First-class daughter

Chapter 589 Going deep into the enemy camp

Chapter 589 Going deep into the enemy camp
Chapter 589 Going deep into the enemy camp
"It turns out that there is such a deep knife wound on the face, and it's hard to see if it's covered by mud." The soldier muttered.

"Apply these medicines on his face to prevent the wounds from being infected and festered." The doctor ordered, and the scolding soldier helped Lian Jue to sit up, and applied a layer of black medicine on him, which almost covered the wound. Covering half of his face made him look a bit hideous, which happened to cover up all the heroic spirit in his original appearance.

After the doctor and the soldier walked away, Lian Jue tore off a strip from his close-fitting clothing, and wrapped it around his face, leaving only a small half of his face, so as not to be recognized by people who knew Hong Gu. What he was going to do now , to gain an in-depth understanding of what the interior of this Khitan is like——

The fourth uncle is right, the reason why Yelu Chongyuan took the initiative in the battle between the two sides is because Yelu Chongyuan has been preparing for a long time, and secondly, Yelu Chongyuan knows the habits of the Han people very well, but they don't know much about the Khitan .

That's why he risked his life to sneak into Khitan's interior. In addition, he had another plan——

To capture the thief, first capture the king. If there is a chance, he will assassinate Yelu Chongyuan and burn the food and grass of the Khitan people.

Lianjue and many wounded were placed in the rear to recuperate. He quickly figured out that this Honggu belonged to the vanguard. In this battle, the vanguard was almost wiped out, leaving only him and the other two wounded. , he must act as soon as possible, so as not to be seen as a flaw.

At night--

"The king is here! The king is here!"

I don't know who yelled, and I saw the surrounding soldiers knelt down on one knee, shouting——

"My lord is a thousand years old!"

Lian Jue also knelt down along with him. From a distance, he saw a resolute figure approaching surrounded by several people. He was wearing a black beard suit and a white fox fur cloak. Wearing a black fur official hat on his head, he exudes a domineering aura. When he got closer, he found that Yelu Zhongyuan was not very old, about thirty, younger than his fourth uncle. He is tall and slender, probably related to Han Chinese blood. His appearance is not as rough as ordinary Khitan people. On the contrary, he seems to have both the reservedness of Han people and the exotic courage of Khitan. His eyes are deep, and his face is as deep as if carved by a knife. His ruthless lips were tightly pursed, and wherever he went, the faces of all the soldiers showed reverence for gods.

I saw that he walked all the way to the high platform, and his eyes that made people feel a burst of pressure lingered on the people below for a week, and then he laughed and said:
"I'm a good Khitan warrior. Those Han people who beat me up today almost fucked up, hahahaha..."

His voice was loud and full of arrogance.

"Your Majesty is a thousand years old!" All the soldiers below cheered and waved their weapons.

A determined look flashed across Yelu Chongyuan's face. He raised his hand, and everyone held their breath. He continued:
"I, Yelu Chongyuan, swear to the Changshengtian here, that in my lifetime, I will conquer the Shanhai Pass, go straight to the Central Plains, and let the Han people be ruled by us Khitans!"

"Good! Good!"

"Rule the Han people! The king is a thousand years old!"

The soldiers below were all very excited, and Lian Jue shouted along with him, but his eyes narrowed slightly, falling on Yelu Chongyuan's face, and the fists in his sleeves were slowly clenched.

Yue Wangfu.

In Lian Shiya's room, she was sitting in front of the bronze mirror, looking at herself in the mirror. These days, she has been applying the scar gel given by Lian Siyue. Although the scars are still there, they have really faded away. With thick gouache and rouge, the scars are only faintly visible.

A smile appeared on her face. It seemed that it was not impossible for the scar to completely fade away.

After a while, the door opened, and her maid, Cheng Xiu, came in carefully carrying a stew pot, and said, "Madam, your tonic is ready."

Upon hearing this, Lian Shiya hurriedly said, "Bring it here quickly."

She carefully opened the stew pot.Suddenly, a disgusting smell of blood rushed towards her face, and Cheng Xiu almost vomited when she smelled it, but Lian Shiya put her nose up and showed an intoxicated expression on her face.

Inside is a Zihe cart that has just been peeled off from the fetus, bloody and warm.

This is when Lian Shiya listened to Aunt Xiao's words and collected purple river carts to eat to lighten the scars on her face. At the beginning, she also ordered Cheng Xiu to cook the bloody thing and stew it quietly. Later, She also heard people say that eating raw is the most effective in nourishing the skin, so she simply put some brown sugar into the raw Zihe cart, stirred it, and ate it raw.

At this moment, if she had found a treasure, there was a piercing smile in her eyes, she picked up the chopsticks, stuffed the red thing into her mouth piece by piece and swallowed it, and then drank the blood mixed with brown sugar into the stomach.

"Ouch..." Chengxiu finally couldn't hold it anymore, turned around, covered her heart, and vomited.

Lian Shiya seemed not surprised, took the handkerchief, wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, broke off the tea on the side, took a few sips, cleared the bloody smell in her mouth, and said, "I'm done eating, take Go wash it, don't let anyone find out that I am giving birth to Ziheche, if it spreads out, it will ruin my reputation."

"Yes, yes," Cheng Xiu felt a chill in the back of his head, resisting the feeling of nausea again, took the lid to cover the stew pot, and hurried out with it.

"Ma'am, the princess wants you to accompany her to admire the lotus by the pond." At this time, Xiao Rou's servant girl's voice came from outside the door.

Lian Shiya responded, but there was a disgusted expression on her face. Last time, Xiao Rou made a mistake and was fined to stay at home, so she called her over every day to do this and that, to coax her The princess is happy.

Although she is unwilling in every possible way, even Shiya has no power or power, and she doesn't even have looks, so she can only cater to her superficially.

She looked in the mirror, put another layer of powder on her face, to cover up the scars more thoroughly, and then went all the way to the lotus pond.

Sitting in the pavilion, Princess Xiao Rou of Yue could not help but frowned when she saw Lian Shiya covered with heavy makeup, and said sarcastically, "You have put the whole box of water powder on your face, right? I'm almost passed out, don't you look in the mirror when you go out? It's so white and thick, and if you walk harder, the powder will fall on the ground."

Xiao Rou said it so harshly, because she actually couldn't understand how she worked so hard for her face, as if she wanted to change into her original appearance to seduce someone.

Lian Shiya's face turned red and white after hearing this, and said in a low voice, "I don't know the scars on my face, the scars on my face are too scary. I cover them like this to hide the scars, so as not to make people feel uncomfortable. It's better to wear heavy makeup than scars." Scars are better."

(End of this chapter)

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