First-class daughter

Chapter 588 ok ok

Chapter 588 ok ok
Chapter 588 ok ok
"Yes!" Wang Qin and Ning Lang listened to the order and quickly organized 20 people to search for the missing A Jue.

Lian Yanfu's eyes were heavy, and he clenched his fists secretly. Jue'er is the eldest son of the Lian family, and his elder brother urged him to protect him. Now, if something happened to Jue'er, how would he go back and face his elder brother? To the old mother at home!
"Did he say anything before he left?" Lian Yanfu asked Huang Yan again.

Huang Yan thought about it for a while, and said, "The centurion said four words when he turned around - 'Je'er is not filial', I thought, I should have said these words to his parents."

Lian Yanfu's brows furrowed even tighter. He suddenly remembered what Lian Jue had said to him two nights ago, as well as the formation plan he had studied carefully all night in his tent.

Could it be that Jue'er's disappearance today was not caused by death, but deliberately?

As the wind blew by, thoughts flashed across Lian Yanfu's weather-beaten face.

On the battlefield filled with gunpowder smoke, flags fell to the ground, corpses lay horizontally, and white smoke floated up.

At this time, a mound of dirt moved suddenly, as if watching, stopped after moving, then moved again, and then saw a man covered in dirt crawling out of it, although his body was gray and black, However, it was still hard to hide the handsomeness on his face.

I saw that after climbing out of the mound, he quickly walked over to the Khitan soldiers lying on the ground one by one, turned them over, took off their clothes, and looked over carefully.

When he saw his name crookedly embroidered on the clothes of one of the corpses, a smile appeared on his face——

No matter which country they are in, many soldiers will sew their names on their close-fitting clothes, so that even if they die, they will be completely unrecognizable. After reading the name on the clothes, they can know the name of the deceased.

He quickly took off the dead body and his own clothes, and changed them into each other, then picked up the soldier wearing his own clothes and threw them to a distant place, and then he lay down on the spot where the dead body had just been lying on. place.

Just lying down for a while, he got up again, pulled out the dagger hidden next to his boots, and by the light of the dagger, he took a last look at his face——

Then, he pressed the dagger sharply against his face, and with one hand, he cut his face with force, from the corner of the eye, to the corner of the mouth, and suddenly blood flowed out, from the face to the mouth , fell to the chest position.

Enduring the severe pain, with trembling hands, he stabbed the dagger in the shoulder again, then clenched his teeth, threw the dagger far away, and then picked up a handful of bloody soil and smeared it On the face, a face was smeared black and black, blending with the blood, so that the whole face could no longer see its original appearance.

After doing all this, he lay on the ground like a dead body.

After a while, he vaguely heard footsteps and voices coming from his ears, and he immediately closed his eyes.

I saw that several Khitan soldiers in different clothes were doing the aftermath of the battle. They turned over the corpses wearing Khitan clothes one by one. If they were dead, they would lift them up and pile them up. Carry it back for treatment.

After checking around like this, it turned out that there was not even a single survivor. A look of grief flashed across the face of the odd general, and said:
"Go back and report to the king."

"Yes!" Everyone took orders and prepared to go back home.

After walking a few steps, suddenly, one of the Khitan soldiers shouted excitedly, "Come on, here, there is still a survivor here, he was wounded, unconscious, and not dead yet."

After hearing this, all the Khitan soldiers rushed over, and they saw a soldier who had been cut down lying there, his head was ashen and his face was covered with blood.

The leader, Amigu, bent down, pulled off his collar, took a look, and saw a name embroidered on it——


"Come here, take him back and let the doctor treat him."


So, everyone lifted the wounded man onto the shelf and carried him back to Khitan's barracks.

On the way to the Khitan barracks, Lian Jue opened his eyes cautiously and in a daze. He dimly saw that he was getting farther and farther away from Da Zhou's barracks. The soldiers cut it off with one knife!
He clenched his fists secretly, and there was a chill in his eyes.

Along the way, he also heard these Khitan soldiers talking about Yelu Chongyuan, the great king of the Southern Academy, how wise he was and how he foresaw things like a god.

A hint of sarcasm flashed in Lian Jue's eyes, he wanted to know for himself whether the King of the Southern Courtyard was really as amazing as they said.

When he arrived at the Khitan barracks, everything here was unfamiliar to this young boy. He smelled the smell of blood, saw the smoke and dust, and saw those Khitan people coming and going. Some of them were seriously injured. Some people are throwing the bloody beef piece by piece into the big basin, it seems that they are preparing dinner.

"Put him here and let the doctor come and have a look." Lian Jue felt his body sink, and he was put down with the shelf, and he closed his eyes slightly.

After a while, he felt that someone would lift his eyelids, pry open his mouth, and pinch his pulse.

"His shoulders, back, legs, and face are all wounded. First, treat the wounds, apply medicine, and he will recover in a few days." The doctor was by his side, probably telling the person in charge A person who looks after the wounded.

"There is too much dirt on his face, the wound will be infected, wash it off quickly." When he heard these words, Lian Jue's heart sank, and he clenched his hands secretly again.

In order not to be seen by the people of the Great Zhou Dynasty, he personally ruined his picturesque face, leaving a long scar on his face. Now he has to clean up the dirt. His heart, Can't help feeling a little apprehensive.

"Get up quickly and fight a little battle. It's just half dead, and it's not a serious injury. If you say it, you will lose face of the King of the South Courtyard!" At this time, he felt someone pulling him up forcefully.

He immediately sat up, pulled the washbasin, buried his face in the water, washed it for a while, then wet his hair to cover some of his face, then straightened his body, and lay down stiffly go down.

The basin of water in the washbasin suddenly turned red with blood, and the soldier who scolded him was startled for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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