Ruochu's appearance was worthy of Feng Yunzheng's elegance!
Many people saw the true face of His Ninth Prince Feng Yunzheng for the first time. They were confused by his inadvertent amorous feelings for a long time, but they couldn't recover until someone knelt down first, and everyone knelt down one after another. call--

"His Ninth Prince is a thousand years old."

Only Pan Ruochu didn't kneel down, she stood on a high place, passed the crowd, and her eyes fell on Feng Yunzheng.

Ye Feng, who was behind Feng Yunzheng, frowned slightly, and said to himself, it seems that she is another person who has fallen under the grace of His Highness the Ninth Prince, but this woman is more aggressive than others, and she looks unfriendly.

Feng Yunzheng's eyes flicked slightly, raised his hand, and said, "Excuse me, everyone."

"Thank you, Your Highness." Everyone stood up.

That Pan Xilin led his two sons and one daughter to step forward, nodded, and said, "His Highness Ninth is here, I am really lucky to have three lives in Anqing Palace, this is the eldest son Pan Wei, and the second son Pan Ge."

"I have seen His Highness the Ninth Prince." Pan Wei and Pan Ge bowed their hands one by one.

In the end, Pan Xilin proudly introduced Feng Yunzheng to his youngest daughter, Pan Ruochu, and said, "Your Highness, this is my little girl, Ruochu."

Pan Ruochu stepped forward, bowed his head slightly, and said, "Ruochu pays homage to His Highness the Ninth Prince." She had a slender figure, and her voice was like a valley nightingale. The image of a heroic martial artist on the martial arts arena is like two different people.

If anyone can get this girl, and often show people with different faces, it is really lucky for three lives.

However, Feng Yunzheng just nodded and said, "The princess is flat." There was no wave in his gaze, nor did he stay for a moment.

Pan Ruochu noticed his alienation and politeness, and couldn't help being stunned——

But immediately, there was an imperceptible smile on his face, this Ninth Highness is really not as superficial as other men, he is energetic and restrained.

"Your Highness, please take your seat." Pan Xilin personally led Feng Yunzheng to sit down, and he himself sat on Feng Yunzheng's lower head. His two sons sat on the left side, and Pan Ruochu sat on the left side.

At the banquet, singing and dancing was peaceful, and everyone sang to wine.

Feng Yunzheng talked to King Anqing from time to time, calm and indifferent, with a restrained demeanor.

"Your Highness Ninth, please report back to the emperor. The people of Qingnan will always be loyal to the imperial court and the emperor." Pan Xilin stepped forward with a silver cup in his hand, bowed and said.

Feng Yunzheng picked up the wine in front of him and said, "I have noticed King Anqing's intentions for the court. When I return to Beijing, I will report to my father."

He faintly exudes the air of a king, but he is restrained and mysterious. Even a certain expression on his face makes everyone guess a little bit more.

Then, Pan Xilin asked the three children to toast Feng Yunzheng one by one, and Pan Ruochu would be Pan Wei after the toast.

When Pan Ruochu came to Feng Yunzheng with a wine glass, everyone's eyes fell on them. The Princess Ruochu seldom showed up, but today she was dressed up and was willing to toast. Everyone had seen through the thoughts of King Anqing .

The men who fell in love with Pan Ruochu couldn't help but secretly feel disappointed. If His Highness Jiu wants to, they will never have another chance.

"Your Highness Nine, Ruochu respects you." Pan Ruochu walked over gracefully with a wine glass in his slender hand, and said.

Feng Yunzheng nodded, paid back, drank a cup, but didn't say much, Pan Ruochu looked at Pan Xilin, Pan Xilin understood, and said:
"Your Highness, if my little girl is good at rhythm, why not let her play a piece of music for His Highness's enjoyment."

Feng Yunzheng nodded politely, and said, "Everyone here must have seen the beauty of the princess, please."

When he finished speaking, Pan Ruochu's face was not as calm as before. What his father said was to play a song for him, but he said that she played for everyone. These words were clearly and secretly rejecting his father's use of her to get close .

(End of this chapter)

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